17 research outputs found

    Visualizing Information on a Sphere

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    We describe a method for the visualization of information units on spherical domains which is employed in the banking industry for risk analysis, stock prediction and other tasks. The system is based on a quantification of the similarity of related objects that governs the parameters of a mass-spring system. Unlike existing approaches we initialize all information units onto the inner surface of two concentric spheres and attach them with springs to the outer sphere. Since the spring stiffnesses correspond to the computed similarity measures, the system converges into an energy minimum which reveals multidimensional relations and adjacencies in terms of spatial neighborhoods. Depending on the application scenario our approach supports different topological arrangements of related objects. In order to cope with large data sets we propose a blobby clustering mechanism that enables encapsulation of similar objects by implicit shapes. In addition, we implemented various interaction techniques allowing semantic analysis of the underlying data sets. Our prototype system IVORY is written in JAVA, and its versatility is illustrated by an example from financial service providers

    Structural optimization of 3D masonry buildings

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    In the design of buildings, structural analysis is traditionally performed after the aesthetic design has been determined and has little influence on the overall form. In contrast, this paper presents an approach to guide the form towards a shape that is more structurally sound. Our work is centered on the study of how variations of the geometry might improve structural stability. We define a new measure of structural soundness for masonry buildings as well as cables, and derive its closed-form derivative with respect to the displacement of all the vertices describing the geometry. We start with a gradient descent tool which displaces each vertex along the gradient. We then introduce displacement operators, imposing constraints such as the preservation of orientation or thickness; or setting additional objectives such as volume minimization.Shell Oil CompanyNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (PGS Program)Samsung Scholarship Foundatio

    Modelling of building interiors with mobile phone sensor data

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    Creating as-built plans of building interiors is a challenging task. In this paper we present a semi-automatic modelling system for creating residential building interior plans and their integration with existing map data to produce building models. Taking a set of imprecise measurements made with an interactive mobile phone room mapping application, the system performs spatial adjustments in accordance with soft and hard constraints imposed on the building plan geometry. The approach uses an optimisation model that exploits a high accuracy building outline, such as can be found in topographic map data, and the building topology to improve the quality of interior measurements and generate a standardised output. We test our system on building plans of five residential homes. Our evaluation shows that the approach enables construction of accurate interior plans from imprecise measurements. The experiments report an average accuracy of 0.24 m, close to the 0.20 m recommended by the CityGML LoD4 specificatio

    Data driven estimation of building interior plans

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    This work investigates constructing plans of building interiors using learned building measurements. In particular, we address the problem of accurately estimating dimensions of rooms when measurements of the interior space have not been captured. Our approach focuses on learning the geometry, orientation and occurrence of rooms from a corpus of real-world building plan data to form a predictive model. The trained predictive model may then be queried to generate estimates of room dimensions and orientations. These estimates are then integrated with the overall building footprint and iteratively improved using a two-stage optimisation process to form complete interior plans. The approach is presented as a semi-automatic method for constructing plans which can cope with a limited set of known information and constructs likely representations of building plans through modelling of soft and hard constraints. We evaluate the method in the context of estimating residential house plans and demonstrate that predictions can effectively be used for constructing plans given limited prior knowledge about the types of rooms and their topology

    Procedural Surface Weathering of Cultural Stone Through Physically Based Mesh Deformations

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    Weathering in computer graphics is crucial to creating believable objects. Common methods to add wear to an object include the application of 2D texture maps or direct model deformations through sculpting. These methods require an artist’s time and expertise, often at a cost to quality or iteration time for the asset. This creates a need for a method that is quick to iterate upon and easy to manipulate. This thesis outlines a new procedural method that combines principles of 2D texture maps and 3D sculpting to achieve large-scale mesh deformations in stone surfaces. The method involves the use of procedural 3D noise to define a stone’s composition combined with particle systems to simulate rainfall on an object, deforming it over time. A custom user interface with preset stone options is implemented to reduce the level of expertise needed to use the system

    Constraint-based document layout for the Web

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