7 research outputs found

    Deconfined Intersection Types in Java

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    We show how Java intersection types can be freed from their confinement in type casts, in such a way that the proposed Java extension is safe and fully compatible with the current language. To this aim, we exploit two calculi which formalise the simple Java core and the extended language, respectively. Namely, the second calculus extends the first one by allowing an intersection type to be used anywhere in place of a nominal type. We define a translation algorithm, compiling programs of the extended language into programs of the former calculus. The key point is the interaction between ?-expressions and intersection types, that adds safe expressiveness while being the crucial matter in the translation. We prove that the translation preserves typing and semantics. Thus, typed programs in the proposed extension are translated to typed Java programs. Moreover, semantics of translated programs coincides with the one of the source programs

    Monadic Intersection Types, Relationally (Extended Version)

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    We extend intersection types to a computational λ\lambda-calculus with algebraic operations \`a la Plotkin and Power. We achieve this by considering monadic intersections, whereby computational effects appear not only in the operational semantics, but also in the type system. Since in the effectful setting termination is not anymore the only property of interest, we want to analyze the interactive behavior of typed programs with the environment. Indeed, our type system is able to characterize the natural notion of observation, both in the finite and in the infinitary setting, and for a wide class of effects, such as output, cost, pure and probabilistic nondeterminism, and combinations thereof. The main technical tool is a novel combination of syntactic techniques with abstract relational reasoning, which allows us to lift all the required notions, e.g. of typability and logical relation, to the monadic setting

    Spores: A Type-Based Foundation for Closures in the Age of Concurrency and Distribution

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    Functional programming (FP) is regularly touted as the way forward for bringing parallel, concurrent, and distributed programming to the mainstream. The popularity of the rationale behind this viewpoint (immutable data transformed by function application) has even lead to a number of object-oriented (OO) programming languages adopting functional features such as lambdas (functions) and thereby function closures. However, despite this established viewpoint of FP as an enabler, reliably distributing function closures over a network, or using them in concurrent environments nonetheless remains a challenge across FP and OO languages. This paper takes a step towards more principled distributed and concurrent programming by introducing a new closure-like abstraction and type system, called spores, that can guarantee closures to be serializable, thread-safe, or even have general, custom user-defined properties. Crucially, our system is based on the principle of encoding type information corresponding to captured variables in the type of a spore. We prove our type system sound, implement our approach for Scala, evaluate its practicality through an small empirical study, and show the power of these guarantees through a case analysis of real-world distributed and concurrent frameworks that this safe foundation for migratable closures facilitates