183 research outputs found

    Automatic identification of kinematic diagrams with computer vision

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    In this work, a computer vision algorithm for the detection and recognition of 2D kinematic diagrams, both from paper schemes and digital files, was developed. Furthermore, it runs even with hand-made diagrams, which can be correctly identified. The algorithm is mainly based on the use of the free computer vision library OpenCV, being able to identify each element of the kinematic diagram, its connection with the other elements and store its pixels, which will allow in future research the implementation of motion in the sketches themselves. Allowed elements are revolute, prismatic, fixed, cylindrical and rigid joints and rigid bars. The main applications of this work are focused on the teaching world, communication of ideas in a quickly and graphical way and for fast and preliminary designs of new mechanisms as people can draw the diagram in a Tablet or paper and simulate it in real time, avoiding the necessity to learn how to operate a specialized simulation software and the time it takes to prepare the virtual model and obtain its results

    Observation of sonified movements engages a basal ganglia frontocortical network

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    Background: Producing sounds by a musical instrument can lead to audiomotor coupling, i.e. the joint activation of the auditory and motor system, even when only one modality is probed. The sonification of otherwise mute movements by sounds based on kinematic parameters of the movement has been shown to improve motor performance and perception of movements.Results: Here we demonstrate in a group of healthy young non-athletes that congruently (sounds match visual movement kinematics) vs. incongruently (no match) sonified breaststroke movements of a human avatar lead to better perceptual judgement of small differences in movement velocity. Moreover, functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed enhanced activity in superior and medial posterior temporal regions including the superior temporal sulcus, known as an important multisensory integration site, as well as the insula bilaterally and the precentral gyrus on the right side. Functional connectivity analysis revealed pronounced connectivity of the STS with the basal ganglia and thalamus as well as frontal motor regions for the congruent stimuli. This was not seen to the same extent for the incongruent stimuli.Conclusions: We conclude that sonification of movements amplifies the activity of the human action observation system including subcortical structures of the motor loop. Sonification may thus be an important method to enhance training and therapy effects in sports science and neurological rehabilitation.DFG/SFB/TR31/EUDFG/TP/A7/E

    Tactile Perception And Visuotactile Integration For Robotic Exploration

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    As the close perceptual sibling of vision, the sense of touch has historically received less than deserved attention in both human psychology and robotics. In robotics, this may be attributed to at least two reasons. First, it suffers from the vicious cycle of immature sensor technology, which causes industry demand to be low, and then there is even less incentive to make existing sensors in research labs easy to manufacture and marketable. Second, the situation stems from a fear of making contact with the environment, avoided in every way so that visually perceived states do not change before a carefully estimated and ballistically executed physical interaction. Fortunately, the latter viewpoint is starting to change. Work in interactive perception and contact-rich manipulation are on the rise. Good reasons are steering the manipulation and locomotion communities’ attention towards deliberate physical interaction with the environment prior to, during, and after a task. We approach the problem of perception prior to manipulation, using the sense of touch, for the purpose of understanding the surroundings of an autonomous robot. The overwhelming majority of work in perception for manipulation is based on vision. While vision is a fast and global modality, it is insufficient as the sole modality, especially in environments where the ambient light or the objects therein do not lend themselves to vision, such as in darkness, smoky or dusty rooms in search and rescue, underwater, transparent and reflective objects, and retrieving items inside a bag. Even in normal lighting conditions, during a manipulation task, the target object and fingers are usually occluded from view by the gripper. Moreover, vision-based grasp planners, typically trained in simulation, often make errors that cannot be foreseen until contact. As a step towards addressing these problems, we present first a global shape-based feature descriptor for object recognition using non-prehensile tactile probing alone. Then, we investigate in making the tactile modality, local and slow by nature, more efficient for the task by predicting the most cost-effective moves using active exploration. To combine the local and physical advantages of touch and the fast and global advantages of vision, we propose and evaluate a learning-based method for visuotactile integration for grasping

    A Posture Sequence Learning System for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand

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    The paper presents a cognitive architecture for posture learning of an anthropomorphic robotic hand. Our approach is aimed to allow the robotic system to perform complex perceptual operations, to interact with a human user and to integrate the perceptions by a cognitive representation of the scene and the observed actions. The anthropomorphic robotic hand imitates the gestures acquired by the vision system in order to learn meaningful movements, to build its knowledge by different conceptual spaces and to perform complex interaction with the human operator

    Haptics Rendering and Applications

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    There has been significant progress in haptic technologies but the incorporation of haptics into virtual environments is still in its infancy. A wide range of the new society's human activities including communication, education, art, entertainment, commerce and science would forever change if we learned how to capture, manipulate and reproduce haptic sensory stimuli that are nearly indistinguishable from reality. For the field to move forward, many commercial and technological barriers need to be overcome. By rendering how objects feel through haptic technology, we communicate information that might reflect a desire to speak a physically- based language that has never been explored before. Due to constant improvement in haptics technology and increasing levels of research into and development of haptics-related algorithms, protocols and devices, there is a belief that haptics technology has a promising future

