6 research outputs found

    Effects of Piconet Saturation on a Bluetooth Streaming Audio Channel

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    Bluetooth is a technology for wireless personal area networks (WPAN) that eliminates the need for cables, standardizes interfaces, and can automate many standard office processes such as sending and receiving email, synchronizing schedules, or exchanging business cards. With each workstation creating its own Bluetooth network, called a piconet, different Air Force environments have the potential, in some cases, to create more than 50 overlapping piconets, which significantly increases the potential for inter-piconet interference. This research investigates the effects of inter-piconet interference on a Bluetooth channel, streaming audio, offered at 24, 40, and 64 Kbps. It shows that as the number of overlapping piconets increases from zero to five, the effects on packet error rate are significant, climbing at times to just under 9%

    Contributions on the dimensioning of wireless networks

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    Orientador: Michel Daoud YacoubDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho aborda o dimensionamento de redes sem fio por meio da análise da probabilidade de outage visando contemplar sistemas com múltiplas classes de serviço. Esta é uma tarefa complexa, uma vez que deve considerar aspectos como o desvanecimento e a interferência do canal sem fio e o tráfego de diferentes classes de serviço. Inicialmente é analisada uma rede ad hoc com uma única classe de serviço a partir da probabilidade de outage conjunta. Em seguida, determina-se uma nova formulação analítica fechada para o cálculo da probabilidade de outage em sistemas com múltiplas classes de serviço. Esta foi prontamente validada por meio de simulações a eventos discretos. Desta maneira, a formulação proposta pode ser utilizada para o dimensionamento de redes sem fio multi-serviço sem a necessidade da realização de simulações. Este método apresenta vantagens como fácil implementação e baixo esforço computacional. Isto significa que foi obtida uma ferramenta de dimensionamento rápida e precisa.Abstract: This work tackles with the problem of dimensioning wireless networks through the analysis of the outage probability aiming to contemplate multiservice traffic. This is an intrincate task, since it must consider aspects such as fading and interference in the wireless channel as well as multiservice traffic. First, an ad hoc network with only one class of service is analysed through the joint outage probability. Then, a novel closed formulation for the outage probability in multiservice systems is found. This formulation was promptly validated through discrete-event simulation. Therefore, the proposed formulation may be used for the dimensioning in multiservice wireless networks without the necessity of simulations. This method presents the advantages of easy implementation and low computational effort. This means that this tool enables a fast and precise dimensioning.MestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Synchronous Transmissions in Low-Power Wireless: A Survey of Communication Protocols and Network Services

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    Low-power wireless communication is a central building block of Cyber-physical Systems and the Internet of Things. Conventional low-power wireless protocols make avoiding packet collisions a cornerstone design choice. The concept of synchronous transmissions challenges this view. As collisions are not necessarily destructive, under specific circumstances, commodity low-power wireless radios are often able to receive useful information even in the presence of superimposed signals from different transmitters. We survey the growing number of protocols that exploit synchronous transmissions for higher robustness and efficiency as well as unprecedented functionality and versatility compared to conventional designs. The illustration of protocols based on synchronous transmissions is cast in a conceptional framework we establish, with the goal of highlighting differences and similarities among the proposed solutions. We conclude the paper with a discussion on open research questions in this field.Comment: Submitted to ACM Computing Survey