165 research outputs found

    Terahertz and mid-infrared photodetectors based on intersubband transitions in novel materials systems

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    The terahertz (THz) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectral regions have many potential applications in the industrial, biomedical, and military sectors. Yet, a wide portion of this region of the electromagnetic spectrum (particularly the THz range) is still relatively unexplored, due mainly to the absence of suitable sources and photodetectors, related to the lack of practical semiconductor materials with adequately small band gap energies. Intersubband transitions (ISBTs) between quantized energy states in quantum heterostructures provide tunable wavelengths over a broad spectral range including the THz region, by choosing appropriate layer thicknesses and compositions. This work focuses on the development of THz and MIR Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (QWIPs) based on ISBTs in GaN/AlGaN and Si/SiGe heterostructures. Due to their large optical phonon energies, GaN materials allow extending the spectral reach of existing far-infrared photodetectors based on GaAs, and may enable higher-temperature operation. In the area of MIR optoelectronic devices, I have focused on developing QWIPs based on ISBTs in Si/SiGe heterostructures in the form of on strain-engineered nanomembranes. Due to their non-polar nature, these materials are free from reststrahlen absorption and ultrafast resonant electron/phonon scattering, unlike traditional III-V semiconductors. Therefore, Si/SiGe quantum wells (QWs) are also promising candidates for high-temperature high-performance ISB device operation (particularly in the THz region), with the additional advantage of direct integration with CMOS technology. In this thesis work, numerical modeling is used to design the active region of the proposed devices, followed by sample fabrication and characterization based on lock-in step-scan Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Three specific QWIP devices have been developed. The first is a III-nitride THz QWIP based on a novel double-step QW design in order to alleviate the material limitations provided by the intrinsic electric fields of GaN/AlGaN heterostructures. Next, I have developed a THz GaN/AlGaN QWIP grown on semi-polar (202 ̅1 ̅) GaN, where the detrimental effects of the internal fields are almost completely eliminated. Finally, I have demonstrated a Si/SiGe MIR QWIP based on a novel fabrication approach, where nanomembrane strain engineering is used to address the materials quality issues normally found in SiGe QWs. Promising photodetector performance is obtained in all cases.2017-06-21T00:00:00

    Nonlinear optical functionalities of VO2- and GaN-based nanocomposites

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    This thesis presents fundamental research and concepts for active photonic elements operating in the telecom wavelength regime. The aim of the study is to determine the characteristics of the investigated nanostructures and to evaluate the implementation of the proposed materials in potential optical devices. In the first part of this thesis the optical properties as well as the photonic application of vanadium dioxide (VO2) nanocrystals (NCs) are studied. VO2 exhibits an easily accessible insulator-to-metal phase transition (IMT) near ambient temperatures. Upon excitation it undergoes an atomic rearrangement that is accompanied by a substantial modification of the complex dielectric function. When VO2 undergoes the IMT, the near-infrared transmission peaks of a moderate-finesse etalon containing a sub-wavelength layer of VO2 NCs are found to markedly shift in their spectral position and peak transmissivity. Both heat deposition and optical excitation permit to actively control the etalon’s functionality. Much less is known about the nonlinear optical properties of VO2 beyond the established IMT. To this end the nonlinear optical response of a thin film of VO2 NCs is investigated with open aperture z-scans involving femtosecond near-infrared pulses. A pronounced saturable absorption on the short-wave side of the resonance as well as a marked reverse saturable absorption in the telecom window are observed. The results hold promise for the use of VO2 nanocrystals as a saturable absorber, e.g., to mode-locked near-infrared lasers. In the second part a semiconductor heterostructure based on hexagonal ultranarrow GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells (MQWs) is investigated. The tailored inter-miniband (IMB) transition is characterized in terms of its linear as well as ultrafast nonlinear optical properties using the established pump-probe scheme. In line with theoretical predictions for LO-phonon scattering, a fast relaxation is found for resonant IMB excitation. In stark contrast, significantly larger relaxation times are observed for photon energies addressing the above barrier continuum. The last section reports on a new type of nonlinear metasurface taking advantage of these telecom-range IMB transitions. The heterostructure is functionalized with an array of plasmonic antennas featuring cross-polarized resonances at these near-infrared wavelengths and their second harmonic. This kind of nonlinear metasurface allows for substantial second harmonic generation at normal incidence which is completely absent for an antenna array without the heterostructure underneath

