2,375 research outputs found

    Struktur Pesan Pada Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

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    Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an automated telephony system that interacts with callers, gathers information and routes calls to the appropriate recipient. An IVR system (IVRS) accepts a combination of voice telephone input and touch-tone keypad selection and provides appropriate responses in the form of voice, fax, callback, e-mail and perhaps other media. In recent years, many enterprises use IVR as their customer service media. Some problems arise as user problems, that is user have to remembering the too many choices; user does\u27nt achieve what they want (did not find the right choices); and the worst is tiring finding choices yet they have not find the human operator. This paper will observe the effect of message structuring for IVR customer satisfication. Human information processing (especially audio-based information) theory as well as menu organizing theory will be used as analysis fundamentals. Questionnaire will be distributed to IVR users to grab the real user experience

    Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Pada Pelayanan Medik

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    ABSTRAKSI: Informasi caller ID dikirim oleh automatic central telephone (ACT) pada konsumen menggunakan metode pengiriman modulasi data FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) yang mempunyai transfer rate sebesar 1200 bps.Informasi yang dikirimkan oleh central dan diterima oleh konsumen harus memakai fasilitas caller ID. Informasi ini berisi data pemanggil, tanggal, dan waktu telepon terhubung. Banyak sekali pesawat caller ID yang beredar, tetapi semua produk tersebut sama-sama memberikan informasi tentang pemanggil, waktu dan tanggal.Pengembangan teknologi informasi caller ID dapat dikembangkan dengan menambahkan fasilitas suara yang dapat menyebutkan nama atau identitas pemanggil. Fasilitas caller ID ini oleh penulis di simulasikan ke sistem VOIP dengan menggunakan codec G.711 dan G.726.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: Caller ID in an information which send by automatic central telephone (ACT) on customers used methode modulation data transmit with FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) transfer rate about 1200 bps.The information which transmited by central dan received by user or costumer that have Caller ID facility. This information fulfill caller, date, and time when the telephone get connected. There so many Caller ID that sold in market, but they give the same specification are give the information about caller, time and date.Development side technology information Caller ID can be improved with added on voice facility that can mention the incaming call. There are instrument that can translate Caller ID format and integrated with a voice recorder circuit function as generate or memory voice information. This caller ID facilities was simulated at VOIP and using G.711 and G.726 as a codec by the writer.Keyword:

    2018 Statewide Survey on President Donald Trump versus Oprah Winfrey

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    The University of New Orleans Survey Research Center conducted an interactive voice response (IVR) telephone survey on January 11, 2018 on the topic of candidate choice in a hypothetical match-up between President Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey. Survey respondents were randomly selected from the Louisiana Secretary of State’s registered voter file. The sample of 722 respondents yields a margin of error of 3.7% with 95% confidence

    Lakou Kajous audio distance learning program using voice bot technology on the Viamo platform: Results of a Pilot Study

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    This pilot study investigated the usability and educational effectiveness of delivering Lakou Kajou's Eksploratoryòm audio science program in Haiti via Viamo's interactive voice response (IVR) platform. The research showed that the platform holds great promise for providing an effective way to distribute the Eksploratoryòm's distance learning content to young learners in Haiti, including those in difficult to reach, under-resourced parts of the country

    Interavtive Voice Response System

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    The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System serves as a bridge between people and computer databases. The IVR system uses prerecorded or computer generated voice responses to provide information in response to an input from a user. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is system application that prompts parents with voice messages and options and processes input selections from the menus. The IVR script responds to the input by providing appropriate information in the form of voice answer. Interactive Voice Response, or IVR system, runs on computers. IVR is usually part of a larger application that includes database access. An IVR application provides prerecorded voice responses for appropriate situations, input signal logic, and access to relevant data. The software converts the data into a voice format and provides voice response. The voice response by the system is then heard by the user. Today's busy parents are sometimes not able to to attend parents- teacher meetings due to their busy schedule. So parents are not aware about their wards attendance and marks. To overcome this problem college needs software, this can provide information to parents whenever they require. In order to evaluate this project, the methodology is based on generally the various modules required. C# Dotnet is used for designing the front end and MS Access is used for the back end. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16041

    Consequences of Deploying Culturally Inclined Earcons in Speech Technology Design for Oral Users in South Africa

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    ABSTRACT We discuss the qualitative outcomes of utilizing an earcon in the design of an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Earcons are short non-speech audio messages that are used in the computer/user interface (UI) to provide information to the user about some computer object, operation or interactio

    Performance Analysis of the Implementation of Technology Services on Interactive Voice Response Phone Banking in the Bank X

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    Current technological developments are very advanced and widely adopted in variousfields. An example is the banking sectorPhone banking services of Bank X uses technology Interactive Voice Response (IVR)which provides convenience for customers to conduct banking transactions via the telephoneassistance without any time limit. Since its application requires a lot of cost performanceanalysis, we need to hold these services in order to be more about the target market segmentin question.The analysis was made with the help of data in the form of transaction data, phone bankingservices of Bank X in order to reach conclusions that lead to improvements in customerservice

    Survey of Likely Louisiana Voters for 2016 Senate Runoff

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    The University of New Orleans’ Survey Research Center (SRC) sponsored an automated interactive voice response (IVR) telephone survey of 776 active registered voters in Louisiana on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. We asked likely voters who they preferred in the 2016 Senate runoff election and whether they thought Obamacare should be repealed. The poll shows that the Republican candidate John Kennedy has a comfortable lead over his Democratic challenger, Foster Campbell. We asked respondents whether they believed Obamacare should be repealed. Likely Louisiana voters back the idea of repealing the healthcare law by a two-to-one margin

    Survey of Likely Louisiana Voters for 2016 Senate Runoff

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    The University of New Orleans’ Survey Research Center (SRC) sponsored an automated interactive voice response (IVR) telephone survey of 776 active registered voters in Louisiana on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. We asked likely voters who they preferred in the 2016 Senate runoff election and whether they thought Obamacare should be repealed. The poll shows that the Republican candidate John Kennedy has a comfortable lead over his Democratic challenger, Foster Campbell. We asked respondents whether they believed Obamacare should be repealed. Likely Louisiana voters back the idea of repealing the healthcare law by a two-to-one margin

    Computing With Voice

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      Recent and continuing improvements in voice recognition and voice response technology have provided tremendous customer service benefits for users and implementers alike. Advantages for business organizations such as improved quality and productivity, reduced costs, increased return on investment, use in many industries, and increased standardization show promise for this technology now and in the future.  In this case study, we will discuss the procedure for choosing and implementing a successful interactive voice response (IVR) system. Included in this study is a discussion of the benefits of an interactive voice response system. These benefits included improved customer service and increased productivity without increased staffing.   
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