868 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Orang Tua tentang Konsep Merdeka Belajar di PAUD

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    Purpose from this research is to obtain parents’ understanding of independent learning in early childhood education. This article figures how far parents’ understanding of independent learning in early childhood education. Harapan yang diinginkan artikel ini adalah membuka wawasan kepada orang tua, pendidik dan masyarakat bahwa pembelajaran harus sesuai dengan minat dan bakat anak. This article gives an insight to parents, teachers and public. Method of this article using survey with saturated sampling. Result of this research is parents’ undrestanding about independent learning completely. Most of parents didn’t agree if children study without paper in their daily assignment. Parents state that critical thinking ability is quite important. Parents also state that do reading, writing and counting is the most important to prepare go to elementary school. Conclusion of this research is most of parents understand independent learning, but not completely. Parents are still oriented in reading, writing and counting to prepare to go elelemtary school is most important than children study based on their own interest, talent, creativity, critical thinking and back to nature.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pemahaman orang tua tentang konsep merdeka belajar yang diselenggarakan di PAUD. Artikel ini dapat memberikan gambaran tentang sejauh mana pemahaman orang tua tentang konsep merdeka belajar. Harapan yang diinginkan artikel ini adalah membuka wawasan kepada orang tua, pendidik dan masyarakat bahwa pembelajaran harus sesuai dengan minat dan bakat anak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemahaman orang tua tentang konsep merdeka belajar yang seutuhnya. Kebanyakan orang tua tidak setuju anak belajar kembali ke alam dan tidak menggunakan Lembar Kerja (LK) sebagai penugasan. Orang tua menyatakan cukup penting anak memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis. Orang tua masih menganggap belajar calistung adalah hal yang sangat penting diajarkan di PAUD untuk persiapan masuk SD. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah rata-rata orang tua menyatakan bahwa sudah memahami merdeka belajar, akan tetapi belum sepenuhnya paham apa arti merdeka belajar. Orang tua masih berorientasi bahwa pembelajaran calistung untuk persiapan masuk SD lebih penting dibandingkan anak-anak belajar sesuai dengan minat, bakat, kreatifitas, berpikir kritis dan kembali ke alam

    Green site practices and environmental performance: how project complexity moderates the relationship

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    The characteristics of a project that makes it hard to understand, predict, and manage its general behavior despite the availability of required information relating to the project dynamics is referred to as project complexity. A good knowledge of project complexity at the construction phase of a project, as well as a well thought out plan to manage complexity will determine how proficiently construction projects are planned, managed, and executed in an environmentally friendly manner. The level of complexity of construction projects to a large extent determines the performance or otherwise of the projects with regards to achieving specific environmental standards. At construction sites, the effects of adopting green site practices on environmental performance is largely dependent on the level of complexity inherent in the project’s construction processes. This study investigates the moderating effects of project complexity on the relationship between various green construction site practices and environmental performance of construction projects. A survey was conducted on class A contractors in Nigeria and 168 usable responses were received. The data were analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modelling technique. The results show that project complexity moderates the relationship between waste management and environmental performance, and the relationship between materials management and environmental performance. But project complexity does not moderate the relationship between energy management and environmental performance. The study provides important theoretical and practical information for construction managers in understanding the dynamics involved in managing of projects with different degrees of complexity, while adopting certain green site practices with the aim of delivering projects with high degree of environmental performance

    B2B Electronic Marketplaces in Supply Chain Management: Analyzing Recent Research Activities

