848 research outputs found

    PLOMO Associate Team Final Report

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    The goal of Plomo is to develop new meta tools to improve and bring synergy in the existing infrastructure of Pharo1 (for software development) and the Moose software analysis platform2 (for maintenance). PLOMO will (i) enhance the Opal open compiler infrastructure to support plugin definition, (ii) offer an infrastructure for change and event tracking as well as models to compose and manipulate them, (iii) work on a layered library of algorithms for the Mondrian visualization engine of Moose, (iv) work on new ways of profiling applications. All the efforts will be performed on Pharo and Moose, two platforms heavily used by the RMoD and Pleiad teams

    Project-Team RMoD 2013 Activity Report

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    Activity Report 2013 Project-Team RMOD Analyses and Languages Constructs for Object-Oriented Application Evolutio

    Activity Report 2012. Project-Team RMOD. Analyses and Languages Constructs for Object-Oriented Application Evolution

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    Activity Report 2012 Project-Team RMOD Analyses and Languages Constructs for Object-Oriented Application Evolutio

    The 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains

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    This report contains the proceedings from the 14th Overture workshop organized in connection with the Formal Methods 2016 symposium. This includes nine papers describing different technological progress in relation to the Overture/VDM tool support and its connection with other tools such as Crescendo, Symphony, INTO-CPS, TASTE and ViennaTalk

    Towards Interactive, Incremental Programming of ROS Nodes

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    Writing software for controlling robots is a complex task, usually demanding command of many programming languages and requiring significant experimentation. We believe that a bottom-up development process that complements traditional component- and MDSD-based approaches can facilitate experimentation. We propose the use of an internal DSL providing both a tool to interactively create ROS nodes and a behaviour-replacement mechanism to interactively reshape existing ROS nodes by wrapping the external interfaces (the publish/subscribe topics), dynamically controlled using the Python command line interface.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2014 (arXiv:cs/1411.7148

    Mercury: a Model for Live Remote Debugging in Reflective Languages

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    Remote debugging facilities are a technical necessity for devices that have limited computing power to run an IDE (e.g., smartphones), lack appropriate input/output interfaces (display, keyboard, mouse) for programming (e.g mobile robots) or are simply unreachable for local development (e.g cloud-servers). Yet remote debugging solutions can prove awkward to use due to their distributed nature. Empirical studies show us that on average 10.5 minutes per coding hour (over five 40-hour work weeks per year) are spend for re-deploying applications while fixing bugs or improving functionality. Moreover current solutions lack facilities that would otherwise be available in a local setting because its difficult to reproduce them remotely. Our work identifies three desirable properties that an ideal solution for remote debugging should exhibit, namely: run-time evolution, semantic instrumentation and adaptable distribution. Given these properties we propose and validate Mercury, a live remote debugging model and architecture for reflective OO languages

    Ghost: A uniform and general-purpose proxy implementation

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    International audienceA proxy object is a surrogate or placeholder that controls access to another target object. Proxy objects are a widely used solution for different scenarios such as remote method invocation, future objects, behavioral reflection, object databases, inter-languages communications and bindings, access control, lazy or parallel evaluation, security, among others. Most proxy implementations support proxies for regular objects but are unable to create proxies for objects with an important role in the runtime infrastructure such as classes or methods. Proxies can be complex to install, they can have a significant overhead, they can be limited to certain kind of classes, etc. Moreover, proxy implementations are often not stratified and they do not have a clear separation between proxies (the objects intercepting messages) and handlers (the objects handling interceptions). In this paper, we present Ghost: a uniform and general-purpose proxy implementation for the Pharo programming language. Ghost provides low memory consuming proxies for regular objects as well as for classes and methods. When a proxy takes the place of a class, it intercepts both the messages received by the class and the lookup of methods for messages received by its instances. Similarly, if a proxy takes the place of a method, then the method execution is intercepted too

    Problems and Challenges when Building a Manager for Unused Objects

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    International audienceLarge object-oriented applications may occupy hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes of memory. During program execution, a large graph of objects is created and constantly changed. Most object runtimes support some kind of automatic memory management based on garbage collectors (GC) whose idea is the automatic destruction of unreferenced objects. However, there are referenced objects which are not used for a long period of time or that are used just once. These are not garbage-collected because they are still reachable and might be used in the future. Due to these unused objects, applications use much more resources than they actually need. In this paper we present the challenges and possible approaches towards an unused object manager for Pharo. The goal is to use less memory by swapping out the unused objects to secondary memory and only leaving in primary memory only those objects which are needed and used. When one of the unused objects is needed, it is brought back into primary memory

    Efficient Proxies in Smalltalk

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    International audienceA proxy object is a surrogate or placeholder that controls access to another target object. Proxy objects are a widely used solution for different scenarios such as remote method invocation, future objects, behavioral reflection, object databases, inter-languages communications and bindings, access control, lazy or parallel evaluation, security, among others. Most proxy implementations support proxies for regular objects but they are unable to create proxies for classes or methods. Proxies can be complex to install, have a significant overhead, be limited to certain type of classes, etc. Moreover, most proxy implementations are not stratified at all and there is no separation between proxies and handlers. In this paper, we present Ghost, a uniform, light-weight and stratified general purpose proxy model and its Smalltalk implementation.Ghost supports proxies for classes or methods. When a proxy takes the place of a class it intercepts both, messages received by the class and lookup of methods for messages received by instances. Similarly, if a proxy takes the place of a method, then the method execution is intercepted too

    Towards agile cross-platform application development with Smalltalk and Model Driven Engineering

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    International audienceNowadays, general public applications or specific infor-mation systems must be able to run on mobile platforms as well as on conventional platforms. Because developers have to deal with mobile platform specificities, this constraint si-gnificantly lessen the benefits of agile methods and as a consequence impacts on the application development cost. Many research works aim at reducing the development cost. Prototyping as well as automatic code generation have been investigated by the community. In this article, we present Dali, a framework that uses both Smalltalk and Model Dri-ven Engineering. With Dali, an application model can be de-signed for multiple platforms and interpreted before code generation. An execution platform is modelled as a set of constraints over a context. These constraints can affect the presentation of the Graphical User-Interface (GUI) but also the overall behaviour of an application
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