293 research outputs found

    Underwater Fish Detection with Weak Multi-Domain Supervision

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    Given a sufficiently large training dataset, it is relatively easy to train a modern convolution neural network (CNN) as a required image classifier. However, for the task of fish classification and/or fish detection, if a CNN was trained to detect or classify particular fish species in particular background habitats, the same CNN exhibits much lower accuracy when applied to new/unseen fish species and/or fish habitats. Therefore, in practice, the CNN needs to be continuously fine-tuned to improve its classification accuracy to handle new project-specific fish species or habitats. In this work we present a labelling-efficient method of training a CNN-based fish-detector (the Xception CNN was used as the base) on relatively small numbers (4,000) of project-domain underwater fish/no-fish images from 20 different habitats. Additionally, 17,000 of known negative (that is, missing fish) general-domain (VOC2012) above-water images were used. Two publicly available fish-domain datasets supplied additional 27,000 of above-water and underwater positive/fish images. By using this multi-domain collection of images, the trained Xception-based binary (fish/not-fish) classifier achieved 0.17% false-positives and 0.61% false-negatives on the project's 20,000 negative and 16,000 positive holdout test images, respectively. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 99.94%.Comment: Published in the 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-2019), Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 2019, https://www.ijcnn.org/ , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/885190

    Relearning procedure to adapt pollutant prediction neural model: Choice of relearning algorithm

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    International audiencePredict the indoor air quality becomes a global public health issue. That's why Airbox lab® company develops a smart connected object able to measure different physical parameters including concentration of pollutants (volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide and fine particles). This smart object must embed prediction capacities in order to avoid the exceedance of an air quality threshold. This task is performed by neural network models. However, when some events occur (change of people's behaviors, change of place of the smart connected object as example), the embedded neural models become less accurate. So a relearning step is needed in order to refit the models. This relearning must be performed by the smart connected object, and therefore, it must use the less computing time as possible. To do that, this paper propose to combine a control chart in order to limit the frequency of relearning, and to compare three learning algorithms (backpropagation, Levenberg-Marquardt, neural network with random weights) in order to choose the more adapted to this situation

    Deep diffusion autoencoders

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    International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, celebrada en 2019 en Budapest© 2019 IEEE.  Personal use of this material is permitted.  Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Extending work by Mishne et al., we propose Deep Diffusion Autoencoders (DDA) that learn an encoder-decoder map using a composite loss function that simultaneously minimizes the reconstruction error at the output layer and the distance to a Diffusion Map embedding in the bottleneck layer. These DDA are thus able to reconstruct new patterns from points in the embedding space in a way that preserves the geometry of the sample and, as a consequence, our experiments show that they may provide a powerful tool for data augmentation.With partial support from Spain’s grants TIN2016-76406-P and S2013/ICE-2845 CASI-CAM-CM. Work supported also by project FACIL-Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica 2016, and the UAM–ADIC Chair for Data Science and Machine Learning. We also gratefully acknowledge the use of the facilities of Centro de Computación Científica (CCC) at UAM

    A Methodology for Neural Network Architectural Tuning Using Activation Occurrence Maps

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    Finding the ideal number of layers and size for each layer is a key challenge in deep neural network design. Two approaches for such networks exist: filter learning and architecture learning. While the first one starts with a given architecture and optimizes model weights, the second one aims to find the best architecture. Recently, several visual analytics (VA) techniques have been proposed to understand the behavior of a network, but few VA techniques support designers in architectural decisions. We propose a hybrid methodology based on VA to improve the architecture of a pre-trained network by reducing/increasing the size and number of layers. We introduce Activation Occurrence Maps that show how likely each image position of a convolutional kernel's output activates for a given class, and Class Selectivity Maps, that show the selectiveness of different positions in a kernel's output for a given label. Both maps help in the decision to drop kernels that do not significantly add to the network's performance, increase the size of a layer having too few kernels, and add extra layers to the model. The user interacts from the first to the last layer, and the network is retrained after each layer modification. We validate our approach with experiments in models trained with two widely-known image classification datasets and show how our method helps to make design decisions to improve or to simplify the architectures of such models

