8 research outputs found

    Multifunctions determined by integrable functions

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    Integral properties of multifunctions determined by vector valued functions are presented. Such multifunctions quite often serve as examples and counterexamples. In particular it can be observed that the properties of being integrable in the sense of Bochner, McShane or Birkhoff can be transferred to the generated multifunction while Henstock integrability does not guarantee i

    A Constrained, Possibilistic Logical Approach for Software System Survivability Evaluation

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    In this paper, we present a logical framework to facilitate users in assessing a software system in terms of the required survivability features. Survivability evaluation is essential in linking foreign software components to an existing system or obtaining software systems from external sources. It is important to make sure that any foreign components/systems will not compromise the current system’s survivability properties. Given the increasing large scope and complexity of modern software systems, there is a need for an evaluation framework to accommodate uncertain, vague, or even ill-known knowledge for a robust evaluation based on multi-dimensional criteria. Our framework incorporates user-defined constrains on survivability requirements. Necessity-based possibilistic uncertainty and user survivability requirement constraints are effectively linked to logic reasoning. A proof-of-concept system has been developed to validate the proposed approach. To our best knowledge, our work is the first attempt to incorporate vague, imprecise information into software system survivability evaluation

    Possibilistic networks: MAP query and computational analysis

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    International audienc

    Actes des 22èmes rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, 10-11 octobre 2013, Reims, France

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    Interval-based possibilistic logic in a coherent setting

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    In probability theory the notion of coherence has been introduced by de Finetti in terms of bets and it reveals to be equivalent to the notion of consistence of a partial assessment with a finitely additive probability. An important feature of coherent assessments is their coherent extendibility: in general we obtain a class of coherent extensions, determining a lower and an upper envelope. A similar notion of coherence has been recently introduced for (T -conditional) possibility measures, where T is a t-norm. The extendibility of coherent possibility assessments reveals to be particularly suitable for studying interval-based possibilistic logic. Our aim is to compare the results implied by the coherent setting with those obtained in different approaches, in particular, that relying on classical T -based conditioning

    Théorie des possibilités à intervalles : conditionnement et transformations probabilités/possibilités

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    Cette thèse contribue au développement de formalismes efficaces pour représenter l’information incertaine. Les formalismes existants tels que la théorie des probabilités ou la théorie des possibilités sont parmi les cadres les plus connus et utilisés pour représenter ce type d’information. Différentes extensions (e.g. théorie des probabilités imprécises, théorie des possibilités à intervalles) ont été proposées pour traiter des informations incomplètes ou des connaissances mal-connues, ainsi que pour raisonner avec les connaissances d’un groupe d’experts. Les contributions de cette thèse sont divisées en deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous développons le conditionnement dans le cadre des possibilités à intervalles et dans le cadre des possibilités ensemblistes. Conditionner dans le cadre standard diffère que l’on considère l’échelle possibiliste qualitative ou quantitative. Notre travail traite les deux définitions du conditionnement possibiliste. Ce qui nous amène à étudier une nouvelle extension de la logique possibiliste, définie comme logique possibiliste ensembliste, et son opérateur de conditionnement dans le cadre possibiliste qualitatif. Ces résultats, plus spécialement en termes de complexité, nous amène à étudier les transformations, plus précisément des transformations du cadre probabiliste vers le cadre possibiliste. En effet, nous analysons des propriétés les tâches de raisonnement comme la marginalisation et le conditionnement. Nous nous attaquons aussi aux transformations des probabilités imprécises vers les possibilités avec un intérêt particulier pour l’inférence MAP.This thesis contributes to the development of efficient formalisms to handle uncertain information. Existing formalisms such as probability theory or possibility theory are among the most known and used settings to represent such information. Extensions and generalizations (e.g. imprecise probability theory, interval-based possibilistic theory) have been provided to handle uncertainty such as incomplete and ill-known knowledge and reasoning with the knowledge of a group of experts. We are particularly interested in reasoning tasks within these theories such as conditioning. The contributions of this thesis are divided in two parts. In the first part, we tackle conditioning in interval-based possibilistic framework and set-valued possibilistic framework. The purpose is to develop a conditioning machinery for interval-based possibilistic logic. Conditioning in a standard possibilistic setting differs whether we consider a qualitative or quantitative scale. Our works deal with both definitions of possibilistic conditioning. This leads us to investigate a new extension of possibilisticlogic, defined as set-valued possibilistic logic, and its conditioning machinery in the qualitative possibilistic setting. These results, especially in terms of complexity, lead us to study transformations, more precisely from probability to possibility theories. The second part of our contributions deals with probability-possibility transformation procedures. Indeed, we analyze properties of reasoning tasks such as conditioning and marginalization. We also tackle transformations from imprecise probability theory to possibility theory with a particular interest in MAP inference