19 research outputs found

    Computer - Supported Cooperative Work - Concepts and Trends

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    The research field Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is concerned with understanding social interaction and the design, development, and evaluation of technical systems supporting social interaction in teams and communities – or in other words it is about researching the use of computer-based technology for supporting collaboration. The field was coined in the 1980th by researchers from computer science, information science and social science. In this paper we will briefly introduce CSCW – its concepts and current trends - and thereby focus on the role of Informatics in the field – from application integration to ubiquitous user interfaces

    CollaborationBus Aqua: An Editor for Storytelling in Mixed Reality Settings

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    Capturing the interaction of users in a room based on real-world and electronic sensors provides valuable input for their interactive stories. However, in such complex scenarios there is a gap between the huge amount of rather fine-grained data that is captured and the story summarising and representing the most significant aspects of the interaction. In this paper we present the CollaborationBus Aqua editor that provides an easy to use graphical editor for capturing, authoring, and sharing stories based on mixed-reality scenarios

    Bioans: bio-inspired ambient intelligence protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    This paper describes the BioANS (Bio-inspired Autonomic Networked Services) protocol that uses a novel utility-based service selection mechanism to drive autonomicity in sensor networks. Due to the increase in complexity of sensor network applications, self-configuration abilities, in terms of service discovery and automatic negotiation, have become core requirements. Further, as such systems are highly dynamic due to mobility and/or unreliability; runtime self-optimisation and self-healing is required. However the mechanism to implement this must be lightweight due to the sensor nodes being low in resources, and scalable as some applications can require thousands of nodes. BioANS incorporates some characteristics of natural emergent systems and these contribute to its overall stability whilst it remains simple and efficient. We show that not only does the BioANS protocol implement autonomicity in allowing a dynamic network of sensors to continue to function under demanding circumstances, but that the overheads incurred are reasonable. Moreover, state-flapping between requester and provider, message loss and randomness are not only tolerated but utilised to advantage in the new protocol

    CoLocScribe: A Media Space for Information Disclosure in Storytelling

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    Digital storytelling of remote social interaction, where the situation of a remote group distributed over two locations is captured and a story is generated for later retrieval, can provide valuable insight into the structure and processes in a group. Yet, capturing these situations is a challenge—both from a technical perspective, and from a social perspective. In this paper we present CoLocScribe: a concept and prototype of an advanced media space featuring ubiquitous computing technology for capturing remote social interaction as well as a study of its use providing valuable feedback for the captured persons as well as input for the authors

    Presence, Privacy, and PRIMIFaces: Towards Selective Information Disclosure in Instant Messaging

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    Efficient distant cooperation often requires spontaneous ad-hoc social interaction, which is only possible with adequate information on the prospective communication partner. This often requires disclosing and sharing personal information via tools such as instant messaging systems and can conflict with the users’ wishes for privacy. In this paper we present an initial study investigating this trade-off and discuss implications for the design of instant messaging systems. We present the functionality and design of the PRIMIFaces instant messaging prototype supporting flexible identity management and selective information disclosure

    CollaborationBus: An Editor for the Easy Configuration of Complex Ubiquitous Environment

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    Early sensor-based infrastructures were often developed by experts with a thorough knowledge of base technology for sensing information, for processing the captured data, and for adapting the system’s behaviour accordingly. In this paper we argue that also end-users should be able to configure Ubiquitous Computing environments. We introduce the CollaborationBus application: a graphical editor that provides abstractions from base technology and thereby allows multifarious users to configure Ubiquitous Computing environments. By composing pipelines users can easily specify the information flows from selected sensors via optional filters for processing the sensor data to actuators changing the system behaviour according to the users’ wishes. Users can compose pipelines for both home and work environments. An integrated sharing mechanism allows them to share their own compositions, and to reuse and build upon others’ compositions. Real-time visualisations help them understand how the information flows through their pipelines. In this paper we present the concept, implementation, and early user feedback of the CollaborationBus application

    CollaborationBus: An Editor for the Easy Configuration of Complex Ubiquitous Environment

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    Early sensor-based infrastructures were often developed by experts with a thorough knowledge of base technology for sensing information, for processing the captured data, and for adapting the system’s behaviour accordingly. In this paper we argue that also end-users should be able to configure Ubiquitous Computing environments. We introduce the CollaborationBus application: a graphical editor that provides abstractions from base technology and thereby allows multifarious users to configure Ubiquitous Computing environments. By composing pipelines users can easily specify the information flows from selected sensors via optional filters for processing the sensor data to actuators changing the system behaviour according to the users’ wishes. Users can compose pipelines for both home and work environments. An integrated sharing mechanism allows them to share their own compositions, and to reuse and build upon others’ compositions. Real-time visualisations help them understand how the information flows through their pipelines. In this paper we present the concept, implementation, and early user feedback of the CollaborationBus application

    CoDaMine: Supporting Privacy and Trust Management in Ubiquitous Environments Through Communication Data Mining

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    In ubiquitous environments an increasing number of sensors capture information on users and at the same time an increasing number of actuators are available to present information to users. This vast capturing of information potentially enables the system to adapt to the users. At the same time the system might violate the users' privacy by capturing information that the users do not want to share, and the system might disrupt the users by being too obtrusive in its adaptation or information supply. In this paper we present CoDaMine - a novel approach for providing users with system - generated feedback and control in ubiquitous environments giving them the freedom they need while reducing their effort. Basically, CoDaMine captures and analyses the users' online communication to learn about their social relationships in order to provide them with recommendations for inter-personal privacy and trust management

    The PPPSpace: Innovative Concepts for Permanent Capturing, Persistent Storing, and Parallel Processing and Distributing Events

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    A b s t r a c t —Media spaces provide users w i t h flexible support for easy interaction w i t h technology and with each other, both at the s a m e place and over distance. From a t e c h n o l o g i c a

    Data processing handover in the multi-access edge computing setting

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    The multi-access edge computing (MEC) technology is a key pillar of the 5th generation (5G) telecommunication network. Among other benefits, it will allow for ultra-low latency communications by bringing computations closer to the user equipment (UE). However, when the UE changes its position, the problem of keeping computations close to it arises. In this work I study this problem related to handover, taking the Megasense project as a real life use case. I propose, implement and analyze a solution that aims at solving the aforementioned problem within a prototype system developed by Nokia Bell Labs