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    Considerations about quality in model-driven engineering

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11219-016-9350-6The virtue of quality is not itself a subject; it depends on a subject. In the software engineering field, quality means good software products that meet customer expectations, constraints, and requirements. Despite the numerous approaches, methods, descriptive models, and tools, that have been developed, a level of consensus has been reached by software practitioners. However, in the model-driven engineering (MDE) field, which has emerged from software engineering paradigms, quality continues to be a great challenge since the subject is not fully defined. The use of models alone is not enough to manage all of the quality issues at the modeling language level. In this work, we present the current state and some relevant considerations regarding quality in MDE, by identifying current categories in quality conception and by highlighting quality issues in real applications of the model-driven initiatives. We identified 16 categories in the definition of quality in MDE. From this identification, by applying an adaptive sampling approach, we discovered the five most influential authors for the works that propose definitions of quality. These include (in order): the OMG standards (e.g., MDA, UML, MOF, OCL, SysML), the ISO standards for software quality models (e.g., 9126 and 25,000), Krogstie, Lindland, and Moody. We also discovered families of works about quality, i.e., works that belong to the same author or topic. Seventy-three works were found with evidence of the mismatch between the academic/research field of quality evaluation of modeling languages and actual MDE practice in industry. We demonstrate that this field does not currently solve quality issues reported in industrial scenarios. The evidence of the mismatch was grouped in eight categories, four for academic/research evidence and four for industrial reports. These categories were detected based on the scope proposed in each one of the academic/research works and from the questions and issues raised by real practitioners. We then proposed a scenario to illustrate quality issues in a real information system project in which multiple modeling languages were used. For the evaluation of the quality of this MDE scenario, we chose one of the most cited and influential quality frameworks; it was detected from the information obtained in the identification of the categories about quality definition for MDE. We demonstrated that the selected framework falls short in addressing the quality issues. Finally, based on the findings, we derive eight challenges for quality evaluation in MDE projects that current quality initiatives do not address sufficiently.F.G, would like to thank COLCIENCIAS (Colombia) for funding this work through the Colciencias Grant call 512-2010. This work has been supported by the Gene-ralitat Valenciana Project IDEO (PROMETEOII/2014/039), the European Commission FP7 Project CaaS (611351), and ERDF structural funds.Giraldo-Velásquez, FD.; España Cubillo, S.; Pastor López, O.; Giraldo, WJ. (2016). Considerations about quality in model-driven engineering. Software Quality Journal. 1-66. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-016-9350-6S166(1985). Iso information processing—documentation symbols and conventions for data, program and system flowcharts, program network charts and system resources charts. ISO 5807:1985(E) (pp. 1–25).(2011). Iso/iec/ieee systems and software engineering – architecture description. 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    Characterization of Structural Properties in High Reynolds Hydraulic Jump Based on CFD and Physical Modeling Approaches

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    [EN] A classical hydraulic jump with Froude number (Fr1=6) and Reynolds number (Re1=210,000) was characterized using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D, whose performance was assessed. The results were compared with experimental data from a physical model designed for this purpose. The most relevant hydraulic jump characteristics were investigated, including hydraulic jump efficiency, roller length, free surface profile, distributions of velocity and pressure, and fluctuating variables. The model outcome was also compared with previous results from the literature. Both CFD codes were found to represent with high accuracy the hydraulic jump surface profile, roller length, efficiency, and sequent depths ratio, consistently with previous research. 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    Analysis of the Flow in a Typified USBR II Stilling Basin through a Numerical and Physical Modeling Approach

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    [EN] Adaptation of stilling basins to higher discharges than those considered for their design implies deep knowledge of the flow developed in these structures. To this end, the hydraulic jump occurring in a typified United States Bureau of Reclamation Type II (USBR II) stilling basin was analyzed using a numerical and experimental modeling approach. A reduced-scale physical model to conduct an experimental campaign was built and a numerical computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was prepared to carry out the corresponding simulations. Both models were able to successfully reproduce the case study in terms of hydraulic jump shape, velocity profiles, and pressure distributions. The analysis revealed not only similarities to the flow in classical hydraulic jumps but also the influence of the energy dissipation devices existing in the stilling basin, all in good agreement with bibliographical information, despite some slight differences. Furthermore, the void fraction distribution was analyzed, showing satisfactory performance of the physical model, although the numerical approach presented some limitations to adequately represent the flow aeration mechanisms, which are discussed herein. Overall, the presented modeling approach can be considered as a useful tool to address the analysis of free surface flows occurring in stilling basins.This research was funded by 'Generalitat Valenciana predoctoral grants (Grant number [2015/7521])', in collaboration with the European Social Funds and by the research project: 'La aireacion del flujo y su implementacion en prototipo para la mejora de la disipacion de energia de la lamina vertiente por resalto hidraulico en distintos tipos de presas' (BIA2017-85412-C2-1-R), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy.Macián Pérez, JF.; García-Bartual, R.; Huber, B.; Bayón, A.; Vallés-Morán, FJ. (2020). 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    Evaluating how agent methodologies support the specification of the normative environment through the development process

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    [EN] Due to the increase in collaborative work and the decentralization of processes in many domains, there is an expanding demand for large-scale, flexible and adaptive software systems to support the interactions of people and institutions distributed in heterogeneous environments. Commonly, these software applications should follow specific regulations meaning the actors using them are bound by rights, duties and restrictions. Since this normative environment determines the final design of the software system, it should be considered as an important issue during the design of the system. Some agent-oriented software engineering methodologies deal with the development of normative systems (systems that have a normative environment) by integrating the analysis of the normative environment of a system in the development process. 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    Requirements modelling and formal analysis using graph operations

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    The increasing complexity of enterprise systems requires a more advanced analysis of the representation of services expected than is currently possible. Consequently, the specification stage, which could be facilitated by formal verification, becomes very important to the system life-cycle. This paper presents a formal modelling approach, which may be used in order to better represent the reality of the system and to verify the awaited or existing system’s properties, taking into account the environmental characteristics. For that, we firstly propose a formalization process based upon properties specification, and secondly we use Conceptual Graphs operations to develop reasoning mechanisms of verifying requirements statements. The graphic visualization of these reasoning enables us to correctly capture the system specifications by making it easier to determine if desired properties hold. It is applied to the field of Enterprise modelling

    How software engineering research aligns with design science: A review

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    Background: Assessing and communicating software engineering research can be challenging. Design science is recognized as an appropriate research paradigm for applied research but is seldom referred to in software engineering. Applying the design science lens to software engineering research may improve the assessment and communication of research contributions. Aim: The aim of this study is 1) to understand whether the design science lens helps summarize and assess software engineering research contributions, and 2) to characterize different types of design science contributions in the software engineering literature. Method: In previous research, we developed a visual abstract template, summarizing the core constructs of the design science paradigm. In this study, we use this template in a review of a set of 38 top software engineering publications to extract and analyze their design science contributions. Results: We identified five clusters of papers, classifying them according to their alignment with the design science paradigm. Conclusions: The design science lens helps emphasize the theoretical contribution of research output---in terms of technological rules---and reflect on the practical relevance, novelty, and rigor of the rules proposed by the research.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure