44 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey on Sixth Sense Technology

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    Sixth sense Technology is a wearable gestural interface which augments the physical world around us with the digital world and it enables the user to use their natural hand gestures to interact with that such information. It is a neck-worn gestural interface in which two main components are used; a data projector and a camera. This technology enables the user to connect with the internet. This technology works on the principles of image processing and gestural recognition. This technology has established a new field in Human Computer Interaction. In this paper we present a brief study or review on sixth sense technology

    DeLP viewer: a defeasible logic programming visualization tool

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    Defeasible Logic Programming (DeLP) is a knowledge representation formalism that combines results from Logic Programming and Defeasible Argumentation to provide reasoning based on contradictory and potentially incomplete information. DeLP allows information representation by using weak rules and provides an argumentation inference mechanism for warranting the entailed conclusions. It is necessary to comprehend the relationships between the arguments involved in DeLP derivation to understand the reasoning process and justify the replies provided by the DeLP system. In order to reach such a degree of understanding we present DeLP Viewer, a DeLP visualization tool for representing the inference process performed by a DeLP reasoner. Albeit there are many applications designed for argumentation visualization, our proposal provides a visual representation for the underlying logic and argumentative structure behind DeLP, allowing the interactive exploration of the entire reasoning process plus the internals of the involved arguments.Presentado en el VII Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Identifikasi Arti Tangisan Bayi Versi Dunstan Baby Language Menggunakan Jarak Terpendek Dari Jarak Mahalanobis (Infant Cries Identification of Dunstan Baby Language Version using the Shortest Distance of Mahalanobis)

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    New born babies have the ability to express their basic needs through sounds. A system to understand the meaning of crying infants of aged 0-3 months is called Dunstan Baby Language (DBL), which was introduced in 2006. This research aimed to perform the modeling of codebook method with k-means clustering technique as feature matching, and Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) as feature extraction to identify the infant cries. The infant cries identification of Dunstan Baby Language version used the shortest distance of mahalanobis. The treatment in this research was the combination of frame length: 25 ms, 40 ms and 60 ms, frame overlap of 0%, 40%, and 60%, and the number of codewords (number of clusters) of 1 to 29. The best accuracy in recognizing five types of crying Infants using mahalanobis distance can be achieved up to 83% when the frame length = 275, the overlap frame = 0.25, and the k = 17. Sound ‘heh’ was the most familiar, whereas sound ‘owh’ was always missunderstood and generally  known as ‘neh’ and ‘eairh’.Keywords: Codebook, Dunstan baby language, Mahalanobis Distance, MFC

    Comparison of Semantic Segmentation Approaches for Horizon/Sky Line Detection

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    Horizon or skyline detection plays a vital role towards mountainous visual geo-localization, however most of the recently proposed visual geo-localization approaches rely on \textbf{user-in-the-loop} skyline detection methods. Detecting such a segmenting boundary fully autonomously would definitely be a step forward for these localization approaches. This paper provides a quantitative comparison of four such methods for autonomous horizon/sky line detection on an extensive data set. Specifically, we provide the comparison between four recently proposed segmentation methods; one explicitly targeting the problem of horizon detection\cite{Ahmad15}, second focused on visual geo-localization but relying on accurate detection of skyline \cite{Saurer16} and other two proposed for general semantic segmentation -- Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) \cite{Long15} and SegNet\cite{Badrinarayanan15}. Each of the first two methods is trained on a common training set \cite{Baatz12} comprised of about 200 images while models for the third and fourth method are fine tuned for sky segmentation problem through transfer learning using the same data set. Each of the method is tested on an extensive test set (about 3K images) covering various challenging geographical, weather, illumination and seasonal conditions. We report average accuracy and average absolute pixel error for each of the presented formulation.Comment: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (oral presentation), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 201

    On Finding Minimally Unsatisfiable Cores of CSPs

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    International audienceWhen a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) admits no solution, it can be useful to pinpoint which constraints are actually contradicting one another and make the problem infeasible. In this paper, a recent heuristic-based approach to compute infeasible min- imal subparts of discrete CSPs, also called Minimally Unsatisfiable Cores (MUCs), is improved. The approach is based on the heuristic exploitation of the number of times each constraint has been falsified during previous failed search steps. It appears to en- hance the performance of the initial technique, which was the most efficient one until now

    DeLP viewer: a defeasible logic programming visualization tool

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    Defeasible Logic Programming (DeLP) is a knowledge representation formalism that combines results from Logic Programming and Defeasible Argumentation to provide reasoning based on contradictory and potentially incomplete information. DeLP allows information representation by using weak rules and provides an argumentation inference mechanism for warranting the entailed conclusions. It is necessary to comprehend the relationships between the arguments involved in DeLP derivation to understand the reasoning process and justify the replies provided by the DeLP system. In order to reach such a degree of understanding we present DeLP Viewer, a DeLP visualization tool for representing the inference process performed by a DeLP reasoner. Albeit there are many applications designed for argumentation visualization, our proposal provides a visual representation for the underlying logic and argumentative structure behind DeLP, allowing the interactive exploration of the entire reasoning process plus the internals of the involved arguments.Presentado en el VII Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    E-Health: From Sensors to Systems

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    Electronic-health or E-health is a broad area of engineering that leverages transducer, circuit and systems technologies for applications to health management and lifestyle. Scientific challenges relate to the acquisition of accurate medical information from various forms of sensing inside/outside the body and to the processing of this information to support or actuate medical decisions. E- health systems must satisfy safety, security and dependability criteria and their deployment is critical because of the low-power and low-noise requirements of components interacting with human bodies. E-health is motivated by the social and economic goals of achieving better health care at lower costs and will revolutionize medical practice in the years to come