31 research outputs found

    Digitally-Assisted Mixed-Signal Wideband Compressive Sensing

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    Digitizing wideband signals requires very demanding analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) speed and resolution specifications. In this dissertation, a mixed-signal parallel compressive sensing system is proposed to realize the sensing of wideband sparse signals at sub-Nqyuist rate by exploiting the signal sparsity. The mixed-signal compressive sensing is realized with a parallel segmented compressive sensing (PSCS) front-end, which not only can filter out the harmonic spurs that leak from the local random generator, but also provides a tradeoff between the sampling rate and the system complexity such that a practical hardware implementation is possible. Moreover, the signal randomization in the system is able to spread the spurious energy due to ADC nonlinearity along the signal bandwidth rather than concentrate on a few frequencies as it is the case for a conventional ADC. This important new property relaxes the ADC SFDR requirement when sensing frequency-domain sparse signals. The mixed-signal compressive sensing system performance is greatly impacted by the accuracy of analog circuit components, especially with the scaling of CMOS technology. In this dissertation, the effect of the circuit imperfection in the mixed-signal compressive sensing system based on the PSCS front-end is investigated in detail, such as the finite settling time, the timing uncertainty and so on. An iterative background calibration algorithm based on LMS (Least Mean Square) is proposed, which is shown to be able to effectively calibrate the error due to the circuit nonideal factors. A low-speed prototype built with off-the-shelf components is presented. The prototype is able to sense sparse analog signals with up to 4 percent sparsity at 32 percent of the Nqyuist rate. Many practical constraints that arose during building the prototype such as circuit nonidealities are addressed in detail, which provides good insights for a future high-frequency integrated circuit implementation. Based on that, a high-frequency sub-Nyquist rate receiver exploiting the parallel compressive sensing is designed and fabricated with IBM90nm CMOS technology, and measurement results are presented to show the capability of wideband compressive sensing at sub-Nyquist rate. To the best of our knowledge, this prototype is the first reported integrated chip for wideband mixed-signal compressive sensing. The proposed prototype achieves 7 bits ENOB and 3 GS/s equivalent sampling rate in simulation assuming a 0.5 ps state-of-art jitter variance, whose FOM beats the FOM of the high speed state-of-the-art Nyquist ADCs by 2-3 times. The proposed mixed-signal compressive sensing system can be applied in various fields. In particular, its applications for wideband spectrum sensing for cognitive radios and spectrum analysis in RF tests are discussed in this work

    Design of Fully-Integrated High-Resolution Radars in CMOS and BiCMOS Technologies

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    The RADAR, acronym that stands for RAdio Detection And ranging, is a device that uses electromagnetic waves to detect the presence and the distance of an illuminated target. The idea of such a system was presented in the early 1900s to determine the presence of ships. Later on, with the approach of World War II, the radar gained the interest of the army who decided to use it for defense purposes, in order to detect the presence, the distance and the speed of ships, planes and even tanks. Nowadays, the use of similar systems is extended outside the military area. Common applications span from weather surveillance to Earth composition mapping and from flight control to vehicle speed monitoring. Moreover, the introduction of new ultrawideband (UWB) technologies makes it possible to perform radar imaging which can be successfully used in the automotive or medical field. The existence of a plenty of known applications is the reason behind the choice of the topic of this thesis, which is the design of fully-integrated high-resolution radars. The first part of this work gives a brief introduction on high resolution radars and describes its working principle in a mathematical way. Then it gives a comparison between the existing radar types and motivates the choice of an integrated solution instead of a discrete one. The second part concerns the analysis and design of two CMOS high-resolution radar prototypes tailored for the early detection of the breast cancer. This part begins with an explanation of the motivations behind this project. Then it gives a thorough system analysis which indicates the best radar architecture in presence of impairments and dictates all the electrical system specifications. Afterwards, it describes in depth each block of the transceivers with particular emphasis on the local oscillator (LO) generation system which is the most critical block of the designs. Finally, the last section of this part presents the measurement results. In particular, it shows that the designed radar operates over 3 octaves from 2 to 16GHz, has a conversion gain of 36dB, a flicker-noise-corner of 30Hz and a dynamic range of 107dB. These characteristics turn into a resolution of 3mm inside the body, more than enough to detect even the smallest tumor. The third and last part of this thesis focuses on the analysis and design of some important building blocks for phased-array radars, including phase shifter (PHS), true time delay (TTD) and power combiner. This part begins with an exhaustive introduction on phased array systems followed by a detailed description of each proposed lumped-element block. The main features of each block is the very low insertion loss, the wideband characteristic and the low area consumption. Finally, the major effects of circuit parasitics are described followed by simulation and measurement results

