17,518 research outputs found

    Numerical study of surface tension driven convection in thermal magnetic fluids

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    Microgravity conditions pose unique challenges for fluid handling and heat transfer applications. By controlling (curtailing or augmenting) the buoyant and thermocapillary convection, the latter being the dominant convective flow in a microgravity environment, significant advantages can be achieved in space based processing. The control of this surface tension gradient driven flow is sought using a magnetic field, and the effects of these are studied computationally. A two-fluid layer system, with the lower fluid being a non-conducting ferrofluid, is considered under the influence of a horizontal temperature gradient. To capture the deformable interface, a numerical method to solve the Navier???Stokes equations, heat equations, and Maxwell???s equations was developed using a hybrid level set/ volume-of-fluid technique. The convective velocities and heat fluxes were studied under various regimes of the thermal Marangoni number Ma, the external field represented by the magnetic Bond number Bom, and various gravity levels, Fr. Regimes where the convection were either curtailed or augmented were identified. It was found that the surface force due to the step change in the magnetic permeability at the interface could be suitably utilized to control the instability at the interface.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Concepts for microgravity experiments utilizing gloveboxes

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    The need for glovebox facilities on spacecraft in which microgravity materials processing experiments are performed is discussed. At present such facilities are being designed, and some of their capabilities are briefly described. A list of experiment concepts which would require or benefit from such facilities is presented

    Materials science experiments in space

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    The criteria for the selection of the experimental areas and individual experiments were that the experiment or area must make a meaningful contribution to the field of material science and that the space environment was either an absolute requirement for the successful execution of the experiment or that the experiment can be more economically or more conveniently performed in space. A number of experimental areas and individual experiments were recommended for further consideration as space experiments. Areas not considered to be fruitful and others needing additional analysis in order to determine their suitability for conduct in space are also listed. Recommendations were made concerning the manner in which these materials science experiments are carried out and the related studies that should be pursued

    Effects of diamagnetic levitation on bacterial growth in liquid

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    Diamagnetic levitation is a technique that uses a strong, spatially-varying magnetic field to levitate diamagnetic materials, such as water and biological cells. This technique has the potential to simulate aspects of weightlessness, on the Earth. In common with all ground-based techniques to simulate weightlessness, however, there are effects introduced by diamagnetic levitation that are not present in space. Since there have been few studies that systematically investigate these differences, diamagnetic levitation is not yet being fully exploited. For the first time, we critically assess the effect of diamagnetic levitation on a bacterial culture in liquid. We used a superconducting magnet to levitate growing bacterial cultures for up to 18 hours, in a series of experiments to determine the effect of diamagnetic levitation on all phases of the bacterial growth cycle. We find that diamagnetic levitation increases the rate of population growth in a liquid culture. The speed of sedimentation of the bacterial cells to the bottom of the container is considerably reduced. Further experiments and microarray gene analysis show that the growth enhancement is due to greater oxygen availability in the magnetically levitated sample. We demonstrate that the magnetic field that levitates the cells also induces convective stirring in the liquid, an effect not present in microgravity. We present a simple theoretical model, showing how the paramagnetic force on dissolved oxygen can cause the liquid to become unstable to convection when the consumption of oxygen by the bacteria generates an oxygen concentration gradient. We propose that this convection enhances oxygen availability by transporting oxygen around the sample. Since convection is absent in space, these results are of significant importance and timeliness to researchers considering using diamagnetic levitation to explore weightless effects on living organisms and a broad range of other topics in the physical and life sciences

    Over-limiting Current and Control of Dendritic Growth by Surface Conduction in Nanopores

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    Understanding over-limiting current (faster than diffusion) is a long-standing challenge in electrochemistry with applications in desalination and energy storage. Known mechanisms involve either chemical or hydrodynamic instabilities in unconfined electrolytes. Here, it is shown that over-limiting current can be sustained by surface conduction in nano pores, without any such instabilities, and used to control dendritic growth during electrodeposition. Copper electrode posits are grown in anodized aluminum oxide membranes with polyelectrolyte coatings to modify the surface charge. At low currents, uniform electroplating occurs, unaffected by surface modification due to thin electric double layers, but the morphology changes dramatically above the limiting current. With negative surface charge, growth is enhanced along the nanopore surfaces, forming surface dendrites and nanotubes behind a deionization shock. With positive surface charge, dendrites avoid the surfaces and are either guided along the nanopore centers or blocked from penetrating the membrane

    Improved catalysts by low-G processing

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    The advantages of space for manufacturing more perfect microcrystalline morphologies and structures will be investigated. Production of smaller silver and palladium crystals with enhanced catalytic properties is discussed. The elimination of convection accompanying electrodeposition of fine metallic powders at high overvoltages in a low gravity environment is outlined

    Nucleation and growth control in protein crystallization

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    The five topics summarized in this final report are as follows: (1) a technique for the expedient, semi-automated determination of protein solubilities as a function of temperature and application of this technique to proteins other than lysozyme; (2) a small solution cell with adjustable temperature gradients for the growth of proteins at a predetermined location through temperature programming; (3) a microscopy system with image storage and processing capability for high resolution optical studies of temperature controlled protein growth and etching kinetics; (4) growth experiments with lysozyme in thermosyphon flow ; and (5) a mathematical model for the evolution of evaporation/diffusion induced concentration gradients in the hanging drop protein crystallization technique
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