34,517 research outputs found

    Quantum Interference in Superconducting Wire Networks and Josephson Junction Arrays: Analytical Approach based on Multiple-Loop Aharonov-Bohm Feynman Path-Integrals

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    We investigate analytically and numerically the mean-field superconducting-normal phase boundaries of two-dimensional superconducting wire networks and Josephson junction arrays immersed in a transverse magnetic field. The geometries we consider include square, honeycomb, triangular, and kagome' lattices. Our approach is based on an analytical study of multiple-loop Aharonov-Bohm effects: the quantum interference between different electron closed paths where each one of them encloses a net magnetic flux. Specifically, we compute exactly the sums of magnetic phase factors, i.e., the lattice path integrals, on all closed lattice paths of different lengths. A very large number, e.g., up to 108110^{81} for the square lattice, exact lattice path integrals are obtained. Analytic results of these lattice path integrals then enable us to obtain the resistive transition temperature as a continuous function of the field. In particular, we can analyze measurable effects on the superconducting transition temperature, Tc(B)T_c(B), as a function of the magnetic filed BB, originating from electron trajectories over loops of various lengths. In addition to systematically deriving previously observed features, and understanding the physical origin of the dips in Tc(B)T_c(B) as a result of multiple-loop quantum interference effects, we also find novel results. In particular, we explicitly derive the self-similarity in the phase diagram of square networks. Our approach allows us to analyze the complex structure present in the phase boundaries from the viewpoint of quantum interference effects due to the electron motion on the underlying lattices.Comment: 18 PRB-type pages, plus 8 large figure

    Nested Lattice Codes for Gaussian Relay Networks with Interference

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    In this paper, a class of relay networks is considered. We assume that, at a node, outgoing channels to its neighbors are orthogonal, while incoming signals from neighbors can interfere with each other. We are interested in the multicast capacity of these networks. As a subclass, we first focus on Gaussian relay networks with interference and find an achievable rate using a lattice coding scheme. It is shown that there is a constant gap between our achievable rate and the information theoretic cut-set bound. This is similar to the recent result by Avestimehr, Diggavi, and Tse, who showed such an approximate characterization of the capacity of general Gaussian relay networks. However, our achievability uses a structured code instead of a random one. Using the same idea used in the Gaussian case, we also consider linear finite-field symmetric networks with interference and characterize the capacity using a linear coding scheme.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Compute-and-Forward: Harnessing Interference through Structured Codes

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    Interference is usually viewed as an obstacle to communication in wireless networks. This paper proposes a new strategy, compute-and-forward, that exploits interference to obtain significantly higher rates between users in a network. The key idea is that relays should decode linear functions of transmitted messages according to their observed channel coefficients rather than ignoring the interference as noise. After decoding these linear equations, the relays simply send them towards the destinations, which given enough equations, can recover their desired messages. The underlying codes are based on nested lattices whose algebraic structure ensures that integer combinations of codewords can be decoded reliably. Encoders map messages from a finite field to a lattice and decoders recover equations of lattice points which are then mapped back to equations over the finite field. This scheme is applicable even if the transmitters lack channel state information.Comment: IEEE Trans. Info Theory, to appear. 23 pages, 13 figure

    Observable Signature of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in a Planar Lattice of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We investigate the possibility that Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), loaded on a 2D optical lattice, undergo - at finite temperature - a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition. We show that - in an experimentally attainable range of parameters - a planar lattice of BECs is described by the XY model at finite temperature. We demonstrate that the interference pattern of the expanding condensates provides the experimental signature of the BKT transition by showing that, near the critical temperature, the k=0 component of the momentum distribution and the central peak of the atomic density profile sharply decrease. The finite-temperature transition for a 3D optical lattice is also discussed, and the analogies with superconducting Josephson junction networks are stressed through the text

    Quantum Interference on the Kagom\'e Lattice

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    We study quantum interference effects due to electron motion on the Kagom\'e lattice in a perpendicular magnetic field. These effects arise from the interference between phase factors associated with different electron closed-paths. From these we compute, analytically and numerically, the superconducting-normal phase boundary for Kagom\'e superconducting wire networks and Josephson junction arrays. We use an analytical approach to analyze the relationship between the interference and the complex structure present in the phase boundary, including the origin of the overall and fine structure. Our results are obtained by exactly summing over one thousand billion billions (1021\sim 10^{21}) closed paths, each one weighted by its corresponding phase factor representing the net flux enclosed by each path. We expect our computed mean-field phase diagrams to compare well with several proposed experiments.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, 3 figures upon reques

    Approaching Gaussian Relay Network Capacity in the High SNR Regime: End-to-End Lattice Codes

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    We present a natural and low-complexity technique for achieving the capacity of the Gaussian relay network in the high SNR regime. Specifically, we propose the use of end-to-end structured lattice codes with the amplify-and-forward strategy, where the source uses a nested lattice code to encode the messages and the destination decodes the messages by lattice decoding. All intermediate relays simply amplify and forward the received signals over the network to the destination. We show that the end-to-end lattice-coded amplify-and-forward scheme approaches the capacity of the layered Gaussian relay network in the high SNR regime. Next, we extend our scheme to non-layered Gaussian relay networks under the amplify-and-forward scheme, which can be viewed as a Gaussian intersymbol interference (ISI) channel. Compared with other schemes, our approach is significantly simpler and requires only the end-to-end design of the lattice precoding and decoding. It does not require any knowledge of the network topology or the individual channel gains

    Channel assignment and multicolouring of the induced subgraphs of the triangular lattice

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    AbstractA basic problem in the design of mobile telephone networks is to assign sets of radio frequency bands (colours) to transmitters (vertices) to avoid interference. Often the transmitters are laid out like vertices of a triangular lattice in the plane. We investigate the corresponding colouring problem of assigning sets of colours of given size k to vertices of the triangular lattice so that the sets of colours assigned to adjacent vertices are disjoint. We prove here that every triangle-free induced subgraph of the triangular lattice is ⌈7k/3⌉-[k]colourable. That means that it is possible to assign to each transmitter of such a network, k bands of a set of ⌈7k/3⌉, so that there is no interference