485 research outputs found

    Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics

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    We present a flexible interactive 3D morpho-kinematical modeling application for astrophysics. Compared to other systems, our application reduces the restrictions on the physical assumptions, data type and amount that is required for a reconstruction of an object's morphology. It is one of the first publicly available tools to apply interactive graphics to astrophysical modeling. The tool allows astrophysicists to provide a-priori knowledge about the object by interactively defining 3D structural elements. By direct comparison of model prediction with observational data, model parameters can then be automatically optimized to fit the observation. The tool has already been successfully used in a number of astrophysical research projects.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

    Reconstruction and visualization of planetary nebulae

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-From our terrestrially confined viewpoint, the actual three-dimensional shape of distant astronomical objects is, in general, very challenging to determine. For one class of astronomical objects, however, spatial structure can be recovered from conventional 2D images alone. So-called planetary nebulae (PNe) exhibit pronounced symmetry characteristics that come about due to fundamental physical processes. Making use of this symmetry constraint, we present a technique to automatically recover the axisymmetric structure of many planetary nebulae from photographs. With GPU-based volume rendering driving a nonlinear optimization, we estimate the nebula's local emission density as a function of its radial and axial coordinates and we recover the orientation of the nebula relative to Earth. The optimization refines the nebula model and its orientation by minimizing the differences between the rendered image and the original astronomical image. The resulting model allows creating realistic 3D visualizations of these nebulae, for example, for planetarium shows and other educational purposes. In addition, the recovered spatial distribution of the emissive gas can help astrophysicists gain deeper insight into the formation processes of planetary nebulae

    Constrained inverse volume rendering for planetary nebulae

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    Journal ArticleDetermining the three-dimensional structure of distant astronomical objects is a challenging task, given that terrestrial observations provide only one viewpoint. For this task, bipolar planetary nebulae are interesting objects of study because of their pronounced axial symmetry due to fundamental physical processes. Making use of this symmetry constraint, we present a technique to automatically recover the asymmetric structure of bipolar planetary nebulae from two-dimensional images. With GPU-based volume rendering driving a non-linear optimization, we estimate the nebula's local emission density as a function of its radial and axial coordinates, and we recover the orientation of the nebula relative to Earth. The optimization refines the nebula model and its orientation by minimizing the differences between the rendered image and the original astronomical image. The resulting model enables realistic 3D visualizations of planetary nebulae, e.g. for educational purposes in planetarium shows. In addition, the recovered spatial distribution of the emissive gas allows validating computer simulation results of the astrophysical formation processes of planetary nebulae

    Interactive Visualization of the Largest Radioastronomy Cubes

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    3D visualization is an important data analysis and knowledge discovery tool, however, interactive visualization of large 3D astronomical datasets poses a challenge for many existing data visualization packages. We present a solution to interactively visualize larger-than-memory 3D astronomical data cubes by utilizing a heterogeneous cluster of CPUs and GPUs. The system partitions the data volume into smaller sub-volumes that are distributed over the rendering workstations. A GPU-based ray casting volume rendering is performed to generate images for each sub-volume, which are composited to generate the whole volume output, and returned to the user. Datasets including the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS - 12 GB) southern sky and the Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS - 26 GB) data cubes were used to demonstrate our framework's performance. The framework can render the GASS data cube with a maximum render time < 0.3 second with 1024 x 1024 pixels output resolution using 3 rendering workstations and 8 GPUs. Our framework will scale to visualize larger datasets, even of Terabyte order, if proper hardware infrastructure is available.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted New Astronomy July 201

    Realistic rendering and reconstruction of astronomical objects and an augmented reality application for astronomy

