1,712 research outputs found

    Architectural design digital change: interactivity policy

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    Several researches have been focused on digital architecture historical perspectives of the design throughout the sixties. This paper purposes a different view based on the influence of art, science and computation in architecture that contributed to the use of interactivity in architectural design. The aim is to describe the evolution of interactive CAD from MIT’s Project CAD and Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad to the early digital architectural design pioneers: Steven Coons, Gyorgy Kepes and Nicholas Negroponte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New roles for users in online news media? Exploring the application of interactivity through European case studies

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    Knowledge is Power: the Internet and the Kenyan Public Sphere.

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    The Internet will
 serve multiple functions as the world’s favourite public library, school classroom and medical database, post office and telephone, marketplace and shopping mall, channel of entertainment, culture and music, daily news resource for headlines, stocks and weather, and heterogeneous global public sphere.(Norris 6

    The Technology Trap: Lessons from the One Laptop Per Child Program

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    This thesis project was submitted to the graduate degree program in Global and International Studies and the Graduate Faculty of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts.Just as the industrial revolution reshaped society in much of the world during the 19th century, the rapid spread of computer technology has dramatically changed the world in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. However, just as the industrial revolution was slow to reach many parts of the world, the spread of computer technology around the globe has been anything but even. Developed countries are advancing at a faster pace than most less-developed countries, despite having started with a relative advantage, and the gap between the “global north” and the “global south” continues to grow. As a result, many efforts have been made to narrow the gap – in terms of education, health care, living standards, and more – with mixed results. In many cases, the assistance comes in the form of “boomerang aid,” which helps the donor country more than the recipient. Other cases are more benign, such as the One Laptop Per Child program explored in this paper, where well-meaning efforts fail to properly anticipate real-world challenges, leading to limited successes at best

    Seeking empathy in conscious cities

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    The vision of the conscious city has entered the radar. It takes as its heartland, the idea of a ‘conversation’ between inhabitants, digitally imbued objects and responsive architectural fabrics at the city scale. Can advances in the internet of everything, neuroscience, AI and big data enable social opportunities in a more sentient city? This chapter considers the ethics of an architectural dialogic — bringing questions of computational neutrality and democratic participation to the fore in the design and curation of ‘intelligent architecture’

    Computer science and technology : historiography IX (9)

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    Internet 1996 World Exposition ..

    The roots of 4IR in architecture: a military drawing machine used for space perception in architecture

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    This paper analyses how architecture became a pioneer discipline in digital interactivity research. It describes how that pioneer research derives from a lineage of researchers whose work spans more than two decades beginning in the early fifties. Military funds enabled the creation of the first computer graphic interfaces that evolved into a - drawing machine", the first interactive CAD, that made possible the role of architecture as a pioneering discipline in interactivity research. It is expected to demonstrate that the same architecture that nowadays uses mainly interactive digital design was one of first disciplines to research interactivity addressing a gap in the study of the link between architecture and interactivity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