    Optically pumped terahertz laser based on intersubband transitions in a GaN/AlGaN double quantum well

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    A design for a GaN/AlGaN optically pumped terahertz laser emitting at 34 µm (ΔE~36 meV) is presented. This laser uses a simple three-level scheme where the depopulation of the lower laser level is achieved via resonant longitudinal-optical-phonon emission. The quasibound energies and associated wave functions are calculated with the intrinsic electric field induced by the piezoelectric and the spontaneous polarizations. The structures based on a double quantum well were simulated and the output characteristics extracted using a fully self-consistent rate equation model with all relevant scattering processes included. Both electron-longitudinal-optical phonon and electron-acoustic-phonon interactions were taken into account. The carrier distribution in subbands was assumed to be Fermi–Dirac-like, with electron temperature equal to the lattice temperature, but with different Fermi levels for each subband. A population inversion of 12% for a pumping flux Φ=10(27) cm(–2) s(–1) at room temperature was calculated for the optimized structure. By comparing the calculated modal gain and estimated waveguide and mirror losses the feasibility of laser action up to room temperature is predicted

    Development of III-nitride-based waveguides for application in all-optical integrated circuits at 1.55 [my]m

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    El desarrollo de una nueva tecnología todo-óptica para el procesado de datos en las futuras redes de telecomunicación está generando un gran interés desde hace una década. Esta tecnología está encaminada al total aprovechamiento del gran ancho de banda que proporciona la fibra óptica, evitando la conversión entre los dominios óptico y eléctrico necesaria en cada nodo de las redes de comunicaciones actuales. Esta nueva tecnología todo-óptica requiere de diferentes componentes ópticos que puedan ser controlados ópticamente. Estos dispositivos se obtienen a partir de distintos materiales semiconductores y se implementan de forma miniaturizada en un circuito todo-óptico integrado operando a 1.55 [my]m, mejorando de esta forma la fiabilidad del sistema y reduciendo su coste. Teniendo en cuenta que los nitruros del grupo III son materiales que han demostrado un gran potencial para aplicaciones en comunicaciones ópticas a 1.55 [my]m, el objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos todo-ópticos basados en éstos para su futura implementación en circuitos fotónicos integrados ultrarrápidos operando a longitudes de onda de telecomunicación. Durante esta Tesis se han desarrollado varios dispositivos de guía de onda basados en diferentes estructuras de nitruros del grupo III sobre substratos de zafiro y funcionando a 1.55 [my]m. En primer lugar, se han optimizado diferentes guías de onda ópticas basadas en pozos y puntos cuánticos de GaN/AlN para trabajar como absorbentes saturables a través de sus transiciones intersubbanda. Estas guías de onda podrían utilizarse en procesos de conmutación todo-óptica. En segundo lugar, se ha optimizado el crecimiento de AlN por sputtering de radiofrecuencia permitiendo su uso para la fabricación de guías de onda pasivas. El comportamiento óptico lineal de las guías de AlN por sputtering muestra su idoneidad para actuar como interconectores pasivos de bajo coste en un circuito todo-óptico integrado. Por último, se han optimizado dos tipos de guías de onda basadas en InN por sputtering para funcionar como absorbentes saturables inversos mediante procesos de absorción de dos fotones. La respuesta óptica no lineal de ambas guías abre la posibilidad de utilizar estos dispositivos para aplicaciones en limitación todo-óptica a longitudes de onda de telecomunicación