17 research outputs found

    Survey status of providing Virtual Reference Services in academic libraries of Tehran Universities of Medical Sciences

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    Abstract Aim and background: Advent internet and related technologies have changed the way academic libraries provide reference services. One of the new ways providing services is virtual reference services. This study is conducted with the aim of determining the current status of providing virtual references services in college libraries of five medical science universities of Tehran. Materials and methods: this is an applied research, which was carried out through a survey descriptive. Data was gathered using a researcher- developed questionnaire that was answered by 31 library managers of five medical science universities of Tehran. We used SPSS software version 16 to analyze the collected data. Results: the results showed that %90 of the library managers had B.sc degree or higher. 29% of the libraries use email, % 3/2 use chat and %3/2 use short message system (SMS) for providing virtual reference services. None of the libraries use video conference. %40 of ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences and 35% of the Baghiyatollah University of Medical Sciences use email virtual reference services. Overall, ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences has better status. Conclusion: from this study, it can be concluded that a few numbers of the understudy libraries provide virtual reference services and there are not in a good status. In order to provide Modern services to users, library managers should improve virtual reference services. Keywords: Virtual reference, academic library, Health Science Universit


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    Studentski znanstveni radovi dostupni na portalu Hrčak: analiza radova koji su napisani na temelju diplomskih radova pohranjenih u repozitoriju Dabar

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    Cilj. Rad problematizira trend objavljivanja radova napisanih na temelju diplomskih radova, u znanstvenim časopisima u otvorenom pristupu. ObjaÅ”njen je doprinos repozitorija znanstvenih radova institucijskoj vidljivosti, kao i uloga knjižnice u oblikovanju repozitorija. U radu se analizira koliko je znanstvenih članaka proizaÅ”lo iz diplomskih radova studenata tri filozofska fakulteta te se utvrđuje učestalost pristupa i preuzimanja diplomskih i znanstvenih radova i njihovu citiranost. Istražuje se koliko je vremena potrebno da bi se diplomski rad pretvorio u članak i koje su prevladavajuće kategorizacije tih članaka. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. KoriÅ”ten je bibliometrijski pristup, uz metodu analize sadržaja koja je obuhvatila sljedeće pokazatelje: citiranost, zastupljenost znanstvenih radova po znanstvenim područjima, kategorizaciju radova, autorstvo, vrijeme objave, te broj pregleda i preuzimanja radova. PolaziÅ”te za istraživanje bili su svi diplomski radovi pohranjeni u repozitoriju Dabar na tri usporediva filozofska fakulteta u Splitu, Rijeci i Osijeku u razdoblju od 2013. do 2020. godine, ukupno 2791 rad. Nakon povezivanja diplomskih radova sa proizaÅ”lim znanstvenim radovima objavljenim na portalu Hrčak testirane su razlike u citiranosti i vidljivosti radova u dva sustava. Rezultati. Istraživanje je pokazalo da se približno 6% diplomskih radova iz druÅ”tvenog područja i 2% radova iz humanističkog područja preoblikuje u znanstvene članke objavljene u časopisima dostupnim u otvorenom pristupu na portalu Hrčak. Većina znanstvenih članaka objavi se do dvije godine nakon pohrane diplomskog rada u repozitoriju. Objavom radova u časopisima dostupnim na portalu Hrčak značajno se poboljÅ”ava njihova vidljivost. Potvrđena je i važnost otvorenog pristupa diplomskim radovima u sustavu Dabar. Ograničenja istraživanja odnose se prije svega na početni odabir radova iz područja druÅ”tvenih i humanističkih znanosti. Praktična primjena. Na praktičnoj razini rad može poslužiti studentima i mentorima koji namjeravaju diplomske radove pretvoriti u članke, knjižničarima u pružanju podrÅ”ke studentima, i urednicima probirnih časopisa kao analiza postojećeg stanja i polaziÅ”te za odabir radova. DruÅ”tveni značaj. Rad pruža uvid u broj i vrstu studentskih radova koji doprinose vidljivosti fakulteta i posredno sveučiliÅ”ta. Originalnost/vrijednost. Prvi put je razmotrena i napravljena analiza studentskih radova koji su objavljeni na osnovi teme i istraživanja iz diplomskih radova

    Repository for academic documents, algorithms and data: A utility in an educational context

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    Data repositories currently constitute essential programs within institutions. In fact, universities are the primary institutions that promote the creation, management and storage for the safekeeping of a variety of documents, data and/or projects. This work is carried out within the framework of institutional need and the application of knowledge by the students and professors in the software degree program at a university in Ecuador. This project centers on a web application that makes it possible to manage, upload and download resources. This initial version focuses on the resources related to academic projects, data sets and algorithms. The scalability characteristics have been carefully introduced to ensure a progressive evolution of other types of resources and functionalities, in accordance with educational needs. Several aspects of the web interfaces are based on the characteristics of other existing repositories, and a series of tests related to functionality have been conducted in order to move beyond the introductory stage of use, to begin with, by the university community. This project is carried out according to a conception based on contributions, in which the agents, in principle, are members of the institution. The intensive and collaborative use of this utility will contribute to the growth of a data culture within the institution. Furthermore, the collection and organization of data for the purposes of study and research by the different university degree programs makes it possible to analyze and contrast them from different perspectives

    ALIA LIS research environmental scan report

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    Executive summary: An environmental scan of Australian Library and Information Studies (LIS) research was undertaken focusing on the period 2005ā€“2013. This was in response to a brief from ALIA that sought such an analysis to inform its decisions in relation to content of a future research agenda, support, advocacy, and future funding. The investigation was expected to include research priorities of other library and information organisations, topics of research undertaken in Australia, types of research, persons/organisations undertaking research, and how research activities are funded, communicated and applied. The report took into account: research priorities of LIS professional associations both within and outside Australia production of higher degree theses over the period publication by practitioners and academics in both Australian and international publications and grant or other support for research or investigatory projects. METHODOLOGY AND LIMITATIONS: Methodologies employed included: Website analysis for research priorities of LIS organisations Database searching using Trove for higher degree theses Database searching using multiple databases for publications In the case of research in progress and resourcing via grants, methods employed were database searching, consultation and by survey methods The limitations in these approaches are explained in each related Section or Appendix. However, the major limitations were: Poor response to the online survey despite its wide dissemination through ALIA and other associations Inconsistent responses to individual surveys directed specifically at academic departments Coverage of publications by databases, particularly of material outside periodicals Difficulties in categorising document