17 research outputs found

    Modular Verification of Interrupt-Driven Software

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    Interrupts have been widely used in safety-critical computer systems to handle outside stimuli and interact with the hardware, but reasoning about interrupt-driven software remains a difficult task. Although a number of static verification techniques have been proposed for interrupt-driven software, they often rely on constructing a monolithic verification model. Furthermore, they do not precisely capture the complete execution semantics of interrupts such as nested invocations of interrupt handlers. To overcome these limitations, we propose an abstract interpretation framework for static verification of interrupt-driven software that first analyzes each interrupt handler in isolation as if it were a sequential program, and then propagates the result to other interrupt handlers. This iterative process continues until results from all interrupt handlers reach a fixed point. Since our method never constructs the global model, it avoids the up-front blowup in model construction that hampers existing, non-modular, verification techniques. We have evaluated our method on 35 interrupt-driven applications with a total of 22,541 lines of code. Our results show the method is able to quickly and more accurately analyze the behavior of interrupts.Comment: preprint of the ASE 2017 pape

    HcM-FreeRTOS: hardware-centric FreeRTOS for ARM Multicore

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    Migration to multicore is inevitable. To harness the potential of this technology, embedded system designers need to have available operating systems (OSes) with built-in capabilities for multicore hardware. When designed to meet real-time requirements, multicore SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing) OSes not only face the inherent problem of concurrent access to shared kernel resources, but still suffer from a bifid priority space, dictated by the co-existence of threads and interrupts.This work in progress paper presents the offloading of the FreeRTOS kernel components to a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multicore hardware. The ARM Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) is exploited to implement a multicore hardware centric version of the FreeRTOS that not only solves the priority inversion problem, but also removes the need of internal software synchronization points. Promising preliminary results on performance and determinism are presented, and the research roadmap is discussed.Sandro Pinto is supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (grant SFRH/BD/91530/2012). This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: PEst-UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Thread verification vs. interrupt verification

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    Journal ArticleInterrupts are superficially similar to threads, but there are subtle semantic differences between the two abstractions. This paper compares and contrasts threads and interrupts from the point of view of verifying the absence of race conditions. We identify a small set of extensions that permit thread verification tools to also verify interrupt-driven software, and we present examples of source-to-source transformations that turn interrupt-driven code into semantically equivalent thread-based code that can be checked by a thread verifier

    Porting sloth system to FreeRTOS for ARM Multicore

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresThe microprocessor industry is in the midst of a dramatic transformation. Up until recently, to boost microprocessors’ performance it was solely relied on increasing clock frequency. Nowadays, however, the power consumption requirements, coupled with the growing consumer demand, made the industry shift their focus from singlecore to multicore solutions, which offer an increase in performance, without a proportional increase in power consumption. The embedded systems field is no exception and the trend to use multicore solutions has been rising substantially in the last few years. Managing control flow is one of the core responsibilities of an operating system. Bearing this in mind, operating systems suffer from the existence of a bifid priority space, dictated by the co-existence of synchronous threads, managed by kernel scheduler, and asynchronous interrupt handlers, scheduled by hardware. This induces a well-identified problem, termed rate-monotonic priority inversion. Regarding safety-critical real-time systems, where time and determinism play a critical role, the inherent possibility of delayed execution of real-time threads by hardware interrupts with semantically lower priority can have catastrophic consequences to human life. Within this context, this dissertation presents the extension of a previous ’inhouse’ project, by proposing the implementation of a unified priority space approach (Sloth) in a multicore environment. To accomplish this, it is proposed the offloading of the scheduling decisions and synchronization mechanisms to a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware interrupt controller (removing the need for a software scheduler) on an ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore platform.A indústria de microprocessores está envolta numa transformação dramática. Até recentemente, para impulsionar a performance, a indústria dependia somente do aumento gradual da frequência de relógio. Atualmente, os requisitos de consumo energético, conjugados com as crescentes exigências do consumidor, levaram a indústria a mudar o seu foco de soluções singlecore para soluções multicore. Estas oferecem um aumento substancial de performance, sem o proporcional aumento de consumo energético, característico das arquiteturas singlecore. Os sistemas embebidos não são excepção e a tendência para a utilização de soluções multicore tem aumentado substancialmente nos últimos anos. Uma das principais responsabilidades de um sistema operativo é a gestão do fluxo de controlo. Neste contexto, os sistemas operativos sofrem da existência de um espaço de prioridades bifurcado, caracterizado pela existência de tarefas, geridas pelo escalonador do kernel (software) e de interrupções, escalonadas por hardware. Introduz-se, assim, um problema bem identificado na comunidade científica, denominado rate-monotonic priority inversion. Em sistemas de tempo real, em que a segurança assume um papel fulcral e onde a performance e o determinismo são essenciais, a possibilidade da execução de tarefas de elevada prioridade ser atrasada, por interrupções de hardware com prioridade semântica inferior, pode ter consequências catastróficas para a vida humana. Neste sentido, esta dissertação apresenta a extensão de um trabalho anterior, propondo a implementação de um espaço de prioridades unificado (Sloth), num ambiente multicore. Assim sendo, é proposto o offloading do escalonador e mecanismos de sincronização para o controlador de interrupções (hardware) numa plataforma ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore

