3 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavelet Domain

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    The use of the wavelet transform is explored for the detection of differences between brain functional magnetic resonance images (fMRI's) acquired under two different experimental conditions. The method benefits from the fact that a smooth and spatially localized signal can be represented by a small set of localized wavelet coefficients, while the power of white noise is uniformly spread throughout the wavelet space. Hence, a statistical procedure is developed that uses the imposed decomposition orthogonality to locate wavelet-space partitions with large signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and subsequently restricts the testing for significant wavelet coefficients to these partitions. This results in a higher SNR and a smaller number of statistical tests, yielding a lower detection threshold compared to spatial-domain testing and, thus, a higher detection sensitivity without increasing type I errors. The multiresolution approach of the wavelet method is particularly suited to applications where the signal bandwidth and/or the characteristics of an imaging modality cannot be well specified. The proposed method was applied to compare two different fMRI acquisition modalities. Differences of the respective useful signal bandwidths could be clearly demonstrated; the estimated signal, due to the smoothness of the wavelet representation, yielded more compact regions of neuroactivity than standard spatial-domain testing

    Compression of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Brain Images.

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    Losslessly compressing a medical image set with multiple slices is paramount in radiology since all the information within a medical image set is crucial for both diagnosis and treatment. This dissertation presents a novel and efficient diagnostically lossless compression scheme (predicted wavelet lossless compression method) for sets of magnetic resonance (MR) brain images, which are called 3-D MR brain images. This compression scheme provides 3-D MR brain images with the progressive and preliminary diagnosis capabilities. The spatial dependency in 3-D MR brain images is studied with histograms, entropy, correlation, and wavelet decomposition coefficients. This spatial dependency is utilized to design three kinds of predictors, i.e., intra-, inter-, and intra-and-inter-slice predictors, that use the correlation among neighboring pixels. Five integer wavelet transformations are applied to the prediction residues. It shows that the intra-slice predictor 3 using a x-pixel and a y-pixel for prediction plus the 1st-level (2, 2) interpolating integer wavelet with run-length and arithmetic coding achieves the best compression. An automated threshold based background noise removal technique is applied to remove the noise outside the diagnostic region. This preprocessing method improves the compression ratio of the proposed compression technique by approximately 1.61 times. A feature vector based approach is used to determine the representative slice with the most discernible brain structures. This representative slice is progressively encoded by a lossless embedded zerotree wavelet method. A rough version of this representative slice is gradually transmitted at an increasing bit rate so the validity of the whole set can be determined early. This feature vector based approach is also utilized to detect multiple sclerosis (MS) at an early stage. Our compression technique with the progressive and preliminary diagnosis capability is tested with simulated and real 3-D MR brain image sets. The compression improvement versus the best commonly used lossless compression method (lossless JPEG) is 41.83% for simulated 3-D MR brain image sets and 71.42% for real 3-D MR brain image sets. The accuracy of the preliminary MS diagnosis is 66.67% based on six studies with an expert radiologist\u27s diagnosis

    Interframe Coding Of Magnetic Resonance Images

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    This paper presents a new inter-frame coding method for medical images, in particular magnetic resonance (MR) images. Until now, attempts in using inter-frame redundancies for coding MR images have been unsuccessful. We believe that the main reason for this is twofold: unsuitable inter-frame estimation models and the thermal noise inherent in MRI. The inter-frame model used in this paper is a continuous affine mapping based on (and optimized by) deforming triangles. The inherent noise of MRI is dealt with by using a median filter within the estimation loop. The residue frames are quantized with a zero-tree wavelet coder, which includes arithmetic entropy coding. This particular method of quantization allows for progressive transmission, which aside from avoiding buffer control problems is very attractive in medical imaging applications. Keywords: Image Compression, Interframe Coding, Affine Transformations, Wavelet Transform, Zero-tree Coding. To appear in IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging c..