14 research outputs found

    HySIM: A Hybrid Spectrum and Information Market for TV White Space Networks

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    We propose a hybrid spectrum and information market for a database-assisted TV white space network, where the geo-location database serves as both a spectrum market platform and an information market platform. We study the inter- actions among the database operator, the spectrum licensee, and unlicensed users systematically, using a three-layer hierarchical model. In Layer I, the database and the licensee negotiate the commission fee that the licensee pays for using the spectrum market platform. In Layer II, the database and the licensee compete for selling information or channels to unlicensed users. In Layer III, unlicensed users determine whether they should buy the exclusive usage right of licensed channels from the licensee, or the information regarding unlicensed channels from the database. Analyzing such a three-layer model is challenging due to the co-existence of both positive and negative network externalities in the information market. We characterize how the network externalities affect the equilibrium behaviours of all parties involved. Our numerical results show that the proposed hybrid market can improve the network profit up to 87%, compared with a pure information market. Meanwhile, the achieved network profit is very close to the coordinated benchmark solution (the gap is less than 4% in our simulation).Comment: This manuscript serves as the online technical report of the article published in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 201

    QoE-centric service delivery: A collaborative approach among OTTs and ISPs

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    The provisioning of the quality to end users is a major objective for the successful deployment of multimedia services over the Internet. It is more and more evident from past research and service deployments that such an objective often requires a collaboration among the different parties that are involved in the delivery of the service. This paper specifically focuses on the cooperation between the Over-The-Top (OTTs) and the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and proposes a novel service delivery approach that is purely driven by the Quality of Experience (QoE) provided to the final common users. Initially, we identify the need of the collaboration among the OTTs and the ISPs where we not only highlight some of the enterprise level motivations (revenue generation) but also the technical aspects which require collaboration. Later, we provide a reference architecture with the required modules and vertical interfaces for the interaction among the OTTs and the ISPs. Then, we provide a collaboration model where we focus on the modeling of the revenue, whose maximization drives the collaboration. The revenue is considered to be dependent on the user churn, which in turn is affected by the QoE and is modeled using the Sigmoid function. We illustrate simulation results based on our proposed collaboration approach which highlight how the proposed strategy increases the revenue generation and QoE for the OTTs and the ISPs hence providing a ground for ISP to join the loop of revenue generation between OTTs and users

    Guidelines to SLA modeling and establishment in heterogeneous communications networks

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The question of how to specify, provide and measure service quality for network end-users has been of utmost interest for service and network infrastructure providers and their clients as well. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a beneficial tool in formalizing the interrelationships resulting from a negotiation among all participating actors with the target of achieving a common comprehension concerning delivery of services, its priorities, quality, responsibilities, and other relevant parameters. A horizontal SLA is an agreement between two service-providers existing at the same architectural layer (as for example two Internet Protocol (IP) or two Optical Transport Network (OTN) domains). A vertical SLA is an agreement between two individual providers at two different architectural layers (for instance, between an optical network and the core MPLS network). A service has to be defined without ambiguity utilizing Service Level Specifications (SLS) and three information types must be described: i) The QoX metrics as well as their corresponding thresholds; ii) A method of service performance measurement; iii) Service schedule. In this work we present preliminary simulation results that enable the development of a generic methodology for SLA modeling and establishment that will lead to a win-win situation for all involved actors. As an example, we put special attention in the benefits obtained by Optical Networks operators.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Subsidization Competition: Vitalizing the Neutral Internet

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    Unlike telephone operators, which pay termination fees to reach the users of another network, Internet Content Providers (CPs) do not pay the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) of users they reach. While the consequent cross subsidization to CPs has nurtured content innovations at the edge of the Internet, it reduces the investment incentives for the access ISPs to expand capacity. As potential charges for terminating CPs' traffic are criticized under the net neutrality debate, we propose to allow CPs to voluntarily subsidize the usagebased fees induced by their content traffic for end-users. We model the regulated subsidization competition among CPs under a neutral network and show how deregulation of subsidization could increase an access ISP's utilization and revenue, strengthening its investment incentives. Although the competition might harm certain CPs, we find that the main cause comes from high access prices rather than the existence of subsidization. Our results suggest that subsidization competition will increase the competitiveness and welfare of the Internet content market; however, regulators might need to regulate access prices if the access ISP market is not competitive enough. We envision that subsidization competition could become a viable model for the future Internet

    The Public Option: a Non-regulatory Alternative to Network Neutrality

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    Network neutrality and the role of regulation on the Internet have been heavily debated in recent times. Amongst the various definitions of network neutrality, we focus on the one which prohibits paid prioritization of content and we present an analytical treatment of the topic. We develop a model of the Internet ecosystem in terms of three primary players: consumers, ISPs and content providers. Our analysis looks at this issue from the point of view of the consumer, and we describe the desired state of the system as one which maximizes consumer surplus. By analyzing different scenarios of monopoly and competition, we obtain different conclusions on the desirability of regulation. We also introduce the notion of a Public Option ISP, an ISP that carries traffic in a network neutral manner. Our major findings are (i) in a monopolistic scenario, network neutral regulations benefit consumers; however, the introduction of a Public Option ISP is even better for consumers, as it aligns the interests of the monopolistic ISP with the consumer surplus and (ii) in an oligopolistic situation, the presence of a Public Option ISP is again preferable to network neutral regulations, although the presence of competing price-discriminating ISPs provides the most desirable situation for the consumers

    Service Level Agreements for Communication Networks: A Survey

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    Abstract. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is being provided to the variety of endusers demands, thereby providing a better and improved management of services is crucial. Therefore, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are essential and play a key role to manage the provided services among the network entities. This survey identifies the state of the art covering concepts, approaches and open problems of the SLAs establishment, deployment and management. This paper is organised in a way that the reader can access a variety of proposed SLA methods and models addressed and provides an overview of the SLA actors and elements. It also describes SLAs’ characteristics and objectives. SLAs’ existing methodologies are explained and categorised followed by the Service Quality Categories (SQD) and Quality-Based Service Descriptions (QSD). SLA modelling and architectures are discussed, and open research problems and future research directions are introduced. The establishment of a reliable, safe and QoE-aware computer networking needs a group of services that goes beyond pure networking services. Therefore, within the paper this broader set of services are taken into consideration and for each Service Level Objective (SLO) the related services domains will be indicated. The purpose of this survey is to identify existing research gaps in utilising SLA elements to develop a generic methodology, considering all quality parameters beyond the Quality of Service (QoS) and what must or can be taken into account to define, establish and deploy an SLA. This study is still an active research on how to specify and develop an SLA to achieve the win-win agreements among all actors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version