29,653 research outputs found

    Intersection Information based on Common Randomness

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    The introduction of the partial information decomposition generated a flurry of proposals for defining an intersection information that quantifies how much of "the same information" two or more random variables specify about a target random variable. As of yet, none is wholly satisfactory. A palatable measure of intersection information would provide a principled way to quantify slippery concepts, such as synergy. Here, we introduce an intersection information measure based on the G\'acs-K\"orner common random variable that is the first to satisfy the coveted target monotonicity property. Our measure is imperfect, too, and we suggest directions for improvement.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Communication Complexity of Permutation-Invariant Functions

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    Motivated by the quest for a broader understanding of communication complexity of simple functions, we introduce the class of "permutation-invariant" functions. A partial function f:{0,1}n×{0,1}n{0,1,?}f:\{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n\to \{0,1,?\} is permutation-invariant if for every bijection π:{1,,n}{1,,n}\pi:\{1,\ldots,n\} \to \{1,\ldots,n\} and every x,y{0,1}n\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \in \{0,1\}^n, it is the case that f(x,y)=f(xπ,yπ)f(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}) = f(\mathbf{x}^{\pi}, \mathbf{y}^{\pi}). Most of the commonly studied functions in communication complexity are permutation-invariant. For such functions, we present a simple complexity measure (computable in time polynomial in nn given an implicit description of ff) that describes their communication complexity up to polynomial factors and up to an additive error that is logarithmic in the input size. This gives a coarse taxonomy of the communication complexity of simple functions. Our work highlights the role of the well-known lower bounds of functions such as 'Set-Disjointness' and 'Indexing', while complementing them with the relatively lesser-known upper bounds for 'Gap-Inner-Product' (from the sketching literature) and 'Sparse-Gap-Inner-Product' (from the recent work of Canonne et al. [ITCS 2015]). We also present consequences to the study of communication complexity with imperfectly shared randomness where we show that for total permutation-invariant functions, imperfectly shared randomness results in only a polynomial blow-up in communication complexity after an additive O(loglogn)O(\log \log n) overhead

    Non-locality and Communication Complexity

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    Quantum information processing is the emerging field that defines and realizes computing devices that make use of quantum mechanical principles, like the superposition principle, entanglement, and interference. In this review we study the information counterpart of computing. The abstract form of the distributed computing setting is called communication complexity. It studies the amount of information, in terms of bits or in our case qubits, that two spatially separated computing devices need to exchange in order to perform some computational task. Surprisingly, quantum mechanics can be used to obtain dramatic advantages for such tasks. We review the area of quantum communication complexity, and show how it connects the foundational physics questions regarding non-locality with those of communication complexity studied in theoretical computer science. The first examples exhibiting the advantage of the use of qubits in distributed information-processing tasks were based on non-locality tests. However, by now the field has produced strong and interesting quantum protocols and algorithms of its own that demonstrate that entanglement, although it cannot be used to replace communication, can be used to reduce the communication exponentially. In turn, these new advances yield a new outlook on the foundations of physics, and could even yield new proposals for experiments that test the foundations of physics.Comment: Survey paper, 63 pages LaTeX. A reformatted version will appear in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Feedback Enhances Simultaneous Wireless Information and Energy Transmission in Multiple Access Channels

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    In this report, the fundamental limits of simultaneous information and energy transmission in the two-user Gaussian multiple access channel (G-MAC) with and without feedback are fully characterized. More specifically, all the achievable information and energy transmission rates (in bits per channel use and energy-units per channel use, respectively) are identified. Furthermore, the fundamental limits on the individual and sum- rates given a minimum energy rate ensured at an energy harvester are also characterized. In the case without feedback, an achievability scheme based on power-splitting and successive interference cancellation is shown to be optimal. Alternatively, in the case with feedback (G-MAC-F), a simple yet optimal achievability scheme based on power-splitting and Ozarow's capacity achieving scheme is presented. Finally, the energy transmission enhancement induced by the use of feedback is quantified. Feedback can at most double the energy transmission rate at high SNRs when the information transmission sum-rate is kept fixed at the sum-capacity of the G-MAC, but it has no effect at very low SNRs.Comment: INRIA REPORT N{\deg}8804, accepted for publication in IEEE transactions on Information Theory, March, 201

    Passive network tomography for erroneous networks: A network coding approach

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    Passive network tomography uses end-to-end observations of network communication to characterize the network, for instance to estimate the network topology and to localize random or adversarial glitches. Under the setting of linear network coding this work provides a comprehensive study of passive network tomography in the presence of network (random or adversarial) glitches. To be concrete, this work is developed along two directions: 1. Tomographic upper and lower bounds (i.e., the most adverse conditions in each problem setting under which network tomography is possible, and corresponding schemes (computationally efficient, if possible) that achieve this performance) are presented for random linear network coding (RLNC). We consider RLNC designed with common randomness, i.e., the receiver knows the random code-books all nodes. (To justify this, we show an upper bound for the problem of topology estimation in networks using RLNC without common randomness.) In this setting we present the first set of algorithms that characterize the network topology exactly. Our algorithm for topology estimation with random network errors has time complexity that is polynomial in network parameters. For the problem of network error localization given the topology information, we present the first computationally tractable algorithm to localize random errors, and prove it is computationally intractable to localize adversarial errors. 2. New network coding schemes are designed that improve the tomographic performance of RLNC while maintaining the desirable low-complexity, throughput-optimal, distributed linear network coding properties of RLNC. In particular, we design network codes based on Reed-Solomon codes so that a maximal number of adversarial errors can be localized in a computationally efficient manner even without the information of network topology.Comment: 40 pages, under submission for IEEE Trans. on Information Theor

    Optimal Error Rates for Interactive Coding II: Efficiency and List Decoding

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    We study coding schemes for error correction in interactive communications. Such interactive coding schemes simulate any nn-round interactive protocol using NN rounds over an adversarial channel that corrupts up to ρN\rho N transmissions. Important performance measures for a coding scheme are its maximum tolerable error rate ρ\rho, communication complexity NN, and computational complexity. We give the first coding scheme for the standard setting which performs optimally in all three measures: Our randomized non-adaptive coding scheme has a near-linear computational complexity and tolerates any error rate δ<1/4\delta < 1/4 with a linear N=Θ(n)N = \Theta(n) communication complexity. This improves over prior results which each performed well in two of these measures. We also give results for other settings of interest, namely, the first computationally and communication efficient schemes that tolerate ρ<27\rho < \frac{2}{7} adaptively, ρ<13\rho < \frac{1}{3} if only one party is required to decode, and ρ<12\rho < \frac{1}{2} if list decoding is allowed. These are the optimal tolerable error rates for the respective settings. These coding schemes also have near linear computational and communication complexity. These results are obtained via two techniques: We give a general black-box reduction which reduces unique decoding, in various settings, to list decoding. We also show how to boost the computational and communication efficiency of any list decoder to become near linear.Comment: preliminary versio