588,640 research outputs found

    New Forms of Regional Inequalities in Greece: the Diffusion of the Internet Across Greek Regions

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    A large number of studies dealing with the evolution of regional inequalities in Greece insist to make use of improper and outdated indices. Indices such as the number of telephone lines per capita and electricity consumption per capita were suitable to describe regional inequalities during the previous decades however, nowadays, they present insignificant regional variations. Among others, the diffusion of the internet to greek regions, is a useful indication of their growth potential and technological capacity. There is no doubt that internet can powerfully influence individuals, places, societies and economies and these effects are likely to grow over the foreseeable future. Primary data show that there is a notable imbalance at national level in terms of per capita usage levels. The disparity of the internet access around the country has given rise to the issue of a national digital divide. This paper investigates and maps the differences in the internet penetration rate to population and businesses across Greek regions and proceeds to a preliminary identification of the determinants of this unequal Geography. Data limitations, and paucity of earlier research make this a challenging task.

    Application of U.S. Supreme Court Doctrine to Anonymity in the Networld

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    There are still many issues to be resolved about the Internet\u27s unique status as a media technology and its legal status under current law. Debate over the propriety, necessity, and legality of anonymous speech has been protracted and pervasive. Indeed, this debate has extended to all corners of the Internet. The main source material for this Note is the recent case of McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm\u27n, in which the Supreme Court confirmed its continuing commitment to preservation of the right to free speech, and interpreted the First Amendment to protect much anonymous speech. This Note will quantify how the Court\u27s stance in McIntyre will affect future issues of anonymity as they apply to the Internet, which are likely to arise, given the highly controversial nature of the Internet itself, the ease with which anonymity is obtained there, and the Internet’s current position as a center of public debate. This Note will first summarize the pre-Mclntyre status of anonymity law; it will then discuss McIntyre itself, and interpret its constitutional effects. It will then address the Internet ramifications of McIntyre, showing how the Court\u27s decision will affect various Internet phenomena in three settings: requirement of identification to use government-provided services; requirement of identification to gain access to the Internet through a private access provider; and requirements of identification in specific cases

    An assessment of cybersecurity awareness level among Northeastern University students in Nigeria

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    The world economy today has adopted the internet as a medium of transactions, this has made many organizations use the internet for their daily activities. With this, there is an urgent need to have knowledge in cybersecurity and also how to defend critical assets. The objective of this paper is to identify the level of cybersecurity awareness of students in Northeastern Nigeria. A quantitative approach was used for data collection and cyberbully, personal information, internet banking, internet addiction, and Self-protection were the items ask for cybersecurity awareness level identification. Descriptive analysis was performed for initial result findings using SPSS and OriginPro for graphical design. the preliminary result shows of the students have some basic knowledge of cybersecurity in an item like internet banking, while other items like cyberbully, self-protection and, internet addiction result show moderate awareness, the students' participation based on gender, males constitute 77.1% i.e. (N=340) and females constitute 22.9% i.e. (N=101). Future research would concentrate on designing awareness programs that would increase the level of their awareness especially the students in the Northeastern part of Nigeria

    Topic modelling of Finnish Internet discussion forums as a tool for trend identification and marketing applications

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    The increasing availability of public discussion text data on the Internet motivates to study methods to identify current themes and trends. Being able to extract and summarize relevant information from public data in real time gives rise to competitive advantage and applications in the marketing actions of a company. This thesis presents a method of topic modelling and trend identification to extract information from Finnish Internet discussion forums. The development of text analytics, and especially topic modelling techniques, is reviewed and suitable methods are identified from the literature. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model and the Dynamic Topic Model are applied in finding underlying topics from the Internet discussion forum data. The discussion data collection with web scarping and text data preprocessing methods are presented. Trends are identified with a method derived from outlier detection. Real world events, such as the news about Finnish army vegetarian meal day and the Helsinki summit of presidents Trump and Putin, were identified in an unsupervised manner. Applications for marketing are considered, e.g. automatic search engine advert keyword generation and website content recommendation. Future prospects for further improving the developed topical trend identification method are proposed. This includes the use of more complex topic models, extensive framework for tuning trend identification parameters and studying the use of more domain specific text data sources such as blogs, social media feeds or customer feedback

    Trust, Security and Perceived Risk Models for Designing Internet Banking

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    This research assesses the behaviour patterns of existing bank customers towards Internet banking service in the UK (non-adopters and adopters), and their continuing usage or abandonment of service. The study also develops a theoretical model for trust, risks and Internet banking security, to achieve safety in the area of Internet banking services. Specifically, the majority of existing studies neglect patterns of post-adoption (continued use and abandonment of use) of Internet banking; focusing instead on either adoption or acceptance of internet banking (pre-adoption). The research in this thesis responds to this gap in the existing literature, offering a reassessment of the authentic use of Internet banking services in the UK. It does so by exploring the influence of trust, perceived risk, and security concerns, on customers’ behaviour and intention to use or not use Internet banking services. To address the study aims, it first develops conceptual frameworks. These encompass trust, security and perceived risk factors, and identification, and determine what influences consumers in their non-adoption, adoption, continued use, or abandonment of Internet banking. The study investigates customers located in Leicester city, and applies a quantitative research design, using a survey as the primary means of data collection. There were eight hundred and thirty eight valid copies (838) of the questionnaire, comprising a sample of 503 Internet banking users, 291 non-users of Internet banking and 44 abandoners of Internet banking. III A combination of simple regressions, correlation coefficients and frequencies (Categorical Variables), was used to analyse the data, by subjecting it to statistical analysis software SPSS. Initial statistical results displayed that 34.7% of the study sample were non-users of Internet banking, with Internet banking services abandonees being a minority. They represented just 5.30%, i.e. 44 customers from an overall study sample of 838. For them, trust, security and perceived risk were significant influences. Similarly, in adoption and continuity models, 60% of active users mentioned that trust has a low effect on their intentions for Internet banking adoption, while security and perceived risk had a very low influence on service adoption. On the other hand, the findings demonstrated that one-third of the users sampled mentioned other Internet banking adoption factors besides trust, namely: convenience, ease of use, saving time, ease of access, good monitoring and control of accounts, and speed when performing transactions. With regard to the continuity of usage, 87% of service users agree, or strongly agreed, about their future intentions regarding continuity. Reasons for continued use of Internet banking were trust, security and perceived risk. Additionally statistical analysis found weak relationships between perceived intentions and three factors. Further, the findings also highlighted that the relationships between demographic characteristics and customers’ trust, security and perceived risk were weak in three areas (Non-users, Abandoners and Users). One of the main contributions of this study is the development of a safety area model for Internet banking usage. The safety aspects identified were trust, security and low-risk degree between 53%, 51% and 9%, according to customers’ recommendations. IV This model will serve as a basis for future studies, to determine safety area in which to exercise Internet banking. However, the usefulness of this may vary from one environment to another and by time. Overall, the research contributes to knowledge and understanding of Internet banking patterns during two phases: pre-adoption and post-adoption of services (non-adoption, abandonment, adoption and continuity of use).Moreover, the research findings and insights will help bank executives, developers, academics, managers, and stakeholders, to formulate strategies and service frameworks to induce clients to accept services. Furthermore, maximising productivity and profitability through the creation of sustainable relationships in the long term with users will improve their satisfaction and retention. Bank administrators and decision makers should take advantage of the safety area model, and consider the views and recommendations of customers

    External Organizational Identification, Parasocial Relationships, and Social Media Use

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    The pervasive use of the Internet for social purposes has led to organizational and social change, as well as social movements online throughout the world. Of particular interest in this study is commitment to organizations by patrons and stakeholders showcased via social media outlets. This research includes a review of organizational identification, parasocial relationships and social media research followed by a detailed description of the method, which included the creation and testing of a questionnaire examining the organizational identification and parasocial relationships of external publics, and their social media use. A hypothesis is put forth suggesting that there is a relationship between social media use and external organizational identification, which was confirmed with a Pearson Product-Moment correlation A research question that sought to discover whether parasocial relationships influence that relationship was asked and results of a mediation analysis suggest that parasocial relationships do mediate the relationship between social media use and external organizational identification. Practical implications for communication researchers and organizations, as well as, suggestions for future research and limitations conclude this research

