4 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Realistic Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data

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    The investigation of the performance of different positron emission tomography (PET) reconstruction and motion compensation methods requires accurate and realistic representation of the anatomy and motion trajectories as observed in real subjects during acquisitions. The generation of well-controlled clinical datasets is difficult due to the many different clinical protocols, scanner specifications, patient sizes, and physiological variations. Alternatively, computational phantoms can be used to generate large data sets for different disease states, providing a ground truth. Several studies use registration of dynamic images to derive voxel deformations to create moving computational phantoms. These phantoms together with simulation software generate raw data. This paper proposes a method for the synthesis of dynamic PET data using a fast analytic method. This is achieved by incorporating realistic models of respiratory motion into a numerical phantom to generate datasets with continuous and variable motion with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-derived motion modeling and high resolution MRI images. In this paper, data sets for two different clinical traces are presented, ¹⁸F-FDG and ⁶⁸Ga-PSMA. This approach incorporates realistic models of respiratory motion to generate temporally and spatially correlated MRI and PET data sets, as those expected to be obtained from simultaneous PET-MRI acquisitions

    Issues in quantification of registered respiratory gated PET/CT in the lung

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    PET/CT quantification of lung tissue is limited by several difficulties: the lung density and local volume changes during respiration, the anatomical mismatch between PET and CT and the relative contributions of tissue, air and blood to the PET signal (the tissue fraction effect). Air Fraction Correction (AFC) has been shown to improve PET image quantification in the lungs. Methods to correct for the movement and anatomical mismatch involve respiratory gating and image registration techniques. While conventional registration methods only account for spatial mismatch, the Jacobian determinant of the deformable registration transformation field can be used to estimate local volume changes and could therefore potentially be used to correct (i.e. Jacobian Correction, JC) the PET signal for changes in concentration due to local volume changes. This work aims to investigate the relationship between variations in the lung due to respiration, specifically density, tracer concentration and local volume changes. In particular, we study the effect of AFC and JC on PET quantitation after registration of respiratory gated PET/CT patient data. Six patients suffering from lung cancer with solitary pulmonary nodules underwent 18F-FDG PET/cine-CT. The PET data were gated into six respiratory gates using displacement gating based on an RPM signal and reconstructed with matched gated CT. The PET tracer concentration and tissue density were extracted from registered gated PET and CT images before and after corrections (AFC or JC) and compared to the values from the reference images. Before correction, we observed a linear correlation between the PET tracer concentration values and density. Across all gates and patients, the maximum relative change in PET tracer concentration before (after) AFC was found to be 16.2% (4.1%) and the maximum relative change in tissue density and PET tracer concentration before (after) JC was found to be 17.1% (5.5%) and 16.2% (6.8%) respectively. Overall our results show that both AFC or JC largely explain the observed changes in PET tracer activity over the respiratory cycle. We also speculate that a second order effect is related to change in fluid content but this needs further investigation. Consequently, either AFC or JC is recommended when combining lung PET images from different gates to reduce noise

    Interpolated Average CT for Attenuation Correction in PET—A Simulation Study

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