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    Since their rise during the 1990s, business-to-business (B2B) electronic marketplaces have been subject to numerous scientific articles. Especially during the dot-com era, these research efforts have been accompanied by several start-ups such as CommerceOne, with mixed market success. For researchers looking for promising areas of IS research, these facts raise the question whether B2B electronic marketplaces still constitute a viable option which is worth focusing on. The work at hand strives to answer that question by conducting a literature analysis covering the period from 2005 to 2009. We examined 11 major IS-journals as well as three major IS conferences in search of articles dealing with or relating to B2B electronic marketplaces. The analysis of the data gathered throughout that process provides an overview of the B2B electronic marketplace research of the past five years from multiple perspectives. Our analysis indentifies several research opportunities for researchers, e.g., by indentifying research methods that have not been applied to examine certain topics, or by identifying geographical regions that have been under-researched regarding the application of B2B electronic marketplaces. Further, our work will help practitioners seeking reliable information regarding B2B electronic marketplaces to indentify publication outlets relevant for this field of research

    Human-centric design of unified communications: e-collaboration features

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    This article describes a co-design process in the context of user experience (UX) and usability testing and analysis of a first proof of concept of e-collaboration features based on unified communications, co-designed within an organization aiming to optimize users' communication cognitive load. An initial digital prototype with a detailed graphical interface, and simulated user narratives was established and the qualitative validation process is described and discussed. The implemented R&D process is mainly supported on user-centred design (UCD) methodology, namely action research with service design thinking method and co-design techniques. Qualitative data was gathered with concurrent think-aloud activities (CTA) stimulated by user experience expectation questions, observation notes, with integration in an eye tracking technology system. The UCD process and results are discussed, substantiating the added value due to the individual contributions and consequent usefulness of a final unified communication service for the organization.publishe

    Pemahaman Orang Tua tentang Konsep Merdeka Belajar di PAUD

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    Purpose from this research is to obtain parents’ understanding of independent learning in early childhood education. This article figures how far parents’ understanding of independent learning in early childhood education. Harapan yang diinginkan artikel ini adalah membuka wawasan kepada orang tua, pendidik dan masyarakat bahwa pembelajaran harus sesuai dengan minat dan bakat anak. This article gives an insight to parents, teachers and public. Method of this article using survey with saturated sampling. Result of this research is parents’ undrestanding about independent learning completely. Most of parents didn’t agree if children study without paper in their daily assignment. Parents state that critical thinking ability is quite important. Parents also state that do reading, writing and counting is the most important to prepare go to elementary school. Conclusion of this research is most of parents understand independent learning, but not completely. Parents are still oriented in reading, writing and counting to prepare to go elelemtary school is most important than children study based on their own interest, talent, creativity, critical thinking and back to nature.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pemahaman orang tua tentang konsep merdeka belajar yang diselenggarakan di PAUD. Artikel ini dapat memberikan gambaran tentang sejauh mana pemahaman orang tua tentang konsep merdeka belajar. Harapan yang diinginkan artikel ini adalah membuka wawasan kepada orang tua, pendidik dan masyarakat bahwa pembelajaran harus sesuai dengan minat dan bakat anak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemahaman orang tua tentang konsep merdeka belajar yang seutuhnya. Kebanyakan orang tua tidak setuju anak belajar kembali ke alam dan tidak menggunakan Lembar Kerja (LK) sebagai penugasan. Orang tua menyatakan cukup penting anak memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis. Orang tua masih menganggap belajar calistung adalah hal yang sangat penting diajarkan di PAUD untuk persiapan masuk SD. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah rata-rata orang tua menyatakan bahwa sudah memahami merdeka belajar, akan tetapi belum sepenuhnya paham apa arti merdeka belajar. Orang tua masih berorientasi bahwa pembelajaran calistung untuk persiapan masuk SD lebih penting dibandingkan anak-anak belajar sesuai dengan minat, bakat, kreatifitas, berpikir kritis dan kembali ke alam

    Electronic Commerce Research Profiles: Comparing E-Commerce and Information Systems Journals

