7,385 research outputs found

    Partial Coherence Estimation via Spectral Matrix Shrinkage under Quadratic Loss

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    Partial coherence is an important quantity derived from spectral or precision matrices and is used in seismology, meteorology, oceanography, neuroscience and elsewhere. If the number of complex degrees of freedom only slightly exceeds the dimension of the multivariate stationary time series, spectral matrices are poorly conditioned and shrinkage techniques suggest themselves. When true partial coherencies are quite large then for shrinkage estimators of the diagonal weighting kind it is shown empirically that the minimization of risk using quadratic loss (QL) leads to oracle partial coherence estimators superior to those derived by minimizing risk using Hilbert-Schmidt (HS) loss. When true partial coherencies are small the methods behave similarly. We derive two new QL estimators for spectral matrices, and new QL and HS estimators for precision matrices. In addition for the full estimation (non-oracle) case where certain trace expressions must also be estimated, we examine the behaviour of three different QL estimators, the precision matrix one seeming particularly robust and reliable. For the empirical study we carry out exact simulations derived from real EEG data for two individuals, one having large, and the other small, partial coherencies. This ensures our study covers cases of real-world relevance

    A theory of L1L^1-dissipative solvers for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux

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    We propose a general framework for the study of L1L^1 contractive semigroups of solutions to conservation laws with discontinuous flux. Developing the ideas of a number of preceding works we claim that the whole admissibility issue is reduced to the selection of a family of "elementary solutions", which are certain piecewise constant stationary weak solutions. We refer to such a family as a "germ". It is well known that (CL) admits many different L1L^1 contractive semigroups, some of which reflects different physical applications. We revisit a number of the existing admissibility (or entropy) conditions and identify the germs that underly these conditions. We devote specific attention to the anishing viscosity" germ, which is a way to express the "Γ\Gamma-condition" of Diehl. For any given germ, we formulate "germ-based" admissibility conditions in the form of a trace condition on the flux discontinuity line x=0x=0 (in the spirit of Vol'pert) and in the form of a family of global entropy inequalities (following Kruzhkov and Carrillo). We characterize those germs that lead to the L1L^1-contraction property for the associated admissible solutions. Our approach offers a streamlined and unifying perspective on many of the known entropy conditions, making it possible to recover earlier uniqueness results under weaker conditions than before, and to provide new results for other less studied problems. Several strategies for proving the existence of admissible solutions are discussed, and existence results are given for fluxes satisfying some additional conditions. These are based on convergence results either for the vanishing viscosity method (with standard viscosity or with specific viscosities "adapted" to the choice of a germ), or for specific germ-adapted finite volume schemes

    Local exclusion and Lieb-Thirring inequalities for intermediate and fractional statistics

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    In one and two spatial dimensions there is a logical possibility for identical quantum particles different from bosons and fermions, obeying intermediate or fractional (anyon) statistics. We consider applications of a recent Lieb-Thirring inequality for anyons in two dimensions, and derive new Lieb-Thirring inequalities for intermediate statistics in one dimension with implications for models of Lieb-Liniger and Calogero-Sutherland type. These inequalities follow from a local form of the exclusion principle valid for such generalized exchange statistics.Comment: Revised and accepted version. 49 pages, 2 figure

    Equidistribution estimates for eigenfunctions and eigenvalue bounds for random operators

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    We discuss properties of L2L^2-eigenfunctions of Schr\"odinger operators and elliptic partial differential operators. The focus is set on unique continuation principles and equidistribution properties. We review recent results and announce new ones.Comment: Keywords: scale-free unique continuation property, equidistribution property, observability estimate, uncertainty relation, Carleman estimate, Schr\"odinger operator, elliptic differential equatio

    Super-Resolution of Positive Sources: the Discrete Setup

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    In single-molecule microscopy it is necessary to locate with high precision point sources from noisy observations of the spectrum of the signal at frequencies capped by fcf_c, which is just about the frequency of natural light. This paper rigorously establishes that this super-resolution problem can be solved via linear programming in a stable manner. We prove that the quality of the reconstruction crucially depends on the Rayleigh regularity of the support of the signal; that is, on the maximum number of sources that can occur within a square of side length about 1/fc1/f_c. The theoretical performance guarantee is complemented with a converse result showing that our simple convex program convex is nearly optimal. Finally, numerical experiments illustrate our methods.Comment: 31 page, 7 figure

    Organization and Inequality in a Knowledge Economy

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    We present a theory of the organization of work in an economy where knowledge is an essential input in production: a knowledge economy. In this economy a continuum of agents with heterogeneous skills must choose how much knowledge to acquire and may produce on their own or in organizations. Our theory generates an assignment of workers to positions, a wage structure, and a continuum of knowledge-based hierarchies. Organization allows low skill agents to ask others for directions. Thus, they acquire less knowledge than in isolation. In contrast, organization allows high skill agents to leverage their knowledge through large teams. Hence, they acquire more knowledge than on their own. As a result, organization decreases wage inequality within workers, but increases income inequality among the highest skill agents. We also show that equilibrium assignments and earnings can be interpreted as the outcome of alternative market institutions such as firms, or consulting and referral markets. We use our theory to study the impact of information and communication technology, and contrast its predictions with US evidence.

    High-resolution distributed sampling of bandlimited fields with low-precision sensors

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    The problem of sampling a discrete-time sequence of spatially bandlimited fields with a bounded dynamic range, in a distributed, communication-constrained, processing environment is addressed. A central unit, having access to the data gathered by a dense network of fixed-precision sensors, operating under stringent inter-node communication constraints, is required to reconstruct the field snapshots to maximum accuracy. Both deterministic and stochastic field models are considered. For stochastic fields, results are established in the almost-sure sense. The feasibility of having a flexible tradeoff between the oversampling rate (sensor density) and the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) precision, while achieving an exponential accuracy in the number of bits per Nyquist-interval per snapshot is demonstrated. This exposes an underlying ``conservation of bits'' principle: the bit-budget per Nyquist-interval per snapshot (the rate) can be distributed along the amplitude axis (sensor-precision) and space (sensor density) in an almost arbitrary discrete-valued manner, while retaining the same (exponential) distortion-rate characteristics. Achievable information scaling laws for field reconstruction over a bounded region are also derived: With N one-bit sensors per Nyquist-interval, Θ(log⁥N)\Theta(\log N) Nyquist-intervals, and total network bitrate Rnet=Θ((log⁥N)2)R_{net} = \Theta((\log N)^2) (per-sensor bitrate Θ((log⁥N)/N)\Theta((\log N)/N)), the maximum pointwise distortion goes to zero as D=O((log⁥N)2/N)D = O((\log N)^2/N) or D=O(Rnet2−ÎČRnet)D = O(R_{net} 2^{-\beta \sqrt{R_{net}}}). This is shown to be possible with only nearest-neighbor communication, distributed coding, and appropriate interpolation algorithms. For a fixed, nonzero target distortion, the number of fixed-precision sensors and the network rate needed is always finite.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; paper withdrawn from IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and re-submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
