35,179 research outputs found

    Knowledge and the artefact

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    This paper discusses ways that knowledge may be found in or through artefacts. One purpose is to suggest situations where artefacts might be central to a narrative, rather than secondary to a text. A second purpose is to suggest ways that design and production of artefacts might be instrumental in eliciting knowledge. Four general situations are proposed: (1) Simple Forms - an artefact demonstrates or describes a principle or technique. (2) Communication of Process - artefacts arising from a process make the process explicit. (3) Artefacts Within the Research - artefacts are instrumental in advancing the research by communicating ideas or information. (4) Knowledge Elicited by Artefacts - artefacts provide a stimulus or context which enables information to be uncovered. .</p

    Design thinking support: information systems versus reasoning

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    Numerous attempts have been made to conceive and implement appropriate information systems to support architectural designers in their creative design thinking processes. These information systems aim at providing support in very diverse ways: enabling designers to make diverse kinds of visual representations of a design, enabling them to make complex calculations and simulations which take into account numerous relevant parameters in the design context, providing them with loads of information and knowledge from all over the world, and so forth. Notwithstanding the continued efforts to develop these information systems, they still fail to provide essential support in the core creative activities of architectural designers. In order to understand why an appropriately effective support from information systems is so hard to realize, we started to look into the nature of design thinking and on how reasoning processes are at play in this design thinking. This investigation suggests that creative designing rests on a cyclic combination of abductive, deductive and inductive reasoning processes. Because traditional information systems typically target only one of these reasoning processes at a time, this could explain the limited applicability and usefulness of these systems. As research in information technology is increasingly targeting the combination of these reasoning modes, improvements may be within reach for design thinking support by information systems

    The influence of conceptual user models on the creation and interpretation of diagrams representing reactive systems

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    In system design, many diagrams of many different types are used. Diagrams communicate design aspects between members of the development team, and between these experts and the non-expert customers and future users. Mastering the creation of diagrams is often a challenging task, judging by particular errors persistently found in diagrams created by undergraduate computer science students. We assume a possible misalignment between human perception and cognition on the one hand and the diagrams’ structure and syntax on the other. This article presents the results of an investigation of such a misalignment. We focus on the deployment of so-called 'conceptual user models' (mental models, created by users in their mind) at the creation of diagrams. We propose a taxonomy for mental mappings, used for categorization of representations. We describe an experiment where naive and novice subjects created one or several diagrams of a familiar task. We use our taxonomy for analysing these diagrams, both for the represented task structure and the symbols used. The results indeed show a mismatch between mental models and currently used diagram techniques

    The Spatial Dictionary

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    This thesis and the corresponding portfolio ‘The Spatial Dictionary’ is an investigation into the use of written language as a generative and descriptive approach for the design of Interior spaces. The potential utility of the dictionary as an object is explored as a conceptual ‘tool-box’ for the use of Interior designers. The dictionary is to be viewed here as a mechanism to translate both concrete and abstract visual ‘concepts’ into a written commentary, using a defined list of terms, whilst inadvertently exploring the notion that the exploration of this spatial vocabulary gives us an insight into what constitutes interior space and design. This thesis investigates the position that spatial language is not simply one of identification of phenomena pertaining to space but it can also be used as a tool for the intention and creation of interior spaces and desig

    Plotting the Centre: Bramante’s Drawings for the New St. Peter’s Basilica

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    This paper examines the concept of 'centre' in the design and symbolism of the new St Peter's Basilica, executed by Donato Bramante in the early 16th century. Drawing upon theological and philosophical notions of centre in late Medieval and Renaissance culture (specifically Nicolas Cusanus), the study argues that Bramante's drawings for the project reveal a particular understanding of centre, and its constellations of sub-centres, that broadly follow Platonic cosmological principles highlighted in the Timaeus. The paper considers how this understanding of space was also communicated in the iconography of the frescoes in the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican Palace, executed by Raphael at the same time as Bramante's design for the new basilica, in which Bramante is also credited as the author of the perspective construction

    Analysing how constraints impact architectural decision-making

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    Architectural design projects are characterised by a high number of constraints. Along with planning, energy performance and fire safety regulations, current designers have to face constraining factors related to budget, acoustics, orientation, wind turbulence, accessibility for the disabled, and so forth. These constraints steer the design process implicitly and explicitly in certain directions as soon as architectural designers aim at satisfying design briefs. We aim in this article at analysing the impact of such constraints on the design process. At this end, we have studied four design sessions in a particular (student) design use case. In analysing these four sessions, we used linkography as a method, because this appeared to be one of the better options to obtain a more quantitative assessment of the design process. The linkography method was combined with an interview of the student design team, in order to check the correctness of our conclusions

    Learning strategies in interpreting text: From comprehension to illustration

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    Learning strategies can be described as behaviours and thoughts a learner engages in during learning that are aimed at gaining knowledge. Learners are, to use Mayer’s (1996) constructivist definition, ‘sense makers’. We can therefore position this to mean that, if learners are sense makers, then learning strategies are essentially cognitive processes used when learners are striving to make sense out of newly presented material. This paper intends to demonstrate that such thoughts and behaviours can be made explicit and that students can co-ordinate the basic cognitive processes of selecting, organising and integrating. I will discuss two learning strategies which were developed during three cycles of an action research enquiry with a group of illustration students. While each cycle had its own particular structure and aims, the main task, that of illustrating a passage of expository text into an illustration was a constant factor. The first learning strategy involved assisting students develop ‘macropropositions’—personal understandings of the gist or essence of a text (Louwerse and Graesser, 2006; Armbruster, Anderson and Ostertag, 1987; Van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983). The second learning strategy used a form of induction categorised as analogical reasoning (Holyoak, 2005; Sloman and Lagnado, 2005). Both strategies were combined to illustrate the expository text extract. The data suggests that design students benefit from a structured approach to learning, where thinking processes and approaches can be identified and accessible for other learning situations. The research methodology is based on semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, developmental design (including student notes) and final design output. All student names used are pseudonyms. The text extract from ‘Through the Magic Door’ an essay Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (1907) has been included as it provides context to analysis outcomes, student comments and design outputs. Keywords: Action Research; Illustration; Macrostructures; Analogical Reasoning; Learning Strategies</p
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