13 research outputs found

    Turbo Decoder for Low-Power Ultrawideband Communication Systems

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    A new method to reduce the computational complexity of the turbo decoding in ultrawideband (UWB) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system is proposed. Existing stopping techniques for turbo decoding process using constrained decoding assume fixed signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for all the OFDM symbol bits so they fail to yield an acceptable bit-error rate (BER) performance in multicarrier systems. In this paper, we propose a bit-level stopping technique for turbo decoding process based on the constrained decoding method. In this technique, we combine the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) with an adaptive threshold on the log likelihood ratio (LLR) on each subcarrier to detect for convergence. The threshold is adaptive in the sense that the threshold on the LLR of a bit is determined by the average SNR of the OFDM symbol and the channel gain of the transmission subcarrier. Results show that when the channel state information (CSI) is used to determine the threshold on LLR, the stopping technique can reduce the computational complexity by about 0.5–2.5 equivalent iterations compared to GENIE turbo without degradation in the BER performance

    Extracting moods from songs and BBC programs based on emotional context

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    The increasing amounts of media becoming available in converged digital broadcast and mobile broadband networks will require intelligent interfaces capable of personalizing the selection of content. Aiming to capture the mood in the content, we construct a semantic space based on tags, frequently used to describe emotions associated with music in the last.fm social network. Implementing latent semantic analysis (LSA), we model the affective context of songs based on their lyrics, and apply a similar approach to extract moods from BBC synopsis descriptions of TV episodes using TV-Anytime atmosphere terms. Based on our early results, we propose that LSA could be implemented as machinelearning method to extract emotional context and model affective user preferences

    Region-Based Watermarking of Biometric Images: Case Study in Fingerprint Images

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    In this paper, a novel scheme to watermark biometric images is proposed. It exploits the fact that biometric images, normally, have one region of interest, which represents the relevant part of information processable by most of the biometric-based identification/authentication systems. This proposed scheme consists of embedding the watermark into the region of interest only; thus, preserving the hidden data from the segmentation process that removes the useless background and keeps the region of interest unaltered; a process which can be used by an attacker as a cropping attack. Also, it provides more robustness and better imperceptibility of the embedded watermark. The proposed scheme is introduced into the optimum watermark detection in order to improve its performance. It is applied to fingerprint images, one of the most widely used and studied biometric data. The watermarking is assessed in two well-known transform domains: the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The results obtained are very attractive and clearly show significant improvements when compared to the standard technique, which operates on the whole image. The results also reveal that the segmentation (cropping) attack does not affect the performance of the proposed technique, which also shows more robustness against other common attacks

    System Level Evaluation of Innovative Coded MIMO-OFDM Systems for Broadcasting Digital TV

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    Single-frequency networks (SFNs) for broadcasting digital TV is a topic of theoretical and practical interest for future broadcasting systems. Although progress has been made in the characterization of its description, there are still considerable gaps in its deployment with MIMO technique. The contribution of this paper is multifold. First, we investigate the possibility of applying a space-time (ST) encoder between the antennas of two sites in SFN. Then, we introduce a 3D space-time-space block code for future terrestrial digital TV in SFN architecture. The proposed 3D code is based on a double-layer structure designed for intercell and intracell space time-coded transmissions. Eventually, we propose to adapt a technique called effective exponential signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) mapping (EESM) to predict the bit error rate (BER) at the output of the channel decoder in the MIMO systems. The EESM technique as well as the simulations results will be used to doubly check the efficiency of our 3D code. This efficiency is obtained for equal and unequal received powers whatever is the location of the receiver by adequately combining ST codes. The 3D code is then a very promising candidate for SFN architecture with MIMO transmission

