523 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable interconnects in DSM systems: a focus on context switch behavior

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    Recent advances in the development of reconfigurable optical interconnect technologies allow for the fabrication of low cost and run-time adaptable interconnects in large distributed shared-memory (DSM) multiprocessor machines. This can allow the use of adaptable interconnection networks that alleviate the huge bottleneck present due to the gap between the processing speed and the memory access time over the network. In this paper we have studied the scheduling of tasks by the kernel of the operating system (OS) and its influence on communication between the processing nodes of the system, focusing on the traffic generated just after a context switch. We aim to use these results as a basis to propose a potential reconfiguration of the network that could provide a significant speedup

    Dynamic Systolization for Developing Multiprocessor Supercomputers

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    A dynamic network approach is introduced for developing reconfigurable, systolic arrays or wavefront processors; This allows one to design very powerful and flexible processors to be used in a general-purpose, reconfigurable, and fault-tolerant, multiprocessor computer system. The concepts of macro-dataflow and multitasking can be integrated to handle variable-resolution granularities in computationally intensive algorithms. A multiprocessor architecture, Remps, is proposed based on these design methodologies. The Remps architecture is generalized from the Cedar, HEP, Cray X- MP, Trac, NYU ultracomputer, S-l, Pumps, Chip, and SAM projects. Our goal is to provide a multiprocessor research model for developing design methodologies, multiprocessing and multitasking supports, dynamic systolic/wavefront array processors, interconnection networks, reconfiguration techniques, and performance analysis tools. These system design and operational techniques should be useful to those who are developing or evaluating multiprocessor supercomputers

    Integration of tools for the Design and Assessment of High-Performance, Highly Reliable Computing Systems (DAHPHRS), phase 1

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    Systems for Space Defense Initiative (SDI) space applications typically require both high performance and very high reliability. These requirements present the systems engineer evaluating such systems with the extremely difficult problem of conducting performance and reliability trade-offs over large design spaces. A controlled development process supported by appropriate automated tools must be used to assure that the system will meet design objectives. This report describes an investigation of methods, tools, and techniques necessary to support performance and reliability modeling for SDI systems development. Models of the JPL Hypercubes, the Encore Multimax, and the C.S. Draper Lab Fault-Tolerant Parallel Processor (FTPP) parallel-computing architectures using candidate SDI weapons-to-target assignment algorithms as workloads were built and analyzed as a means of identifying the necessary system models, how the models interact, and what experiments and analyses should be performed. As a result of this effort, weaknesses in the existing methods and tools were revealed and capabilities that will be required for both individual tools and an integrated toolset were identified

    A comparative study of arbitration algorithms for the Alpha 21364 pipelined router

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    Interconnection networks usually consist of a fabric of interconnected routers, which receive packets arriving at their input ports and forward them to appropriate output ports. Unfortunately, network packets moving through these routers are often delayed due to conflicting demand for resources, such as output ports or buffer space. Hence, routers typically employ arbiters that resolve conflicting resource demands to maximize the number of matches between packets waiting at input ports and free output ports. Efficient design and implementation of the algorithm running on these arbiters is critical to maximize network performance.This paper proposes a new arbitration algorithm called SPAA (Simple Pipelined Arbitration Algorithm), which is implemented in the Alpha 21364 processor's on-chip router pipeline. Simulation results show that SPAA significantly outperforms two earlier well-known arbitration algorithms: PIM (Parallel Iterative Matching) and WFA (Wave-Front Arbiter) implemented in the SGI Spider switch. SPAA outperforms PIM and WFA because SPAA exhibits matching capabilities similar to PIM and WFA under realistic conditions when many output ports are busy, incurs fewer clock cycles to perform the arbitration, and can be pipelined effectively. Additionally, we propose a new prioritization policy called the Rotary Rule, which prevents the network's adverse performance degradation from saturation at high network loads by prioritizing packets already in the network over new packets generated by caches or memory.Mukherjee, S.; Silla Jiménez, F.; Bannon, P.; Emer, J.; Lang, S.; Webb, D. (2002). A comparative study of arbitration algorithms for the Alpha 21364 pipelined router. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 37(10):223-234. doi:10.1145/605432.605421S223234371

    Static allocation of computation to processors in multicomputers

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    Efficient parallel architecture for highly coupled real-time linear system applications

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    A systematic procedure is developed for exploiting the parallel constructs of computation in a highly coupled, linear system application. An overall top-down design approach is adopted. Differential equations governing the application under consideration are partitioned into subtasks on the basis of a data flow analysis. The interconnected task units constitute a task graph which has to be computed in every update interval. Multiprocessing concepts utilizing parallel integration algorithms are then applied for efficient task graph execution. A simple scheduling routine is developed to handle task allocation while in the multiprocessor mode. Results of simulation and scheduling are compared on the basis of standard performance indices. Processor timing diagrams are developed on the basis of program output accruing to an optimal set of processors. Basic architectural attributes for implementing the system are discussed together with suggestions for processing element design. Emphasis is placed on flexible architectures capable of accommodating widely varying application specifics

    A sweep algorithm for massively parallel simulation of circuit-switched networks

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    A new massively parallel algorithm is presented for simulating large asymmetric circuit-switched networks, controlled by a randomized-routing policy that includes trunk-reservation. A single instruction multiple data (SIMD) implementation is described, and corresponding experiments on a 16384 processor MasPar parallel computer are reported. A multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD) implementation is also described, and corresponding experiments on an Intel IPSC/860 parallel computer, using 16 processors, are reported. By exploiting parallelism, our algorithm increases the possible execution rate of such complex simulations by as much as an order of magnitude