1,646 research outputs found

    Interpretable Per Case Weighted Ensemble Method for Cancer Associations

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular measurements from cancer patients such as gene expression and DNA methylation can be influenced by several external factors. This makes it harder to reproduce the exact values of measurements coming from different laboratories. Furthermore, some cancer types are very heterogeneous, meaning that there might be different underlying causes for the same type of cancer among different individuals. If a model does not take potential biases in the data into account, this can lead to problems when trying to predict the stage of a certain cancer type. This is especially true when these biases differ between the training and test set. RESULTS: We introduce a method that can estimate this bias on a per-feature level and incorporate calculated feature confidences into a weighted combination of classifiers with disjoint feature sets. In this way, the method provides a prediction that is adjusted for the potential biases on a per-patient basis, providing a personalized prediction for each test patient. The new method achieves state-of-the-art performance on many different cancer data sets with measured DNA methylation or gene expression. Moreover, we show how to visualize the learned classifiers to display interesting associations with the target label. Applied to a leukemia data set, our method finds several ribosomal proteins associated with the risk group, which might be interesting targets for follow-up studies. This discovery supports the hypothesis that the ribosomes are a new frontier in genadaptivelearninge regulation. CONCLUSION: We introduce a new method for robust prediction of phenotypes from molecular measurements such as DNA methylation or gene expression. Furthermore, the visualization capabilities enable exploratory analysis on the learnt dependencies and pave the way for a personalized prediction of phenotypes. The software is available under GPL2+ from https://github.com/adrinjalali/Network-Classifier/tree/v1.0. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2647-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Right for the Right Reasons: Training Differentiable Models by Constraining their Explanations

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    Neural networks are among the most accurate supervised learning methods in use today, but their opacity makes them difficult to trust in critical applications, especially when conditions in training differ from those in test. Recent work on explanations for black-box models has produced tools (e.g. LIME) to show the implicit rules behind predictions, which can help us identify when models are right for the wrong reasons. However, these methods do not scale to explaining entire datasets and cannot correct the problems they reveal. We introduce a method for efficiently explaining and regularizing differentiable models by examining and selectively penalizing their input gradients, which provide a normal to the decision boundary. We apply these penalties both based on expert annotation and in an unsupervised fashion that encourages diverse models with qualitatively different decision boundaries for the same classification problem. On multiple datasets, we show our approach generates faithful explanations and models that generalize much better when conditions differ between training and test

    Cervical cancer risk prediction with robust ensemble and explainable black boxes method

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    Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) that make use of algorithms based on intelligent systems, such as machine learning or deep learning, they sufer from the fact that often the methods used are hard to interpret and difcult to understand on how some decisions are made; the opacity ofsome methods, sometimes voluntary due to problems such as data privacy or the techniques used to protect intellectual property, makes these systems very complicated. Besides this series of problems, the results obtained also sufer from the poor possibility of being interpreted; in the clinical context therefore it is required that the methods used are as accurate as possible, transparent techniques and explainable results. In this work the problem of the development of cervical cancer is treated, a disease that mainly afects the female population. In order to introduce advanced machine learning techniques in a clinical decision support system that can be transparent and explainable, a robust, accurate ensemble method is presented, in terms of error and sensitivity linked to the classifcation of possible development of the aforementioned pathology and advanced techniques are also presented of explainability and interpretability (Explanaible Machine Learning) applied to the context of CDSS such as Lime and Shapley. The results obtained, as well as being interesting, are understandable and can be implemented in the treatment of this type of problem

    Ada-WHIPS: explaining AdaBoost classification with applications in the health sciences

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    Background Computer Aided Diagnostics (CAD) can support medical practitioners to make critical decisions about their patients’ disease conditions. Practitioners require access to the chain of reasoning behind CAD to build trust in the CAD advice and to supplement their own expertise. Yet, CAD systems might be based on black box machine learning models and high dimensional data sources such as electronic health records, magnetic resonance imaging scans, cardiotocograms, etc. These foundations make interpretation and explanation of the CAD advice very challenging. This challenge is recognised throughout the machine learning research community. eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is emerging as one of the most important research areas of recent years because it addresses the interpretability and trust concerns of critical decision makers, including those in clinical and medical practice. Methods In this work, we focus on AdaBoost, a black box model that has been widely adopted in the CAD literature. We address the challenge – to explain AdaBoost classification – with a novel algorithm that extracts simple, logical rules from AdaBoost models. Our algorithm, Adaptive-Weighted High Importance Path Snippets (Ada-WHIPS), makes use of AdaBoost’s adaptive classifier weights. Using a novel formulation, Ada-WHIPS uniquely redistributes the weights among individual decision nodes of the internal decision trees of the AdaBoost model. Then, a simple heuristic search of the weighted nodes finds a single rule that dominated the model’s decision. We compare the explanations generated by our novel approach with the state of the art in an experimental study. We evaluate the derived explanations with simple statistical tests of well-known quality measures, precision and coverage, and a novel measure stability that is better suited to the XAI setting. Results Experiments on 9 CAD-related data sets showed that Ada-WHIPS explanations consistently generalise better (mean coverage 15%-68%) than the state of the art while remaining competitive for specificity (mean precision 80%-99%). A very small trade-off in specificity is shown to guard against over-fitting which is a known problem in the state of the art methods. Conclusions The experimental results demonstrate the benefits of using our novel algorithm for explaining CAD AdaBoost classifiers widely found in the literature. Our tightly coupled, AdaBoost-specific approach outperforms model-agnostic explanation methods and should be considered by practitioners looking for an XAI solution for this class of models

    Assessment of network module identification across complex diseases

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    Many bioinformatics methods have been proposed for reducing the complexity of large gene or protein networks into relevant subnetworks or modules. Yet, how such methods compare to each other in terms of their ability to identify disease-relevant modules in different types of network remains poorly understood. We launched the 'Disease Module Identification DREAM Challenge', an open competition to comprehensively assess module identification methods across diverse protein-protein interaction, signaling, gene co-expression, homology and cancer-gene networks. Predicted network modules were tested for association with complex traits and diseases using a unique collection of 180 genome-wide association studies. Our robust assessment of 75 module identification methods reveals top-performing algorithms, which recover complementary trait-associated modules. We find that most of these modules correspond to core disease-relevant pathways, which often comprise therapeutic targets. This community challenge establishes biologically interpretable benchmarks, tools and guidelines for molecular network analysis to study human disease biology
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