216 research outputs found

    Mapping Late Hokusai Research: Digitizing and Publishing Bilingual Research Data

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    The initiative “Late Hokusai: Thought, Technique, Society” took place at the British Museum (BM) and SOAS, University of London (2016–2019). As part of its activities, it built a linked-data platform prototype on ResearchSpace. The prototype offers a redesigned process for how museum researchers and users find, research with, discuss and expand bilingual data about early modern Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai (1760–1849) and instigated a discussion about what a collaborative research platform for the Hokusai research community could look like. While Japanese resource specialists have long recognized the complexity of Japanese script as a challenge for multilingual research and collection platforms, the processes for and results of integrating Japanese source data into bi- or multilingual museum databases remained unsatisfactory. This paper revisits the challenges posed by “non-Latin script” (NLS) in museum databases in the case of the Hokusai research platform at the British Museum, which integrated Japanese and English languages. It localizes the issues arising from working with Japanese source data in the Latin script project environment and accompanies the museum researchers’ tasks regarding the correct input, rendering and display of the source script at each step: 1) object analysis, 2) registering NLS metadata, 3) processing NLS information and 4) visualizing LS and NLS information for general and specialist audiences. After assessing these practices, the paper critically reflects on selected approaches, successes, and shortcomings experienced while creating such a prototype. By sharing its experiences, the project hopes to aid prospective research projects on a similar path regarding project setup and documentation. Furthermore, it advocates the sustainability of research practices according to data reusability parameters. L’initiative « Late Hokusai : Thought Technique and Society » (Hokusai tardif : Pensées techniques et société) a eu lieu au British Museum (BM) et SOAS, l’Université de Londres (2016-2019). Dans le cadre des activités, cette initiative a produit une plateforme prototype de Web des données sur ResearchSpace. Le prototype offre un processus redessiné aidant les chercheurs de musée et les usagers à trouver, à faire de la recherche, à discuter et à étoffer les données bilingues concernant l’artiste Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), du début de l’ère moderne japonaise. Cela a déclenché une discussion sur l’apparence possible d’une plateforme de recherche collaborative dédiée à la communauté de recherche sur Hokusai. Tandis que les spécialistes de ressources japonaises reconnaissent depuis longtemps la complexité de l’écriture japonaise comme un défi pour la recherche multilingue et pour les plateformes de collection, les processus et les résultats de l’intégration des données sources japonaises dans des bases de données de musées bi- ou plurilingues demeurent insatisfaisants. Cet article réexamine les défis liés à des « écritures non-latines » (NLS, non-Latin script) dans des bases de données de musée dans le cas de la plateforme de recherche sur Hokusai au British Museum, ce qui a intégré les langues japonaise et anglaise. L’article localise les questions qui se posent durant le travail avec les données sources japonaises dans un environnement de projet en écriture latine et accompagne les tâches des chercheurs de musée concernant l’entrée correcte, le rendu et l’affichage de l’écriture source à chaque étape : 1) les analyses d’objet, 2) les enregistrements de métadonnées NLS, 3) le traitement de l’information NLS et 4) la visualisation de l’information LS (écriture latine, Latin script) et NLS pour des audiences générales et spécialistes. Cet article présentera une évaluation de ces pratiques et, ensuite, considérera de façon critique les approches sélectionnées, les succès et les défauts rencontrés pendant la création d’un tel prototype. En partageant ces expériences, ce projet vise à aider des projets de recherche prospectifs qui se trouvent dans un cas similaire, considérant la configuration de projets et la documentation. En outre, ce projet promeut la viabilité de pratiques de recherche conformément à des paramètres de réutilisation de données

    Fed by Books: The Circulation of Knowledge on Famine Plants in Ming-Qing China and Tokugawa Japan

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    This dissertation examines the dynamics of knowledge production and transcultural interactions in Ming-Qing China and Tokugawa Japan through the lens of famine plant manuals, i.e. writings that center on edible plants for use in times of food shortages. I argue that this genre was created out of the specific socioeconomic settings in pre-modern East Asia where food shortage proved to be a recurring theme, by a transnational epistemic community that shared interests in the natural world and concern for governmental affairs. My inquiry contributes to a deeper understanding of knowledge transformation and cultural interconnections: in the historical world of the Sinosphere where the learned elites shared a “high culture” written language and a rich literary tradition, most visibly embodied by the Sinitic script, concepts were expressed in words that did not cross borders via translation, but via their recontextualization and co-articulation in new socio-cultural and linguistic realities. Drawing evidence from administrative manuals, medical texts, local gazetteers and private notes, my findings suggest four main points concerning the shuffling classifications and hierarchies of famine food knowledge. First, despite that state intervention in famine relief was framed as Confucian signs of benevolent rule, famine plant manuals were created as responses to the limitations of the governments’ capacities to implement relief campaigns. Second, although derived from the bencao (materia medica) genre, famine plant manuals were largely devoid of medical interest and thus provided an alternative approach to natural history. The understanding of famine foods was shaped by the accessible natural resources and by epistemic interconnections within pre-modern East Asia, and such understanding also transformed the planning and utilization of the natural world, generating new knowledge about it. Third, although the increasing availability of textual knowledge about famine plants benefitted from the flourishing commercial publishing industry, the production and circulation of famine plant manuals featured a not-for-profit logic, underlined as a benevolent and charitable cause. Fourth, famine plant manuals negotiated between diverse knowledge fields, with statecraft and bencao in particular. On the one hand, they were tailored to governmental purposes and became absorbed in an all-encompassing famine relief discourses. On the other hand, they broadened the range of objects of investigation in the study of the natural world and suggested a de-medicalized approach