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    The rapid diffusion of information and mobile technologies has revolutionized the way we do business and how we conduct our daily lives. Electronic commerce (e-commerce or EC) has had an enormous impact on business practices and has become a new area of study for researchers in related fields. Thousands of papers on this subject have been published in the past two decades, most of which have been published in e-commerce (EC) journals. However, many such papers have been published in information systems (IS) journals. Information systems have become the core discipline that drives e-commerce research. The purpose of this research is to report on the profiles of e-commerce papers published in major EC and IS journals, and to determine whether papers that have appeared in EC journals differ from those published in IS journals. We surveyed EC papers published in ten major journals and conducted a bibliometric analysis. Our findings indicate that (1) more EC papers are published in EC journals, but papers published in IS journals are cited more often; (2) collectively, authors in the U.S. are the most prolific, followed by those in China and Taiwan; (3) more theories were used in recent papers than in earlier ones, and the TAM has been the most popular model; (4) B2C and consumer behavior have been the most popular subject areas for EC research; and (5) the core knowledge measured by the co-citation network was provided by the same group of authors in EC and IS journal publications. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol9/iss3/4

    E-Commerce Research in Australia

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    Published research in the area of electronic commerce has increased several fold in recent years. Australian researchers have participated actively in this research field. An emphasis on quality has prompted us to review the publications in the area of electronic commerce. This paper reports on research, that used a framework developed by Scornavacca et al. (2005), to examine papers published in the leading, relevant journals and conferences over the period 2000 to 2005. Analyses of papers in the electronic commerce area, published during this period, reflects a number of trends in terms of research outlets, approaches, and methods used. The analyses presented here invite a comparative analysis by Scandinavian researchers in ecommerce. The Scandinavian research community represents an appropriate environment against which to benchmark the Australian research outputs. It is our hope that the analyses in this paper will lead to mutual learning and collaboration between researchers in both contexts

    Global Journal Prestige and Supporting Disciplines: A Scientometric Study of Information Systems Journals

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    Many argue that the Information Systems (IS) field is at a critical juncture in its evolving identity. In debating whether the IS field is in crisis, we agree with Hirschheim and Klein (2003) that ¡°reflective analysis¡± will contribute to the field¡¯s continued prosperity. Indeed, reflective analysis is needed to evaluate the journals of the field as well as IS journal rankings, which evaluate the effectiveness and productivity of researchers and the effectiveness and productivity of journals in communicating research results. After all, where and how we publish are fundamental aspects of the identity of the IS field¡ªreflecting our value systems, paradigms, cultural practices, reward systems, political hierarchy, and aspirations. This article reviews the results of the largest global, scientometric survey to date of IS journal rankings that targeted 8741 faculty from 414 IS departments world-wide, and resulted in 2559 responses, or a 32% response rate. Rather than using predetermined journal lists, the study required respondents to freely recall their top-four research journals. This research improves on the usual scientometric journal ranking studies by providing a foundation for further reflection and self-analysis. For instance, it first examines the global structure of the IS field and investigates perceptions among global IS academics concerning current research outlets. Specific results then illustrate the values and cultural norms in the global IS community that affect the evaluation of research and publication outlets. Finally, in addition to rankings of scholarly journals by the entire world-wide sample of IS academics, rankings are provided for top IS practitioner journals, most frequently read IS journals, top journals for the major IS supporting disciplines, and top journals by world region

    Feature Extraction in Music information retrival using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Music classification is essential for faster Music record recovery. Separating the ideal arrangement of highlights and selecting the best investigation technique are critical for obtaining the best results from sound grouping. The extraction of sound elements could be viewed as an exceptional case of information sound information being transformed into sound instances. Music division and order can provide a rich dataset for the analysis of sight and sound substances. Because of the great dimensionality of sound highlights as well as the variable length of sound fragments, Music layout is dependent on the overpowering computation. By focusing on rhythmic aspects of different songs, this article provides an introduction of some of the possibilities for computing music similarity. Almost every MIR toolkit includes a method for extracting the beats per minute (BPM) and consequently the tempo of each music. The simplest method of computing very low-level rhythmic similarities is to sort and compare songs solely by their tempo There are undoubtedly far better and more precise solutions.  work discusses some of the most promising ways for computing rhythm similarities in a Big Data framework usaing machine Learning algorithms
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