    Sloth: Threads as Interrupts

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    Multi Sloth: An Efficient Multi-core RTOS Using Hardware-Based Scheduling

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    Anwendungsgewahre statische Spezialisierung vormals dynamischer Systemaufrufe zur Verbesserung nichtfunktionaler Eigenschaften eingebetteter Echtzeitsysteme

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    Eingebettete Systeme sind aus unserem heutigen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie sind allgegenwärtig in fast jedem Moment unseres täglichen Lebens um uns vorhanden und unterstützen unseren Alltag. Wir erwarten von diesen Systemen gleichzeitig sowohl hohe Kosteneffizienz in Entwicklung als auch Produktion. Gleichzeitig erwarten wir, dass diese zuverlässig arbeiten und stets erwartungsgemäß reagieren. Dies führt gerade bei der großen Stückzahl und dem weiter steigenden Vorkommen dieser Systeme zu einem immensen Druck auf den Entwicklungsprozess neuer Systeme. Während ein fertiges System entsprechend der Umgebung eine festgelegte Aufgabe und damit eine festgelegte Software-Anwendung hat, die es ausführt, sind die für dessen Implementierung und Ausführung verwendeten Werkzeuge nicht speziell für genau diese Aufgabe gedacht, sondern für eine Vielzahl möglicher Anwendungen. Dies bedeutet, dass sie einen deutlich größeren Funktionsumfang und eine größere Flexibilität in der Verwendung dessen ermöglichen, als von der konkreten Anwendung benötigt wird. In dieser Arbeit beschäftige ich mich mit den Echtzeitbetriebssystemen (EZBS), die als Ausführungsgrundlage dienen. Diese stellen ein breites Spektrum an Primitiven verschiedener Systemobjektklassen dazugehöriger Interaktionsmethoden zur Verfügung, von denen eine Anwendung nur eine Teilmenge verwendet. Bei den hier betrachteten dynamisch konfigurierten Systemen werden alle Systemobjekte zur Laufzeit konfiguriert und auch ihre Interaktionen sind ausschließlich durch den Verlauf des Programmcodes bestimmt. Ein Betriebssystem muss dementsprechend jederzeit beliebige Systemaufrufe akzeptieren können, auch wenn diese von der Anwendung nicht ausgeführt werden. Diese Freiheit verursacht pessimistische Annahmen für mögliche Interaktionsmuster und erzwingt eine dynamische Verwaltung aller Systemzustände und Systemobjekte. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich daher Verfahren vor, mit denen systematisch und automatisiert vormals dynamische Systemaufrufe unter Beachtung der Anforderungen einer gegebenen Anwendung statisch spezialisiert werden können, sodass sich insgesamt die nichtfunktionalen Eigenschaften des Gesamtsystems verbessern. Mittels statischer Analyse ermittle ich die von der Anwendung verwendeten Systemobjekte und deren mögliche Interaktionen. Mit diesem Wissen führe ich in Spezialisierungen in der Phase des Systemstarts und in der Arbeitsphase des Systems zur Übersetzungszeit durch. Der Systemstart optimiere ich, indem semantisch statische Systemobjekte bereits zur Übersetzungszeit instanziiert werden. Interaktionen während der Arbeitsphase optimiere ich, indem ich auf die tatsächlichen Verwendungsmuster spezialisierte Implementierungen von Systemobjekten und deren Interaktionen einsetze. Mit diesen Spezialisierungen bin ich in der Lage, sowohl Laufzeit als auch Speicherbedarf eines spezialisierten Systems zu reduzieren. Den Systemstart kann ich um bis zu 67 % beschleunigen. Bei der Ausführungszeit eines einzelnen Systemaufrufs zur Kommunikation zweier Systemobjekte sind bis zu 43 % Reduktion möglich. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit kann ich zeigen, dass eine automatische anwendungsgewahre statische Spezialisierung von vormals dynamischen Systemaufrufen gewinnbringend möglich ist. Dabei kann ich das Ergebnis von Systemaufrufen zur Laufzeit vorausberechnen und damit sowohl die sonst benötigte Laufzeit reduzieren, als auch eventuell nicht mehr benötigte Systemaufrufimplementierungen im Betriebssystem einsparen. Durch den Einsatz von anwendungsangepassten Implementierungen von Systemaufrufen ist eine weitere Verbesserung gegeben. Dies ist in einem fließenden Übergang möglich, sodass diejenigen Komponenten, die die Flexibilität der dynamischen Betriebssystemschnittstelle benötigen, diese weiterhin uneingeschränkt zur Verfügung steht. Die funktionalen Eigenschaften und Anforderungen werden dabei unter keinen Umständen verletzt.DFG/Sachbeihilfe im Normalverfahren/LO 1719/4-1/E

