130 research outputs found

    Publicación de acceso abierto sostenible mediante Blockchain, Interledger y monetización web

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Matemáticas, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2020/2021.One of the main problems the academic community faces is the high prices of publishing and accessing academic papers. Authors and reviewers usually work for free or even pay for their work to be published, while the revenue generated goes to the big publishers. This project is centered around studying the technologies that would be best suited for the creation of a system or platform for donations to journals and researchers. Various centralized and decentralized technologies have been studied. Regarding centralized technologies, PayPal has been the main focus, and regarding decentralized technologies, Blockchain, Interledger and Web Monetization have been studied. Their advantages and limitations have been analyzed, as well as their different integration possibilities. These technologies have been used to implement a system that allows donations by different centralized and decentralized means. The donations can be sent between any two centralized or decentralized currencies. The system’s main feature is a donation button that can be integrated in any journal’s web page. JavaScript and React were used for the front-end implementation. This connects with the underlying subsystems that manage the different types of payments. To test the possibilities of the decentralized technologies, a new ERC20 token was implemented and integrated in the system. It was concluded that centralized technologies are easier to use for implementation, better documented and more intuitive for the user. However, PayPal, for example, imposes certain barriers and limitations that block the developers’ work. Decentralized technologies, on the other hand, are newer, so they have less documentation and are a bit more cumbersome to use. But they have proven to be way more flexible and adaptable and easier to integrate with. So, despite their limitations, they have potential to become an important part of online donations and payments in the future.Uno de los principales problemas que afronta la comunidad académica son los altos precios para publicar artículos y acceder a ellos. Habitualmente los autores y revisores trabajan gratis, o incluso tienen que pagar para poder publicar su trabajo, mientras que son los grandes editores quienes reciben los beneficios generados. Este proyecto se centra en el estudio de tecnologías que puedan resultar adecuadas para la creación de un sistema o plataforma para donaciones a revistas académicas e investigadores. Se han estudiado diversas tecnologías centralizadas y descentralizadas. Entre las centralizadas, PayPal ha sido la principal, y entre las descentralizadas, se han estudiado Blockchain, Interledger y Web Monetization. Se han analizado sus ventajas y limitaciones, así como sus diferentes posibilidades de integración. Estas tecnologías han sido utilizadas para implementar un sistema que permite realizar donaciones por vías centralizadas y descentralizadas. Las donaciones pueden realizarse entre cualesquiera dos divisas diferentes, ya sean centralizadas o descentralizadas. El elemento principal del sistema es un botón de donación que puede integrarse en la página web de cualquier revista. Para la implementación del front-end se utilizaron JavaScript y React. Esto se conecta con el subsistema subyacente que se encarga de los diferentes tipos de pagos. Para probar las posibilidades de estas tecnologías descentralizadas, se ha implementado un nuevo token ERC20 y se ha integrado en el sistema. Se comprobó que las tecnologías centralizadas son más fáciles de usar en implementación, están mejor documentadas y son más intuitivas para el usuario. Sin embargo, PayPal, por ejemplo, impone ciertas barreras y limitaciones que pueden bloquear el trabajo de los desarrolladores. Las tecnologías descentralizadas, por contra, son más nuevas, por lo que disponen de menos documentación y son algo más engorrosas de utilizar. No obstante, han demostrado ser más flexibles, adaptables e integrables. De modo que, a pesar de sus limitaciones, tiene el potencial de convertirse en una parte importante de los sistemas de pagos y donaciones en el futuro.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things

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    In recent years, the rising complexity of Internet of Things (IoT) systems has increased their potential vulnerabilities and introduced new cybersecurity challenges. In this context, state of the art methods and technologies for security risk assessment have prominent limitations when it comes to large scale, cyber-physical and interconnected IoT systems. Risk assessments for modern IoT systems must be frequent, dynamic and driven by knowledge about both cyber and physical assets. Furthermore, they should be more proactive, more automated, and able to leverage information shared across IoT value chains. This book introduces a set of novel risk assessment techniques and their role in the IoT Security risk management process. Specifically, it presents architectures and platforms for end-to-end security, including their implementation based on the edge/fog computing paradigm. It also highlights machine learning techniques that boost the automation and proactiveness of IoT security risk assessments. Furthermore, blockchain solutions for open and transparent sharing of IoT security information across the supply chain are introduced. Frameworks for privacy awareness, along with technical measures that enable privacy risk assessment and boost GDPR compliance are also presented. Likewise, the book illustrates novel solutions for security certification of IoT systems, along with techniques for IoT security interoperability. In the coming years, IoT security will be a challenging, yet very exciting journey for IoT stakeholders, including security experts, consultants, security research organizations and IoT solution providers. The book provides knowledge and insights about where we stand on this journey. It also attempts to develop a vision for the future and to help readers start their IoT Security efforts on the right foot

    Blockchain standards for compliance and trust

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    Blockchain methods are emerging as practical tools for validation, record-keeping, and access control in addition to their early applications in cryptocurrency. This column explores the options for use of blockchains to enhance security, trust, and compliance in a variety of industry settings and explores the current state of blockchain standards.N/