143 research outputs found

    Arquitecturas de Generación de Contenido Colaborativo para sistemas basados en Realidad Aumentada Móvil

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    La evolución actual de los terminales móviles ha propiciado el surgimiento de un nuevo campo de investigación relacionado con las aplicaciones móviles colaborativas basadas en Realidad Aumentada. Debido a su inmadurez, es necesaria una conceptualización de términos que aclaren un entorno hasta el momento complejo y poco estructurado. Este artículo propone una nueva taxonomía llamada “Pirámide de Generación de Contenido Colaborativo” que clasifica este tipo de aplicaciones en tres niveles: aisladas, sociales y en tiempo real. Dicha clasificación describe las diferentes arquitecturas que se deben tener en cuenta para conseguir sistemas de cada uno de estos niveles, teniendo en cuenta la forma en que el contenido aumentado es generado y cómo se lleva a cabo la colaboración. Por tanto, el principal objetivo es clarificar terminología relativa a este nuevo paradigma, a la vez que se propone un marco para identificar y clasificar futuras investigaciones relativas a este entorno

    Cloud Based Application Development for Accessing Restaurant Information on Mobile Device using LBS

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    Over the past couple of years, the extent of the services provided on the mobile devices has increased rapidly. A special class of service among them is the Location Based Service(LBS) which depends on the geographical position of the user to provide services to the end users. However, a mobile device is still resource constrained, and some applications usually demand more resources than a mobile device can a ord. To alleviate this, a mobile device should get resources from an external source. One of such sources is cloud computing platforms. We can predict that the mobile area will take on a boom with the advent of this new concept. The aim of this paper is to exchange messages between user and location service provider in mobile device accessing the cloud by minimizing cost, data storage and processing power. Our main goal is to provide dynamic location-based service and increase the information retrieve accuracy especially on the limited mobile screen by accessing cloud application. In this paper we present location based restaurant information retrieval system and we have developed our application in Android.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Explaining multi-threaded task scheduling using tangible user interfaces in higher educational contexts

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    Endorsing the advantages of computer-based interaction within the educational domain, this study analysis the potential for tangible interactive technology to mitigate the challenges faced by higher educational institutes in explaining abstracted technical concepts. Implemented within a novel within the educational domain, this paper evaluates the efficacy of adopting a tangible user interface (TUI) to aid in the conceptual understanding of multi-threaded task scheduling and programming by undergraduate IT students. Making use of physical object representations, a description is provided for the distinctive development of a collaborative system that allows students to interact with and visualize the scheduling of multiple software threads onto a computer processes. The paper quantitatively studies the usefulness of the proposed TUI system with respect to traditional lectures by deploying the system within a university computing degree. Evaluation analysis of the obtained results highlight a significant improvement in the students' abilities to grasp the abstract and complex notions of multi-threading, thus validating the potential of the proposed study

    Recommendations for implementing VR and AR in Education, Art, and Museums

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    Artificial intelligence technologies are becoming more common, and schools, museums, and art exhibitions will need to alter their old methods of working and thinking processes to fully realize their potential. In an increasingly digital environment, incorporating VR and AR technology as well as wearable gadgets into various areas may help to increase participation. The strategic role and usage of VR and AR in influencing tourist experience at art galleries and museums, as well as its potential to improve education, needs to be explored in VR and AR in Education, Art, and Museums. This research provides some recommendations for museum supervisors, tour designers, academic software developers because it covers a wide range of topics such as digital training, digital heritage, and gaming

    Mixed marker-based/marker-less visual odometry system for mobile robots

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    When moving in generic indoor environments, robotic platforms generally rely solely on information provided by onboard sensors to determine their position and orientation. However, the lack of absolute references often leads to the introduction of severe drifts in estimates computed, making autonomous operations really hard to accomplish. This paper proposes a solution to alleviate the impact of the above issues by combining two vision‐based pose estimation techniques working on relative and absolute coordinate systems, respectively. In particular, the unknown ground features in the images that are captured by the vertical camera of a mobile platform are processed by a vision‐based odometry algorithm, which is capable of estimating the relative frame‐to‐frame movements. Then, errors accumulated in the above step are corrected using artificial markers displaced at known positions in the environment. The markers are framed from time to time, which allows the robot to maintain the drifts bounded by additionally providing it with the navigation commands needed for autonomous flight. Accuracy and robustness of the designed technique are demonstrated using an off‐the‐shelf quadrotor via extensive experimental test

    Virtual Worlds to enhance Ambient-Assisted Living

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    In this paper we discuss about the integration of Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) with virtual worlds. The integration of sensors from the AAL environment (e.g. vital signs, motion sensors) in the Virtual World can enhance the provision of in-world eHealth services, such as telerehabilitation, and taking advance of the social nature of virtual worlds. An implementation of a virtual world integrated in an AAL environment for tele-rehabilitation is described in this paper. At this time, all of the system’s modules have been developed and we are currently integrating them in a fully functional version. The system will be tested with real users during 2010 in the Sport Medical Unit of The University of Seville. This paper describes the architecture and functionalities of the system.Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-229

    Brave: A Virtual Reality Game

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    Virtual Reality has a wide range of applications whether it be in educational, medical or gaming. There is a huge demand for Virtual Reality in gaming industries as due to this immersive technology gamer feels he/she is part of gaming environment rather than a mere observer. VR game is a powerful tool to depict mental illness of the patient as mental illness is often underestimated and misunderstood. This will help to educate masses about it and in a way create awareness and eradicate its stigma. We trying to develop a game on the theme based on social anxiety

    Real-Time Illumination Capture and Rendering on Mobile Devices

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    We present our efforts to develop methods for rendering 3D objects on mobile devices using real-world dynamic illumination from the user’s environment. To achieve this, we use the front and back cameras on the mobile device to estimate the light distribution in the environment in real time. We then create a dynamic illumination map and render the object at interactive rates in a browser on the device using a web-based graphics API. This project achieves one of the goals of our related work on realistic visualization of virtual objects: to make virtual objects appear to be situated within the scene they are observed in