1,892 research outputs found

    An Efficient Algorithm for Video Super-Resolution Based On a Sequential Model

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    In this work, we propose a novel procedure for video super-resolution, that is the recovery of a sequence of high-resolution images from its low-resolution counterpart. Our approach is based on a "sequential" model (i.e., each high-resolution frame is supposed to be a displaced version of the preceding one) and considers the use of sparsity-enforcing priors. Both the recovery of the high-resolution images and the motion fields relating them is tackled. This leads to a large-dimensional, non-convex and non-smooth problem. We propose an algorithmic framework to address the latter. Our approach relies on fast gradient evaluation methods and modern optimization techniques for non-differentiable/non-convex problems. Unlike some other previous works, we show that there exists a provably-convergent method with a complexity linear in the problem dimensions. We assess the proposed optimization method on {several video benchmarks and emphasize its good performance with respect to the state of the art.}Comment: 37 pages, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 201

    Comparison of super-resolution algorithms applied to retinal images

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    A critical challenge in biomedical imaging is to optimally balance the trade-off among image resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, and acquisition time. Acquiring a high-resolution image is possible; however, it is either expensive or time consuming or both. Resolution is also limited by the physical properties of the imaging device, such as the nature and size of the input source radiation and the optics of the device. Super-resolution (SR), which is an off-line approach for improving the resolution of an image, is free of these trade-offs. Several methodologies, such as interpolation, frequency domain, regularization, and learning-based approaches, have been developed over the past several years for SR of natural images. We review some of these methods and demonstrate the positive impact expected from SR of retinal images and investigate the performance of various SR techniques. We use a fundus image as an example for simulations

    Development Of A High Performance Mosaicing And Super-Resolution Algorithm

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    In this dissertation, a high-performance mosaicing and super-resolution algorithm is described. The scale invariant feature transform (SIFT)-based mosaicing algorithm builds an initial mosaic which is iteratively updated by the robust super resolution algorithm to achieve the final high-resolution mosaic. Two different types of datasets are used for testing: high altitude balloon data and unmanned aerial vehicle data. To evaluate our algorithm, five performance metrics are employed: mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio, singular value decomposition, slope of reciprocal singular value curve, and cumulative probability of blur detection. Extensive testing shows that the proposed algorithm is effective in improving the captured aerial data and the performance metrics are accurate in quantifying the evaluation of the algorithm
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