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation using Graph Transduction Games

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    Contains fulltext : 209251.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)IJCNN 2019: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 201

    Deep neural networks for network routing

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    In this work, we propose a Deep Learning (DL) based solution to the problem of routing traffic flows in computer networks. Routing decisions can be made in different ways depending on the desired objective and, based on that objective function, optimal solutions can be computed using a variety of techniques, e.g. with mixed integer linear programming. However, determining these solutions requires solving complex optimization problems and, thus, cannot be typically done at runtime. Instead, heuristics for these problems are often created but designing them is non-trivial in many cases. The routing framework proposed here presents an alternative to the design of heuristics, whilst still achieving good performance. This is done by building a DL model trained on the optimal decisions over flows from known traffic demands. To evaluate our solution, we focused on the problem of network congestion, even though a wide range of alternative objectives could be fitted into this framework. We ran experiments using two publicly available datasets of networks with real traffic demands and showed that our solution achieves close-to-optimal network congestion values.This research was sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.K. Ministry of Defence under Agreement Number W911NF-16-3-0001.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Recurrent Network And Multi-arm Bandit Methods For Multi-task Learning Without Task Specification

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    This paper addresses the problem of multi-task learning (MTL) in settings where the task assignment is not known. We propose two mechanisms for the problem of inference of task\u27s parameter without task specification: parameter adaptation and parameter selection methods. In parameter adaptation, the model\u27s parameter is iteratively updated using a recurrent neural network (RNN) learner as the mechanism to adapt to different tasks. For the parameter selection model, a parameter matrix is learned beforehand with the task known apriori. During testing, a bandit algorithm is utilized to determine the appropriate parameter vector for the model on the fly. We explored two different scenarios in MTL without task specification, continuous learning and reset learning. In continuous learning, the model has to adjust its parameter continuously to a number of different task without knowing when task changes. Whereas in reset learning, the parameter is reset to an initial value to aid transition to different tasks. Results on three real benchmark datasets demonstrate the comparative performance of both models with respect to multiple RNN configurations, MTL algorithms and bandit selection policies

    High--Dimensional Brain in a High-Dimensional World: Blessing of Dimensionality

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    High-dimensional data and high-dimensional representations of reality are inherent features of modern Artificial Intelligence systems and applications of machine learning. The well-known phenomenon of the "curse of dimensionality" states: many problems become exponentially difficult in high dimensions. Recently, the other side of the coin, the "blessing of dimensionality", has attracted much attention. It turns out that generic high-dimensional datasets exhibit fairly simple geometric properties. Thus, there is a fundamental tradeoff between complexity and simplicity in high dimensional spaces. Here we present a brief explanatory review of recent ideas, results and hypotheses about the blessing of dimensionality and related simplifying effects relevant to machine learning and neuroscience.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Graph-Based Multi-Label Classification for WiFi Network Traffic Analysis

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    Network traffic analysis, and specifically anomaly and attack detection, call for sophisticated tools relying on a large number of features. Mathematical modeling is extremely difficult, given the ample variety of traffic patterns and the subtle and varied ways that malicious activity can be carried out in a network. We address this problem by exploiting data-driven modeling and computational intelligence techniques. Sequences of packets captured on the communication medium are considered, along with multi-label metadata. Graph-based modeling of the data are introduced, thus resorting to the powerful GRALG approach based on feature information granulation, identification of a representative alphabet, embedding and genetic optimization. The obtained classifier is evaluated both under accuracy and complexity for two different supervised problems and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms. We show that the proposed preprocessing strategy is able to describe higher level relations between data instances in the input domain, thus allowing the algorithms to suitably reconstruct the structure of the input domain itself. Furthermore, the considered Granular Computing approach is able to extract knowledge on multiple semantic levels, thus effectively describing anomalies as subgraphs-based symbols of the whole network graph, in a specific time interval. Interesting performances can thus be achieved in identifying network traffic patterns, in spite of the complexity of the considered traffic classes