    Channel Estimation for Cyclic-Prefixed Single-Carrier Broadband Wireless Systems

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    This paper presents a new block iterative/adaptive frequency-domain channel estimation scheme, in which a channel frequency response (CFR) is estimated iteratively by the proposed weighted element-wise block adaptive frequency-domain channel estimation (WEB-CE) scheme using the soft information obtained by a soft-input soft-output (SISO) decoder. In the WEB-CE, an equalizer coefficient is calculated by minimizing a weighted conditional squared-norm of the a posteriori error vector with respect to its correction term. Simulation results verify the superiority of the WEB-CE in a time-varying typical urban (TU) channel

    Adapting Content Delivery to Limited Resources and Inferred User Interest

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    This paper discusses adaptation policies for information systems that are subject to dynamic and stochastic contexts such as mobile access to multimedia web sites. In our approach, adaptation agents apply sequential decisional policies under uncertainty. We focus on the modeling of such decisional processes depending on whether the context is fully or partially observable. Our case study is a movie browsing service in a mobile environment that we model by using Markov decision processes (MDPs) and partially observable MDP (POMDP). We derive adaptation policies for this service, that take into account the limited resources such as the network bandwidth. We further refine these policies according to the partially observable users' interest level estimated from implicit feedback. Our theoretical models are validated through numerous simulations

    Turbo Decoder for Low-Power Ultrawideband Communication Systems

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    A new method to reduce the computational complexity of the turbo decoding in ultrawideband (UWB) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system is proposed. Existing stopping techniques for turbo decoding process using constrained decoding assume fixed signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for all the OFDM symbol bits so they fail to yield an acceptable bit-error rate (BER) performance in multicarrier systems. In this paper, we propose a bit-level stopping technique for turbo decoding process based on the constrained decoding method. In this technique, we combine the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) with an adaptive threshold on the log likelihood ratio (LLR) on each subcarrier to detect for convergence. The threshold is adaptive in the sense that the threshold on the LLR of a bit is determined by the average SNR of the OFDM symbol and the channel gain of the transmission subcarrier. Results show that when the channel state information (CSI) is used to determine the threshold on LLR, the stopping technique can reduce the computational complexity by about 0.5-2.5 equivalent iterations compared to GENIE turbo without degradation in the BER performance

    Context-Aware UPnP-AV Services for Adaptive Home Multimedia Systems

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    Recommended by Harald Kosch One possibility to provide mobile multimedia in domestic multimedia systems is the use of Universal Plug and Play Audio Visual (UPnP-AV) devices. In a standard UPnP-AV scenario, multimedia content provided by a Media Server device is streamed to Media Renderer devices by the initiation of a Control Point. However, there is no provisioning of context-aware multimedia content customization. This paper presents an enhancement of standard UPnP-AV services for home multimedia environments regarding context awareness. It comes up with context profile definitions, shows how this context information can be queried from the Media Renderers, and illustrates how a Control Point can use this information to tailor a media stream from the Media Server to one or more Media Renderers. Moreover, since a standard Control Point implementation only queries one Media Server at a time, there is no global view on the content of all Media Servers in the UPnP-AV network. This paper also presents an approach of multimedia content integration on the Media Server side that provides fast search for content on the network. Finally, a number of performance measurements show the overhead costs of our enhancements to UPnP-AV in order to achieve the benefits

    Live Broadcasting of High Definition Audiovisual Content Using HDTV over Broadband IP Networks

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    The current paper focuses on validating an implementation of a state-of-the art audiovisual (AV) technologies setup for live broadcasting of cultural shows, via broadband Internet. The main objective of the work was to study, configure, and setup dedicated audio-video equipment for the processes of capturing, processing, and transmission of extended resolution and high fidelity AV content in order to increase realism and achieve maximum audience sensation. Internet2 and GEANT broadband telecommunication networks were selected as the most applicable technology to deliver such traffic workloads. Validation procedures were conducted in combination with metric-based quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) evaluation experiments for the quantification and the perceptual interpretation of the quality achieved during content reproduction. The implemented system was successfully applied in real-world applications, such as the transmission of cultural events from Thessaloniki Concert Hall throughout Greece as well as the reproduction of Philadelphia Orchestra performances (USA) via Internet2 and GEANT backbones