    Internet of Things: Definition, Applications, Issues and Future Prospective

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is the extension of Internet into the physical environment around us; by the embodiment of electronics into the everyday physical objects that we tend to use. This makes the digital and physical entities linked by the means of appropriate communication technologies. Penetration of these everyday objects into the web strengthens the goal of offering a whole new set of services to the users, showing them the amalgamation of varied devices, versatile data and various technologies as one common operating picture, using IoT. With the IoT advancements in various sectors, more number of devices are being digitally augmented leading to the discovery of newer issues and challenges that are faced due to these 3 Vs; varied devices, versatile data and various technologies. This survey focuses on identification of such issues and challenges in IoT; suggesting some clues for future research

    Are Computers Good for Children? The Effects of Home Computers on Educational Outcomes

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    Although computers are universal in the classroom, nearly twenty million children in the United States do not have computers in their homes. Surprisingly, only a few previous studies explore the role of home computers in the educational process. Home computers might be very useful for completing school assignments, but they might also represent a distraction for teenagers. We use several identification strategies and panel data from the two main U.S. datasets that include recent information on computer ownership among children -- the 2000-2003 CPS Computer and Internet Use Supplements (CIUS) matched to the CPS Basic Monthly Files and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 -- to explore the causal relationship between computer ownership and high school graduation and other educational outcomes. Teenagers who have access to home computers are 6 to 8 percentage points more likely to graduate from high school than teenagers who do not have home computers after controlling for individual, parental, and family characteristics. We generally find evidence of positive relationships between home computers and educational outcomes using several identification strategies, including controlling for typically unobservable home environment and extracurricular activities in the NLSY97, fixed effects models, instrumental variables, and including future computer ownership and falsification tests. Home computers may increase high school graduation by reducing non-productive activities, such as truancy and crime, among children in addition to making it easier to complete school assignments.technology, computers, education

    Secure Identification in Social Wireless Networks

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    The applications based on social networking have brought revolution towards social life and are continuously gaining popularity among the Internet users. Due to the advanced computational resources offered by the innovative hardware and nominal subscriber charges of network operators, most of the online social networks are transforming into the mobile domain by offering exciting applications and games exclusively designed for users on the go. Moreover, the mobile devices are considered more personal as compared to their desktop rivals, so there is a tendency among the mobile users to store sensitive data like contacts, passwords, bank account details, updated calendar entries with key dates and personal notes on their devices. The Project Social Wireless Network Secure Identification (SWIN) is carried out at Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) to explore the practicality of providing the secure mobile social networking portal with advanced security features to tackle potential security threats by extending the existing methods with more innovative security technologies. In addition to the extensive background study and the determination of marketable use-cases with their corresponding security requirements, this thesis proposes a secure identification design to satisfy the security dimensions for both online and offline peers. We have implemented an initial prototype using PHP Socket and OpenSSL library to simulate the secure identification procedure based on the proposed design. The design is in compliance with 3GPP‟s Generic Authentication Architecture (GAA) and our implementation has demonstrated the flexibility of the solution to be applied independently for the applications requiring secure identification. Finally, the thesis provides strong foundation for the advanced implementation on mobile platform in future

    A Complex Event Processing-Based Online Shopping User Risk Identification System

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    Online shopping is an important part of the development of the Internet and plays a critical role in the current and future economy. However, there are many risks in the trading process. In order to reduce the hidden risks, it is necessary to study the method of risk identification. This paper proposes user risk identification method of online shopping system based on Complex Event Process (CEP). In this paper, we use the Esper as the CEP engine and the risk behavior patterns are defined as the event pattern language. Firstly, the CEP system captures event streams by analyzing data streams in real-time. Secondly, the captured event streams are sent to the CEP's engine. Finally, the Esper intelligently analyzes user's online shopping risk behaviors in real-time according to the event pattern languages. User risk identification effectively guarantees the fund and account security of the shopping users