326,443 research outputs found

    Implementation of Multicast Routing on IPv4 and IPv6 Networks

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    Fast developing world of technology, multimedia applications are quickly growing their performance into the Internet and shared networks. Multicast routing protocols sprint over unicast routing protocols to endow with well-organized routing of such applications. This research paper intended to considerate how the transition from Internet Protocol version 4 to Internet Protocol version 6 would influence multicast routing. The multicast routing protocol was used over both Internet Protocol version 4 and Internet Protocol version 6 and a mixed Internet Protocol version 4 - Internet Protocol version 6. Netwok parameters such as overhead, throughput and jitter network are evaluated

    Detecting Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Neighbour Discovery Protocol Using Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Streams Representation

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    © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. The main protocol of the Internet protocol version 6 suites is the neighbour discovery protocol, which is geared towards substitution of address resolution protocol, router discovery, and function redirection in Internet protocol version 4. Internet protocol version 6 nodes employ neighbour discovery protocol to detect linked hosts and routers in Internet protocol version 6 network without the dependence on dynamic host configuration protocol server, which has earned the neighbour discovery protocol the title of the stateless protocol. The authentication process of the neighbour discovery protocol exhibits weaknesses that make this protocol vulnerable to attacks. Denial of service attacks can be triggered by a malicious host through the introduction of spoofed addresses in neighbour discovery protocol messages. Internet version 6 protocols are not well supported by Network Intrusion Detection System as is the case with Internet Protocol version 4 protocols. Several data mining techniques have been introduced to improve the classification mechanism of Intrusion detection system. In addition, extensive researches indicated that there is no Intrusion Detection system for Internet Protocol version 6 using advanced machine-learning techniques toward distributed denial of service attacks. This paper aims to detect Distributed Denial of Service attacks of the Neighbour Discovery protocol using machine-learning techniques, due to the severity of the attacks and the importance of Neighbour Discovery protocol in Internet Protocol version 6. Decision tree algorithm and Random Forest Algorithm showed high accuracy results in comparison to the other benchmarked algorithms

    Simulation Of Web Performance With Different IP Environment Using Plone Software

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    The website is one of the applications that are widely used in computer networks to disseminate information to the public. Skills to access or navigate a website depends on the framework and the type of web server used and the use of Internet Protocol be applied. Internet Protocol (IP) is a network protocol that connects the main transmission between networks. Currently, Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a version of the Internet Protocol (IP) designed to replace and improve the weaknesses in the existing version of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4). This thesis will analyze the performance of Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) through access to websites that are developed using Plone technology as its framework (framework) in Dual Stack transition mechanisms. This testing is done in a simulation environment to get more accurate test results. Parameters chosen were response time, the size of bandwidth and the packet size to be used in a comparison test done. Based on the results and analysis in detail, the selection of Internet Protocol (IP) that will best be determined


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    This paper evaluates the performance of IPv6 against IPv4. IPv4 has address space shortages. The use of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) and Network Address Translation (NAT) helped to address these shortages. However, Featuresbuilt into IPv6 such as autoconfiguration, IPSec, Mobility, Multiple addresses for hosts and networks, Multicastcommunication make it well worth the cost, time and effort required to migrate to it. Performance metrics used in order toanalyze the protocols are network delay, network drop, and throughput. Results showed that IPv6 is not better in terms ofpacket management than IPv4. The results also showed that IPv6 has higher delay, and packet drop than IPv4; though themargin between the values are however small. It was also found that IPv6 has a higher throughput. It is hereby concluded,that even though IPv4 is performing better, it will not solve the address limitation problem. This has made it inevitable torecommend IPv6 as a replacement for the IPv4.Keywords: Latency, Throughput, PacketDrop, NAT, Mobility, Autoconfiguration

    Analisa Pemakaian IPv6 Di Indonesia

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    The development of the Internet has been growing rapidly. Almost all mobile devices using the internet as a means of communication. The Internet addressing which is still widely used is based Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Since version 4 has almost run out of addresses it is time to change to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). Also in 2015 Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) began to be held globally, thus making each country must prepare to implement these changes.This analysis aims to show information about Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) in Indonesia ranging from information Domain Name Server (DNS), Mail Server, Web site-based addressing and the use of version 6 in Indonesia. This analysis also provides an update in the form of graphs. This analysis also compares results obtained with data from internet. This research also shows charts about development of version 6 addressing from the year 2010 up to March 2015.Based on test results, the results of this analysis is shown in the form of a website which is divided into 3 parts, i.e. Domain Name Server (DNS), Mail Server, Web site. The features of this Website are a list of hosts that use version 6, analysis graphs to a company this list, charts the development of IPv6 chart, automatic ping when the website is opened. Tthere is a website for admins to make it easier to perform the update when neede

    Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) - Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) Network Address, Port & Protocol Translation And Multithreaded DNS-Application Gateway

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    Due to emerging growth in Internet, deployment of IPv6 has becomemandatory. Transition of IPv4 to IPv6 is not a single day task. Due to compatibilityissues, both the protocols will coexist for years during the transition period. In this paperwe will study the design and implementation of an IPv6 to IPv4 translator which providesthe communication mechanism from IPv6 only to IPv4 only networks and vice versa, bydoing alteration in IP header of packets. The multithreaded DNS application gateway isalso implemented to simultaneously serve multiple DNS queries and convert DNS repliesfrom IPv4 to IPv6 or vice versa

    Kondisi Migrasi Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) di Indonesia

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    Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan industri Internet di Indonesia tersebut, maka kebutuhan akan alamat Internet Protocol (IP) juga pasti meningkat. Operator Internet akan membutuhkan alamat IP untuk mengembangkan layanannya hingga ke seluruh pelosok negeri. Saat ini, jaringan Internet di Indonesia berikut perangkat-perangkat pendukungnya hingga di tingkat end user masih menggunakan Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Kenyataan yang dihadapi dunia sekarang adalah menipisnya persediaan alamat IPv4 yang dialokasikan. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah alamat yang dapat didukung oleh IPv4 adalah 232 bits, sedangkan data terakhir didapatkan bahwa alokasi IPv4 telah habis dialokasikan pada akhir April 2011 di tingkat Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), organisasi yang mengelola sumberdaya protokol Internet dunia. Untuk mempercepat migrasi, stakeholder internet di Indonesia yaitu Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dan Industri Penyelenggara Internet membentuk ID-IPv6TF. Dalam studi ini, ditemukan bahwa implementasi IPv6 di Indonesia termasuk dalam kategori baik dibandingkan dengan negara lain di dunia. Namun, terlihat bahwa perkembangan ini masih sporadis dengan kurangnya peran koordinator, serta sosialiasi ke masyarakat yang tidak ada

    Analisis Perbandingan Performansi Jaringan Virtual Private Network (VPN) Berbasis Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) pada Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) dan Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Meningkatnya kebutuhan alamat IP mendorong adanya migrasi dari IPv4 ke IPv6. Berbagai pengujian dilakukan dengan tujuan tidak ada kendala dalam migrasi, terutama masalah performansi jaringan dan keamanan jaringan. VPN merupakan suatu metode untuk mengamankan paket data yang melewati jaringan publik. Protocol yang digunakan dalam implementasi Virtual Private Network (VPN) ini adalah protocol IP Security (IPSec) yang bekerja di layer network. IPSec memiliki dua buah mode dalam implementasinya, yaitu transport mode dan tunnel mode. Tunnel mode dapat diimplementasikan untuk membangun VPN host to host dan gateway to gateway. Sedangkan transport mode hanya dapat diimplementasikan untuk membangun VPN host to host. Protocol IPSec memiliki dua buah security protocol yaitu Authentication Header (AH) dan Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) yang bisa digunakan. Setiap protokol yang digunakan memiliki panjang header yang berbeda sesuai dengan fungsinya untuk enkapsulasi paket data. Semakin panjang header protokol yang mengenkapsulasi suatu paket data dan semakin besarnya proses komputasi untuk melakukan enkripsi dan otentikasi, maka waktu yang dibutuhkan semakin bertambah. Hal ini mempengaruhi performansi suatu jaringan dengan menurunnya nilai throughput.Kata Kunci : IPv4, IPv6, VPN, IPsec, Tunnel mode, Transport mode.ABSTRACT: Increasing needs of IP address urges to do migration proccess from IPv4 to IPv6. Hopefully, many testing are done in the migration will not get barrier especially network performance. Besides that, the network security becomes the main point in data communication problem. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a method to make secure data packages which pass public network. Protocol which is used in this VPN implementation is IP Security protocol (IPSec) which works in network layer. IPSec has two modes in this implementation, transport mode and tunnel mode. Tunnel mode can be implemented for building VPN connection between host to host although among gateway to gateway. Whereas transport mode just can be implemented for building connection between host to host. IPSec Protocol has two security protocol such as Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) which can be used. Every protocol have their own length for different purpose in encapsulation data. The more length a header which encapsulate a packet data, and the more complex an encryption algorithm and authentication algorithm, it takes more time to process it. This will decrease the quality of network quality performance.Keyword: IPv4, IPv6, VPN, IP Security, Tunnel mode, Transport mode
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