    China and the West

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    For the first time, an edited volume presents a major survey dedicated to Chinese reverse glass painting, tracing its history, its local and global diffusion, and its artistic and technical characteristics. Manufactured for export to Europe as well as for local consumption within China, the fragile artworks constitute a paramount part of Chinese visual culture and attest to the intensive cultural and artistic exchange between China and the West


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    This research examines how reading and writing on digital platforms establishes public and private spheres in Tokyo, Japan. Based upon findings from a group of students at an international University, I develop new modes of thinking about people and their use of Internet capable devices by exploring the paradoxes present in contemporary literacies. Contextualizing reading and writing within the speech patterns and exchange rituals (aisatsu) which mark public spheres in Japan, writing practices are found to reflect multiple nuanced identity performances in which the varied use of the cultural principles uchi/soto (inside/outside) and ura/omote (back/front) create parallel publics. Constructed by authors and recognized by readers, these parallel publics are the result of student agency as well as the materiality of platform programing and device capabilities. Contemporary literacies have developed conventions which account for the message recipient carrying an ever-present Internet capable device, leading authors to utilize message practices which align the proximity of a platform to levels of intimacy in a relationship. Authors also compose messages which are less likely to require the receiver to excuse themselves from any given social situation. The ubiquity of human-device pairs has also impacted memory practices, with youths prioritizing recognition skills over memorization

    China and the West

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    For the first time, an edited volume presents a major survey dedicated to Chinese reverse glass painting, tracing its history, its local and global diffusion, and its artistic and technical characteristics. Manufactured for export to Europe as well as for local consumption within China, the fragile artworks constitute a paramount part of Chinese visual culture and attest to the intensive cultural and artistic exchange between China and the West

    Chinese drawing, architectural poetics : traditional painting as a semantic representation of modern architectural design

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    This thesis is partly an attempt to explore the potential of pre-modern Chinese painting, on its distinctive formats and schemes to achieve spatial depth and time duration, as a way to interpret and design architecture. By a survey on changing modes of Chinese traditional landscape and cityscape paintings in different scales, the poetic language of painting will be gradually explored. Beyond pictorial techniques, language is concerned with an ideological level of understanding and experience. Thus, it signposts a wider significance of architectural representation – as a verbal medium to express narrative and critic semantics besides visual effects. In this thesis, we will also see how traditional painting remains a base in the ideating process of several contemporary Chinese architects, so to avoid a mere uncritical imitation of international models. A subtle fusion of contemporaneity with cultural identity afforded by the presence of taken concepts from traditional painting, allows this architecture to increase its meaning and dimension. Lastly, understanding such processes of ideation can possibly provide us assistance in the intuitive formulation of ways to enrich Western architecture. Particularly, establishing poetic connections to our cultural traditions can be a useful strategy to prevent Western architecture's frequent falls into empty excesses of utilitarianism, iconicism or simple banality.Esta tesis en parte intenta explorar la capacidad de la pintura china pre-moderna en sus peculiares formatos y esquemas para lograr expresar la profundidad del espacio y la duración del tiempo, como una manera de interpretar y diseñar arquitectura contemporánea. Mediante un estudio de la pintura tradicional de temática paisajística y urbana, y a diferentes escalas, se analizará el lenguaje poético de la pintura china. Más allá de las técnicas pictóricas, este lenguaje se sitúa en un nivel ideológico de comprensión y experiencia; expresa, por tanto, una gama de significados más amplia que la mera representación arquitectónica, actúa como lo haría un medio verbal para expresar una semántica de tipo crítico y narrativo, además de los consiguientes efectos visuales. En esta tesis, también veremos cómo la pintura tradicional sigue siendo la base del proceso de creación de ideas de varios arquitectos chinos contemporáneos para evitar así una mera imitación acrítica de modelos internacionales. Una fusión sutil de la contemporaneidad con la identidad cultural proporcionada por la presencia de conceptos de la pintura tradicional permite a esta arquitectura ganar nuevas capas de significado y dimensión. Por último, comprender tales procesos de ideación puede brindarnos ayuda en la formulación intuitiva de formas de enriquecer la arquitectura occidental. En particular, establecer conexiones poéticas con nuestras tradiciones culturales puede ser una estrategia útil para prevenir las frecuentes caídas de la arquitectura occidental en los excesos vacíos del utilitarismo, el iconicismo o la simple banalidad.Postprint (published version

    2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium: Full Program

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    Full program with schedule and abstracts for the 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium
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