    Analysis and Design of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits for Breast Cancer Radar Imaging in CMOS Technology

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    Breast cancer is by far the most incident tumor among female population. Early stage prevention is a key factor in delivering long term survival of breast cancer patients. X-ray mammography is the most commonly used diagnostic technique to detect non-palpable tumors. However, 10-30% of tumors are missed by mammography and ionizing radiations together with breast compression do not lead to comfort in patient treatment. In this context, ultrawideband microwave radar technology is an attractive alternative. It relies on the dielectric contrast of normal and malignant tissues at microwave frequencies to detect and locate tumors inside the breast. This work presents the analysis and design of radio frequency integrated circuits for breast cancer imaging in CMOS technology. The first part of the thesis concerns the system analysis. A behavioral model of two different transceiver architectures for UWB breast cancer imaging employing a SFCW radar system are presented. A mathematical model of the direct conversion and super heterodyne architectures together with a numerical breast phantom are developed. FDTD simulations data are used to on the behavioral model to investigate the limits of both architectures from a circuit-level point of view. Insight is given into I/Q phase inaccuracies and their impact on the quality of the final reconstructed images. The result is that the simplicity of the direct conversion architecture makes the receiver more robust toward the critical impairments for this application. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the circuit design. The main achievement is a 65nm CMOS 2-16GHz stepped frequency radar transceiver for medical imaging. The RX features 36dB conversion gain, >29dBm compression point, 7dB noise figure, and 30Hz 1/f noise corner. The TX outputs 14dBm with >40dBc harmonic rejection and <109dBc/Hz phase noise at 1MHz offset. Overall power dissipation is 204mW from 1.2V supply. The radar achieves 3mm resolution within the body, and 107dB dynamic range, a performance enabling the use for breast cancer diagnostic imaging. To further assess the capabilities of the proposed radar, a physical breast phantom was synthesized and two targets mimicking two tumors were buried inside the breast. The targets are clearly identified and correctly located, effectively proving the performance of the designed radar as a possible tool for breast cancer detection