    Recent Progress in Optical Fiber Research

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    This book presents a comprehensive account of the recent progress in optical fiber research. It consists of four sections with 20 chapters covering the topics of nonlinear and polarisation effects in optical fibers, photonic crystal fibers and new applications for optical fibers. Section 1 reviews nonlinear effects in optical fibers in terms of theoretical analysis, experiments and applications. Section 2 presents polarization mode dispersion, chromatic dispersion and polarization dependent losses in optical fibers, fiber birefringence effects and spun fibers. Section 3 and 4 cover the topics of photonic crystal fibers and a new trend of optical fiber applications. Edited by three scientists with wide knowledge and experience in the field of fiber optics and photonics, the book brings together leading academics and practitioners in a comprehensive and incisive treatment of the subject. This is an essential point of reference for researchers working and teaching in optical fiber technologies, and for industrial users who need to be aware of current developments in optical fiber research areas

    Cortical mechanisms of seeing and hearing speech

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    In face-to-face communication speech is perceived through eyes and ears. The talker's articulatory gestures are seen and the speech sounds are heard simultaneously. Whilst acoustic speech can be often understood without visual information, viewing articulatory gestures aids hearing substantially in noisy conditions. On the other hand, speech can be understood, to some extent, by solely viewing articulatory gestures (i.e., by speechreading). In this thesis, electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) were utilized to disclose cortical mechanisms of seeing and hearing speech. One of the major challenges of modern cognitive neuroscience is to find out how the brain integrates inputs from different senses. In this thesis, integration of seen and heard speech was investigated using EEG and MEG. Multisensory interactions were found in the sensory-specific cortices at early latencies and in the multisensory regions at late latencies. Viewing other person's actions activate regions belonging to the human mirror neuron system (MNS) which are also activated when subjects themselves perform actions. Possibly, the human MNS enables simulation of other person's actions, which might be important also for speech recognition. In this thesis, it was demonstrated with MEG that seeing speech modulates activity in the mouth region of the primary somatosensory cortex (SI), suggesting that also the SI cortex is involved in simulation of other person's articulatory gestures during speechreading. The question whether there are speech-specific mechanisms in the human brain has been under scientific debate for decades. In this thesis, evidence for the speech-specific neural substrate in the left posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) was obtained using fMRI. Activity in this region was found to be greater when subjects heard acoustic sine wave speech stimuli as speech than when they heard the same stimuli as non-speech.reviewe

    NASA Tech Briefs, November 2009

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    Topics covered include: Cryogenic Chamber for Servo-Hydraulic Materials Testing; Apparatus Measures Thermal Conductance Through a Thin Sample from Cryogenic to Room Temperature; Rover Attitude and Pointing System Simulation Testbed; Desktop Application Program to Simulate Cargo-Air-Drop Tests; Multimodal Friction Ignition Tester; Small-Bolt Torque-Tension Tester; Integrated Spacesuit Audio System Enhances Speech Quality and Reduces Noise; Hardware Implementation of a Bilateral Subtraction Filter; Simple Optoelectronic Feedback in Microwave Oscillators; Small X-Band Oscillator Antennas; Free-Space Optical Interconnect Employing VCSEL Diodes; Discrete Fourier Transform Analysis in a Complex Vector Space; Miniature Scroll Pumps Fabricated by LIGA; Self-Assembling, Flexible, Pre-Ceramic Composite Preforms; Flight-speed Integral Image Analysis Toolkit; Work Coordination Engine; Multi-Mission Automated Task Invocation Subsystem; Autonomously Calibrating a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer; Determining Spacecraft Reaction Wheel Friction Parameters; Composite Silica Aerogels Opacified with Titania; Multiplexed Colorimetric Solid-Phase Extraction; Detecting Airborne Mercury by Use of Polymer/Carbon Films; Lattice-Matched Semiconductor Layers on Single Crystalline Sapphire Substrate; Pressure-Energized Seal Rings to Better Withstand Flows; Rollerjaw Rock Crusher; Microwave Sterilization and Depyrogenation System; Quantifying Therapeutic and Diagnostic Efficacy in 2D Microvascular Images; NiF2/NaF:CaF2/Ca Solid-State High-Temperature Battery Cells; Critical Coupling Between Optical Fibers and WGM Resonators; Microwave Temperature Profiler Mounted in a Standard Airborne Research Canister; Alternative Determination of Density of the Titan Atmosphere; Solar Rejection Filter for Large Telescopes; Automated CFD for Generation of Airfoil Performance Tables; Progressive Classification Using Support Vector Machines; Active Learning with Irrelevant Examples; A Data Matrix Method for Improving the Quantification of Element Percentages of SEM/EDX Analysis; Deployable Shroud for the International X-Ray Observatory; Improved Model of a Mercury Ring Damper; Optoelectronic pH Meter: Further Details; X-38 Advanced Sublimator; and Solar Simulator Represents the Mars Surface Solar Environment