189 research outputs found

    Interference and Throughput in Aloha-based Ad Hoc Networks with Isotropic Node Distribution

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    We study the interference and outage statistics in a slotted Aloha ad hoc network, where the spatial distribution of nodes is non-stationary and isotropic. In such a network, outage probability and local throughput depend on both the particular location in the network and the shape of the spatial distribution. We derive in closed-form certain distributional properties of the interference that are important for analyzing wireless networks as a function of the location and the spatial shape. Our results focus on path loss exponents 2 and 4, the former case not being analyzable before due to the stationarity assumption of the spatial node distribution. We propose two metrics for measuring local throughput in non-stationary networks and discuss how our findings can be applied to both analysis and optimization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To appear in International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 201

    Interference in Poisson Networks with Isotropically Distributed Nodes

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    Practical wireless networks are finite, and hence non-stationary with nodes typically non-homo-geneously deployed over the area. This leads to a location-dependent performance and to boundary effects which are both often neglected in network modeling. In this work, interference in networks with nodes distributed according to an isotropic but not necessarily stationary Poisson point process (PPP) are studied. The resulting link performance is precisely characterized as a function of (i) an arbitrary receiver location and of (ii) an arbitrary isotropic shape of the spatial distribution. Closed-form expressions for the first moment and the Laplace transform of the interference are derived for the path loss exponents α=2\alpha=2 and α=4\alpha=4, and simple bounds are derived for other cases. The developed model is applied to practical problems in network analysis: for instance, the accuracy loss due to neglecting border effects is shown to be undesirably high within transition regions of certain deployment scenarios. Using a throughput metric not relying on the stationarity of the spatial node distribution, the spatial throughput locally around a given node is characterized.Comment: This work was presented in part at ISIT 201

    High-SIR Transmission Capacity of Wireless Networks with General Fading and Node Distribution

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    In many wireless systems, interference is the main performance-limiting factor, and is primarily dictated by the locations of concurrent transmitters. In many earlier works, the locations of the transmitters is often modeled as a Poisson point process for analytical tractability. While analytically convenient, the PPP only accurately models networks whose nodes are placed independently and use ALOHA as the channel access protocol, which preserves the independence. Correlations between transmitter locations in non-Poisson networks, which model intelligent access protocols, makes the outage analysis extremely difficult. In this paper, we take an alternative approach and focus on an asymptotic regime where the density of interferers η\eta goes to 0. We prove for general node distributions and fading statistics that the success probability \p \sim 1-\gamma \eta^{\kappa} for η0\eta \rightarrow 0, and provide values of γ\gamma and κ\kappa for a number of important special cases. We show that κ\kappa is lower bounded by 1 and upper bounded by a value that depends on the path loss exponent and the fading. This new analytical framework is then used to characterize the transmission capacity of a very general class of networks, defined as the maximum spatial density of active links given an outage constraint.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Info Theory special issu

    Spatial networks with wireless applications

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    Many networks have nodes located in physical space, with links more common between closely spaced pairs of nodes. For example, the nodes could be wireless devices and links communication channels in a wireless mesh network. We describe recent work involving such networks, considering effects due to the geometry (convex,non-convex, and fractal), node distribution, distance-dependent link probability, mobility, directivity and interference.Comment: Review article- an amended version with a new title from the origina

    Achieving Non-Zero Information Velocity in Wireless Networks

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    In wireless networks, where each node transmits independently of other nodes in the network (the ALOHA protocol), the expected delay experienced by a packet until it is successfully received at any other node is known to be infinite for signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) model with node locations distributed according to a Poisson point process. Consequently, the information velocity, defined as the limit of the ratio of the distance to the destination and the time taken for a packet to successfully reach the destination over multiple hops, is zero, as the distance tends to infinity. A nearest neighbor distance based power control policy is proposed to show that the expected delay required for a packet to be successfully received at the nearest neighbor can be made finite. Moreover, the information velocity is also shown to be non-zero with the proposed power control policy. The condition under which these results hold does not depend on the intensity of the underlying Poisson point process.Comment: to appear in Annals of Applied Probabilit