    Subsampling receivers with applications to software defined radio systems

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    Este trabajo de tesis propone la utilización sistemas basados en submuestreo como una alternativa para la implementación de la etapa de down-conversion de los receptores de radio frecuencia (RF) empleados para aplicaciones multi-estándar y SDR (Software Defined Radio). El objetivo principal será el de optimizar el diseño en cuanto a flexibilidad y simplicidad, las cuales son propiedades inherentes en los sistemas basados en submuestreo. Por tanto, como reducir el número de componentes al mínimo es clave cuando un mismo receptor procesa diferentes estándares de comunicación, las arquitecturas basadas en submuestreo han sido seleccionadas, donde la reusabilidad de los componentes empleados es posible, así como la reducción de los costes totales de los receptores de comunicación y de los equipos de certificación que emplean estas arquitecturas. Un motivo adicional por el que los sistemas basados en submuestreo han sido seleccionados es el concerniente a la topología del receptor. Como la idea de la tecnología SDR es implementar todas las funcionalidades del receptor (filtrado, amplificación) en el dominio digital, el convertidores analógico-digital (ADC) deberá estar localizado en la cadena de recepción lo más cerca posible a la antena, siendo el objetivo final el convertir la señal directamente de RF a digital. Sin embargo, con los actuales ADC no es posible implementar esta idea debido al alto ancho de banda que necesitarían sin perder resolución para cubrir las especificaciones de los estándares de comunicaciones inalámbricas. Por tanto, los sistemas basados en submuestreo se presentan como la opción más adecuada para implementar este tipo de sistemas debido a que pueden muestrear la señal de entrada por debajo de la tasa de Nyquist, si se cumplen ciertas restricciones en cuanto a la elección de la frecuencia de muestreo. De este modo, los requerimientos del ADC serán relajados ya que, usando estas arquitecturas, este componente procesará la señal a frecuencias intermedias. Una vez se han introducido los conceptos principales de las técnicas de submuestreo, esta tesis doctoral presenta el diseño de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos basada en submuestreo con la finalidad de ser implementada como un receptor de test y certificación de banda ancha. El sistema propuesto proporciona una alta resolución para un elevado ancho de banda, a partir del uso de un S&H de bajo jitter y de un convertidor analógico digital ADC que trabaja a frecuencias intermedias. El sistema es implementado usando dispositivos comerciales en una placa de circuito impreso diseñada y fabricada, y cuya caracterización experimental muestra una resolución de más 8 bits para un ancho de banda analógico de 20 MHz. Concretamente, la resolución medida será mayor de 9 bits hasta una frecuencia de entrada de 2.9 GHz y mayor de 8 bits para una frecuencia de entrada de hasta 6.5 GHz, lo cual resulta suficiente para cubrir los requerimientos de la mayor parte de los actuales estándares de comunicaciones inalámbricas (GPS, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX). Sin embargo, los receptores basados en submuestreo presentan algunos importantes inconvenientes, como son adicionales fuentes de ruido (jitter y plegado de ruido térmico) y una dificultad añadida para implementarlo en escenarios multi-banda y no lineales. Acerca del plegado de ruido en la banda de interés, esta tesis propone el uso de una técnica basada en una arquitectura de reloj múltiple con el objetivo de aumentar la resolución y cubrir un número mayor de estándares para su test y certificación. Empleando una frecuencia de muestreo mayor para el caso del S&H, se conseguirá reducir este efecto, aumentando la resolución en aproximadamente 0.5-1 bit respecto al caso de sólo usar una fuente de reloj. Las expresiones teóricas de esta mejora son desarrolladas y presentadas en esta tesis, siendo posteriormente corroboradas de modo experimental. Por otra parte, esta tesis también propone novedosas técnicas para la aplicación de estos sistemas de submuestreo en entornos multi-banda y no lineales, los cuales presentan desafíos adicionales por el hecho de existir la posibilidad de solapamiento entre la señal de interés y los otros canales de comunicación, así como de solapamiento con sus armónicos. De este modo, esta tesis extiende el uso de los sistemas basados en submuestreo para este tipo de entornos, proponiendo técnicas para la elección de la frecuencia óptima de muestreo que evitan el solapamiento entre señales, a la vez que consiguen incrementar la resolución del receptor. Finalmente, se presentará la optimización en cuanto a características de ruido de un receptor concreto para aplicaciones de banda dual en entornos no lineales. Dicho receptor estará basado en las técnicas de reloj múltiple presentadas anteriormente y en una estructura de multi-filtro entre el S&H y el ADC. El sistema diseñado podrá emplearse para diversas aplicaciones a ambos lados de la cadena de comunicación, tal como en receptores de detección de espectro para radio cognitiva, o implementando el bucle de realimentación de un transmisor para la linealización de amplificadores de potencia. Por tanto, la presente tesis doctoral cuenta con tres contribuciones diferenciadas. La primera de ellas es la dedicada al diseño de un prototipo de recepción multi-estándar basado en submuestreo para aplicaciones de test y certificación. La segunda aportación es la dedicada a la optimización de las especificaciones de ruido a partir de las técnicas presentadas basadas en reloj múltiple. Por último, la tercera contribución principal es la relacionada con la extensión de este tipo de técnicas a sistemas multi-banda en entornos no lineales. Todas estas contribuciones han sido estudiadas teóricamente y experimentalmente validadas

    Ultra Wideband

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and merged as a technology, and many more people are aware of the potential for this exciting technology. The current UWB field is changing rapidly with new techniques and ideas where several issues are involved in developing the systems. Among UWB system design, the UWB RF transceiver and UWB antenna are the key components. Recently, a considerable amount of researches has been devoted to the development of the UWB RF transceiver and antenna for its enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption. Our book attempts to present current and emerging trends in-research and development of UWB systems as well as future expectations