14,192 research outputs found

    Optimal Interest Rate Rules, Asset Prices and Credit Frictions

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    We study optimal monetary policy in two prototype economies with sticky prices and credit market frictions. In the first economy, credit frictions apply to the financing of the capital stock, generate acceleration in response to shocks and the "financial markup" (i.e., the premium on external funds) is countercyclical and negatively correlated with the asset price. In the second economy, credit frictions apply to the flow of investment, generate persistence, and the financial markup is procyclical and positively correlated with the asset price. We model monetary policy in terms of welfare-maximizing interest rate rules. The main finding of our analysis is that strict inflation stabilization is a robust optimal monetary policy prescription. The intuition is that, in both models, credit frictions work in the direction of dampening the cyclical behavior of inflation relative to its credit-frictionless level. Thus neither economy, despite yielding different inflation and investment dynamics, generates a trade-off between price and financial markup stabilization. A corollary of this result is that reacting to asset prices does not bear any independent welfare role in the conduct of monetary policy

    What makes the lac-pathway switch: identifying the fluctuations that trigger phenotype switching in gene regulatory systems

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    Multistable gene regulatory systems sustain different levels of gene expression under identical external conditions. Such multistability is used to encode phenotypic states in processes including nutrient uptake and persistence in bacteria, fate selection in viral infection, cell cycle control, and development. Stochastic switching between different phenotypes can occur as the result of random fluctuations in molecular copy numbers of mRNA and proteins arising in transcription, translation, transport, and binding. However, which component of a pathway triggers such a transition is generally not known. By linking single-cell experiments on the lactose-uptake pathway in E. coli to molecular simulations, we devise a general method to pinpoint the particular fluctuation driving phenotype switching and apply this method to the transition between the uninduced and induced states of the lac genes. We find that the transition to the induced state is not caused only by the single event of lac-repressor unbinding, but depends crucially on the time period over which the repressor remains unbound from the lac-operon. We confirm this notion in strains with a high expression level of the repressor (leading to shorter periods over which the lac-operon remains unbound), which show a reduced switching rate. Our techniques apply to multi-stable gene regulatory systems in general and allow to identify the molecular mechanisms behind stochastic transitions in gene regulatory circuits.Comment: Version

    Micro-Machinations: A DSL for Game Economies

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    In the multi-billion dollar game industry, time to market limits the time developers have for improving games. Game designers and software engineers usually live on opposite sides of the fence, and both lose time when adjustments best understood by designers are implemented by engineers. Designers lack a common vocabulary for expressing gameplay, which hampers specification, communication and agreement. We aim to speed up the game development process by improving designer productivity and design quality. The language Machinations has introduced a graphical notation for expressing the rules of game economies that is close to a designer’s vocabulary. We present the language Micro- Machinations (MM) that details and formalizes the meaning of a significant subset of Machination’s language features and adds sever

    Non deterministic Repairable Fault Trees for computing optimal repair strategy

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    In this paper, the Non deterministic Repairable Fault Tree (NdRFT) formalism is proposed: it allows to model failure modes of complex systems as well as their repair processes. The originality of this formalism with respect to other Fault Tree extensions is that it allows to face repair strategies optimization problems: in an NdRFT model, the decision on whether to start or not a given repair action is non deterministic, so that all the possibilities are left open. The formalism is rather powerful allowing to specify which failure events are observable, whether local repair or global repair can be applied, and the resources needed to start a repair action. The optimal repair strategy can then be computed by solving an optimization problem on a Markov Decision Process (MDP) derived from the NdRFT. A software framework is proposed in order to perform in automatic way the derivation of an MDP from a NdRFT model, and to deal with the solution of the MDP

    Analyzing the effects of transient faults into applications

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    As computer chips implementation technologies evolve to obtain more performance, those computer chips are using smaller components, with bigger density of transistors and working with lower power voltages. All these factors turn the computer chips less robust and increase the probability of a transient fault. Transient faults may occur once and never more happen the same way in a computer system lifetime. There are distinct consequences when a transient fault occurs: the operating system might abort the execution if the change produced by the fault is detected by bad behavior of the application, but the biggest risk is that the fault produces an undetected data corruption that modifies the application final result without warnings (for example a bit flip in some crucial data). With the objective of researching transient faults in computer system's processor registers and memory we have developed an extension of HP's and AMD joint full system simulation environment, named COTSon. This extension allows the injection of faults that change a single bit in processor registers and memory of the simulated computer. The developed fault injection system makes it possible to: evaluate the effects of single bit flip transient faults in an application, analyze an application robustness against single bit flip transient faults and validate fault detection mechanism and strategies.L'evolució dels processadors en cerca de millors prestacions fa que els xips duguin transistors més petits i incloguin major quantitat y densitat de transistors, a més d'operar amb un voltatge més baix. Tots aquests factors fan que els processadors siguin menys robusts i augmenten la probabilitat de fallades transitòries. Les fallades transitòries poden ocórrer una vegada i no tornar a passar de la mateixa forma en la vida útil d'un sistema. Quan ocorren poden passar diferents conseqüències: el sistema operatiu pot avortar l'execució quan el canvi produït per la fallada és detectat per mal comportament de l'aplicació, però el risc major és que, amb el canvi produït, ocasioni una corrupció de dades que no sigui detectada i canviï el resultat final de l'aplicació sense que ningú ho sàpiga. Per a investigar sobre els efectes que les fallades transitòries poden ocasionar en els registres d'un processador i en les memòries d'un computador, hem desenvolupat una extensió del simulador d'ordinadors complet de HP (COTSon). L'extensió realitzada permet la injecció de fallades que canvien un bit en registres i en les memòries del computador simulat. La injecció de fallades permet: avaluar els efectes de les fallades transitòries que ocasionen el canvi d'un bit en una aplicació, analitzar la robustesa d'una aplicació després de fallades transitòries de canvis del valor d'un bit i validar mecanismes i estratègies de detecció de fallades.La evolución de los procesadores en busca de prestaciones mejores hace que los circuitos lleven transistores más pequeños e incluyan mayor cantidad y densidad de transistores, además de operar con un voltaje menor. Todos estos factores hacen que los procesadores sean menos robustos y aumenta la probabilidad de fallos transitorios. Los fallos transitorios pueden ocurrir una vez y no volver a pasar, de la misma forma, en la vida útil de un sistema. Cuando ocurren, pueden pasar distintas consecuencias: el sistema operativo puede abortar la ejecución cuando el cambio producido por el fallo es detectado por mal comportamiento de la aplicación, pero el riesgo mayor es que, con el cambio producido, se produzca una corrupción de datos que no sea detectada y cambie el resultado final de la aplicación sin que sea detectado. Para investigar sobre los efectos que los fallos transitorios pueden ocasionar en los registros de un procesador y en las memorias de un computador, hemos desarrollado una extensión del simulador de ordenadores completo de HP (COTSon). La extensión realizada permite la inyección de fallos que cambian un bit en registros y en las memorias del computador simulado. La inyección de fallos permite: evaluar los efectos de los fallos transitorios que ocasionan cambio de un bit en una aplicación, analizar la robustez de una aplicación tras fallos transitorios de cambios del valor de un bit y validar mecanismos y estrategias de detección de fallos