4 research outputs found

    Dynamic Channel Access Scheme for Interference Mitigation in Relay-assisted Intra-WBANs

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    This work addresses problems related to interference mitigation in a single wireless body area network (WBAN). In this paper, We propose a distributed \textit{C}ombined carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) with \textit{F}lexible time division multiple access (\textit{T}DMA) scheme for \textit{I}nterference \textit{M}itigation in relay-assisted intra-WBAN, namely, CFTIM. In CFTIM scheme, non interfering sources (transmitters) use CSMA/CA to communicate with relays. Whilst, high interfering sources and best relays use flexible TDMA to communicate with coordinator (C) through using stable channels. Simulation results of the proposed scheme are compared to other schemes and consequently CFTIM scheme outperforms in all cases. These results prove that the proposed scheme mitigates interference, extends WBAN energy lifetime and improves the throughput. To further reduce the interference level, we analytically show that the outage probability can be effectively reduced to the minimal.Comment: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Protocol Engineering (ICPE) and International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NTDS), Paris, France. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1602.0865

    Review and Analysis of mHealth Applications : Development and Evaluation of a Heart Diseases Self-Management App

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    Este trabajo tiene dos objetivos principales. El primero es realizar una revisi贸n de las apps m贸viles existentes centradas en enfermedades o condiciones no comunicables, especialmente en el campo de la cardiolog铆a. Esta revisi贸n se bas贸 en las condiciones m谩s prevalentes, las enfermedades l铆deres en mortalidad y las enfermedades card铆acas. Fue adem谩s complementada con una revisi贸n de Sistemas de Ayuda a la Decisi贸n M贸viles (SADM). El segundo objetivo es el dise帽o, creaci贸n y desarrollo de una app m贸vil innovadora en el campo de la cardiolog铆a, con el objetivo de copar un hueco comercial encontrado en la revisi贸n anterior. Para llevar a cabo dicho objetivo, varios estudios fueron realizados para solucionar los problemas encontrados. La experiencia aprendida es compartida con investigadores y desarrolladores con el objetivo de ayudarles en el proceso de creaci贸n de apps de mSaludDepartamento de Teor铆a de la Se帽al y Comunicaciones, e Ingenier铆a Telem谩tic