16 research outputs found

    Parallel sparse interpolation using small primes

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    To interpolate a supersparse polynomial with integer coefficients, two alternative approaches are the Prony-based "big prime" technique, which acts over a single large finite field, or the more recently-proposed "small primes" technique, which reduces the unknown sparse polynomial to many low-degree dense polynomials. While the latter technique has not yet reached the same theoretical efficiency as Prony-based methods, it has an obvious potential for parallelization. We present a heuristic "small primes" interpolation algorithm and report on a low-level C implementation using FLINT and MPI.Comment: Accepted to PASCO 201

    A local decision test for sparse polynomials

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    An â„“-sparse (multivariate) polynomial is a polynomial containing at most â„“-monomials in its explicit description. We assume that a polynomial is implicitly represented as a black-box: on an input query from the domain, the black-box replies with the evaluation of the polynomial at that input. We provide an efficient, randomized algorithm, that can decide whether a polynomial [MathML] given as a black-box is â„“-sparse or not, provided that q is large compared to the polynomial's total degree. The algorithm makes only queries, which is independent of the domain size. The running time of our algorithm (in the bit-complexity model) is , where d is an upper bound on the degree of each variable. Existing interpolation algorithms for polynomials in the same model run in time . We provide a similar test for polynomials with integer coefficients

    Revisit Sparse Polynomial Interpolation based on Randomized Kronecker Substitution

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    In this paper, a new reduction based interpolation algorithm for black-box multivariate polynomials over finite fields is given. The method is based on two main ingredients. A new Monte Carlo method is given to reduce black-box multivariate polynomial interpolation to black-box univariate polynomial interpolation over any ring. The reduction algorithm leads to multivariate interpolation algorithms with better or the same complexities most cases when combining with various univariate interpolation algorithms. We also propose a modified univariate Ben-or and Tiwarri algorithm over the finite field, which has better total complexity than the Lagrange interpolation algorithm. Combining our reduction method and the modified univariate Ben-or and Tiwarri algorithm, we give a Monte Carlo multivariate interpolation algorithm, which has better total complexity in most cases for sparse interpolation of black-box polynomial over finite fields

    Interpolation of Shifted-Lacunary Polynomials

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    Given a "black box" function to evaluate an unknown rational polynomial f in Q[x] at points modulo a prime p, we exhibit algorithms to compute the representation of the polynomial in the sparsest shifted power basis. That is, we determine the sparsity t, the shift s (a rational), the exponents 0 <= e1 < e2 < ... < et, and the coefficients c1,...,ct in Q\{0} such that f(x) = c1(x-s)^e1+c2(x-s)^e2+...+ct(x-s)^et. The computed sparsity t is absolutely minimal over any shifted power basis. The novelty of our algorithm is that the complexity is polynomial in the (sparse) representation size, and in particular is logarithmic in deg(f). Our method combines previous celebrated results on sparse interpolation and computing sparsest shifts, and provides a way to handle polynomials with extremely high degree which are, in some sense, sparse in information.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in Computational Complexit

    On exact division and divisibility testing for sparse polynomials

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    No polynomial-time algorithm is known to test whether a sparse polynomial G divides another sparse polynomial FF. While computing the quotient Q=F quo G can be done in polynomial time with respect to the sparsities of F, G and Q, this is not yet sufficient to get a polynomial-time divisibility test in general. Indeed, the sparsity of the quotient Q can be exponentially larger than the ones of F and G. In the favorable case where the sparsity #Q of the quotient is polynomial, the best known algorithm to compute Q has a non-linear factor #G#Q in the complexity, which is not optimal. In this work, we are interested in the two aspects of this problem. First, we propose a new randomized algorithm that computes the quotient of two sparse polynomials when the division is exact. Its complexity is quasi-linear in the sparsities of F, G and Q. Our approach relies on sparse interpolation and it works over any finite field or the ring of integers. Then, as a step toward faster divisibility testing, we provide a new polynomial-time algorithm when the divisor has a specific shape. More precisely, we reduce the problem to finding a polynomial S such that QS is sparse and testing divisibility by S can be done in polynomial time. We identify some structure patterns in the divisor G for which we can efficiently compute such a polynomial~S

    Detecting lacunary perfect powers and computing their roots

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    We consider solutions to the equation f = h^r for polynomials f and h and integer r > 1. Given a polynomial f in the lacunary (also called sparse or super-sparse) representation, we first show how to determine if f can be written as h^r and, if so, to find such an r. This is a Monte Carlo randomized algorithm whose cost is polynomial in the number of non-zero terms of f and in log(deg f), i.e., polynomial in the size of the lacunary representation, and it works over GF(q)[x] (for large characteristic) as well as Q[x]. We also give two deterministic algorithms to compute the perfect root h given f and r. The first is output-sensitive (based on the sparsity of h) and works only over Q[x]. A sparsity-sensitive Newton iteration forms the basis for the second approach to computing h, which is extremely efficient and works over both GF(q)[x] (for large characteristic) and Q[x], but depends on a number-theoretic conjecture. Work of Erdos, Schinzel, Zannier, and others suggests that both of these algorithms are unconditionally polynomial-time in the lacunary size of the input polynomial f. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of the randomized detection algorithm and the latter perfect root computation algorithm with an implementation in the C++ library NTL.Comment: to appear in Journal of Symbolic Computation (JSC), 201