    On the Throughput-Delay Trade-off in Georouting Networks

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    We study the scaling properties of a georouting scheme in a wireless multi-hop network of nn mobile nodes. Our aim is to increase the network capacity quasi linearly with nn while keeping the average delay bounded. In our model, mobile nodes move according to an i.i.d. random walk with velocity vv and transmit packets to randomly chosen destinations. The average packet delivery delay of our scheme is of order 1/v1/v and it achieves the network capacity of order nlognloglogn\frac{n}{\log n\log\log n}. This shows a practical throughput-delay trade-off, in particular when compared with the seminal result of Gupta and Kumar which shows network capacity of order n/logn\sqrt{n/\log n} and negligible delay and the groundbreaking result of Grossglausser and Tse which achieves network capacity of order nn but with an average delay of order n/v\sqrt{n}/v. We confirm the generality of our analytical results using simulations under various interference models.Comment: This work has been submitted to IEEE INFOCOM 201

    Improving the Performance of Medium Access Control Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Network with Smart Antennas

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    Requirements for high quality links and great demand for high throughput in Wireless LAN especially Mobile Ad-hoc Network has motivated new enhancements and work in Wireless communications such as Smart Antenna Systems. Smart (adaptive) Antennas enable spatial reuse, increase throughput and they increase the communication range because of the increase directivity of the antenna array. These enhancements quantified for the physical layer may not be efficiently utilized, unless the Media Access Control (MAC) layer is designed accordingly. This thesis implements the behaviours of two MAC protocols, ANMAC and MMAC protocols in OPNET simulator. This method is known as the Physical-MAC layer simulation model. The entire physical layer is written in MATLAB, and MATLAB is integrated into OPNET to perform the necessary stochastic physical layer simulations. The aim is to investigate the performance improvement in throughput and delay of the selected MAC Protocols when using Smart Antennas in a mobile environment. Analytical methods were used to analyze the average throughput and delay performance of the selected MAC Protocols with Adaptive Antenna Arrays in MANET when using spatial diversity. Comparison study has been done between the MAC protocols when using Switched beam antenna and when using the proposed scheme. It has been concluded that the throughput and delay performance of the selected protocols have been improved by the use of Adaptive Antenna Arrays. The throughput and delay performance of ANMAC-SW and ANMAC-AA protocols was evaluated in details against regular Omni 802.11 stations. Our results promise significantly enhancement over Omni 802.11, with a throughput of 25% for ANMAC-SW and 90% for ANMC-AA. ANMAC-AA outperforms ANMAC-SW protocol by 60%. Simulation experiments indicate that by using the proposed scheme with 4 Adaptive Antenna Array per a node, the average throughput in the network can be improved up to 2 to 2.5 times over that obtained by using Switched beam Antennas. The proposed scheme improves the performances of both ANMAC and MMAC protocols but ANMAC outperforms MMAC by 30%

    Characterization of the fundamental properties of wireless CSMA multi-hop networks

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    A wireless multi-hop network consists of a group of decentralized and self-organized wireless devices that collaborate to complete their tasks in a distributed way. Data packets are forwarded collaboratively hop-by-hop from source nodes to their respective destination nodes with other nodes acting as intermediate relays. Existing and future applications in wireless multi-hop networks will greatly benefit from better understanding of the fundamental properties of such networks. In this thesis we explore two fundamental properties of distributed wireless CSMA multi-hop networks, connectivity and capacity. A network is connected if and only if there is at least one (multi-hop) path between any pair of nodes. We investigate the critical transmission power for asymptotic connectivity in large wireless CSMA multi-hop networks under the SINR model. The critical transmission power is the minimum transmission power each node needs to transmit to guarantee that the resulting network is connected aas. Both upper bound and lower bound of the critical transmission power are obtained analytically. The two bounds are tight and differ by a constant factor only. Next we shift focus to the capacity property. First, we develop a distributed routing algorithm where each node makes routing decisions based on local information only. This is compatible with the distributed nature of large wireless CSMA multi-hop networks. Second, we show that by carefully choosing controllable parameters of the CSMA protocols, together with the routing algorithm, a distributed CSMA network can achieve the order-optimal throughput scaling law. Scaling laws are only up to order and most network design choices have a significant effect on the constants preceding the order while not affecting the scaling law. Therefore we further to analyze the pre-constant by giving an upper and a lower bound of throughput. The tightness of the bounds is validated using simulations