    Interaction-aware analysis and optimization of real-time application and operating system

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    Mechanical and electronic automation was a key component of the technological advances in the last two hundred years. With the use of special-purpose machines, manual labor was replaced by mechanical motion, leaving workers with the operation of these machines, before also this task was conquered by embedded control systems. With the advances of general-purpose computing, the development of these control systems shifted more and more from a problem-specific one to a one-size-fits-all mentality as the trade-off between per-instance overheads and development costs was in favor of flexible and reusable implementations. However, with a scaling factor of thousands, if not millions, of deployed devices, overheads and inefficiencies accumulate; calling for a higher degree of specialization. For the area real-time operating systems (RTOSs), which form the base layer for many of these computerized control systems, we deploy way more flexibility than what is actually required for the applications that run on top of it. Since only the solution, but not the problem, became less specific to the control problem at hand, we have the chance to cut away inefficiencies, improve on system-analyses results, and optimize the resource consumption. However, such a tailoring will only be favorable if it can be performed without much developer interaction and in an automated fashion. Here, real-time systems are a good starting point, since we already have to have a large degree of static knowledge in order to guarantee their timeliness. Until now, this static nature is not exploited to its full extent and optimization potentials are left unused. The requirements of a system, with regard to the RTOS, manifest in the interactions between the application and the kernel. Threads request resources from the RTOS, which in return determines and enforces a scheduling order that will ensure the timely completion of all necessary computations. Since the RTOS runs only in the exception, its reaction to requests from the application (or from the environment) is its defining feature. In this thesis, I will grasp these interactions, and thereby the required RTOS semantic, in a control-flow-sensitive fashion. Extracted automatically, this knowledge about the reciprocal influence allows me to fit the implementation of a system closer to its actual requirements. The result is a system that is not only in its usage a special-purpose system, but also in its implementation and in its provided guarantees. In the development of my approach, it became clear that the focus on these interactions is not only highly fruitful for the optimization of a system, but also for its end-to-end analysis. Therefore, this thesis does not only provide methods to reduce the kernel-execution overhead and a system's memory consumption, but it also includes methods to calculate tighter response-time bounds and to give guarantees about the correct behavior of the kernel. All these contributions are enabled by my proposed interaction-aware methodology that takes the whole system, RTOS and application, into account. With this thesis, I show that a control-flow-sensitive whole-system view on the interactions is feasible and highly rewarding. With this approach, we can overcome many inefficiencies that arise from analyses that have an isolating focus on individual system components. Furthermore, the interaction-aware methods keep close to the actual implementation, and therefore are able to consider the behavioral patterns of the finally deployed real-time computing system