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    These days, there is an ever increasing need for realistic models, renderings and visualization of astronomical objects to be used in planetarium and as a tool in modern astrophysical research. One of the major goals of this dissertation is to develop novel algorithms for recovering and rendering 3D models of a specific set of astronomical objects. We first present a method to render the color and shape of the solar disc in different climate conditions as well as for different height to temperature atmospheric profiles. We then present a method to render and reconstruct the 3D distribution of reflection nebulae. The rendering model takes into account scattering and absorption to generate physically realistic visualization of reflection nebulae. Further, we propose a reconstruction method for another type of astronomical objects, planetary nebulae. We also present a novel augmented reality application called the augmented astronomical telescope, tailored for educational astronomy. The real-time application augments the view through a telescope by projecting additional information such as images, text and video related to the currently observed object during observation. All methods previously proposed for rendering and reconstructing astronomical objects can be used to create novel content for the presented augmented reality application.Realistische Modelle, Visualisierungen und Renderings von astronomischen Objekten gewinnen heuzutage in Planetarium Shows oder als Werkzeug für die Astrophysikalische Forschung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Eines der Hauptziele dieser Dissertation ist es, neue Algorithmen zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von Astronomischen Objekten zu entwickeln. Wir beschreiben zuerst ein Verfahren zum Rendering von Farbe und Form der Sonnenscheibe für verschiedene Klimate und gegebenen Höhe zu Temperatur Profilen. Im weiterem wird eine Methode zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von 3D Modellen von Reflexionsnebeln präsentiert. Das Renderingmodell berücksichtigt Streuung und Absorption, um physikalisch realistische Visualisierungen von Reflexionsnebeln zu erzeugen. Weiter, wird ein Rekonstruktionsalgorithmus für eine andere Art astronomischer Objekte, Planetarische Nebel, vorgeschlagen. Wir stellen eine neuartige Erweiterte Realität Anwendung vor, welche für die astronomische Bildung zugeschnitten ist. Die Anwedung erweitert die Sicht durch das Okular des Teleskopes und projiziert zusätzliche Informationen wie Bilder, Text und Video online, während des Betrachtens. Alle vorher erwähnten Verfahren zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von Astronomischen Objekten können verwendet werden, um Inhalte für die vorgestellte Erweiterte Realität Anwendung zu entwerfen

    Realistic rendering and reconstruction of astronomical objects and an augmented reality application for astronomy

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    These days, there is an ever increasing need for realistic models, renderings and visualization of astronomical objects to be used in planetarium and as a tool in modern astrophysical research. One of the major goals of this dissertation is to develop novel algorithms for recovering and rendering 3D models of a specific set of astronomical objects. We first present a method to render the color and shape of the solar disc in different climate conditions as well as for different height to temperature atmospheric profiles. We then present a method to render and reconstruct the 3D distribution of reflection nebulae. The rendering model takes into account scattering and absorption to generate physically realistic visualization of reflection nebulae. Further, we propose a reconstruction method for another type of astronomical objects, planetary nebulae. We also present a novel augmented reality application called the augmented astronomical telescope, tailored for educational astronomy. The real-time application augments the view through a telescope by projecting additional information such as images, text and video related to the currently observed object during observation. All methods previously proposed for rendering and reconstructing astronomical objects can be used to create novel content for the presented augmented reality application.Realistische Modelle, Visualisierungen und Renderings von astronomischen Objekten gewinnen heuzutage in Planetarium Shows oder als Werkzeug für die Astrophysikalische Forschung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Eines der Hauptziele dieser Dissertation ist es, neue Algorithmen zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von Astronomischen Objekten zu entwickeln. Wir beschreiben zuerst ein Verfahren zum Rendering von Farbe und Form der Sonnenscheibe für verschiedene Klimate und gegebenen Höhe zu Temperatur Profilen. Im weiterem wird eine Methode zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von 3D Modellen von Reflexionsnebeln präsentiert. Das Renderingmodell berücksichtigt Streuung und Absorption, um physikalisch realistische Visualisierungen von Reflexionsnebeln zu erzeugen. Weiter, wird ein Rekonstruktionsalgorithmus für eine andere Art astronomischer Objekte, Planetarische Nebel, vorgeschlagen. Wir stellen eine neuartige Erweiterte Realität Anwendung vor, welche für die astronomische Bildung zugeschnitten ist. Die Anwedung erweitert die Sicht durch das Okular des Teleskopes und projiziert zusätzliche Informationen wie Bilder, Text und Video online, während des Betrachtens. Alle vorher erwähnten Verfahren zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von Astronomischen Objekten können verwendet werden, um Inhalte für die vorgestellte Erweiterte Realität Anwendung zu entwerfen

    Cinematic Scientific Visualizations

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    The Hubble Space Telescope has provided the world with incredible imagery of the surrounding universe. The aesthetic quality of this imagery is limited by production resources; by creating a method to harness the highly refined detail and quality of CG elements in live-action films, we can inspire and educate at a much greater level. In this thesis, I create a rendering approach that allows camera movement around and through elements such as nebulae and galaxies, creating a more cinematic experience. The solution will also allow for reasonable scientific accuracy, visual appeal, efficiency, and extendability to other astronomical visualizations. 3D meshes are constructed and textured using telescopic images as reference. Splats are volumetrically generated using a voxelized bounding box around the mesh. Valid splats within a user specified maximum distance receive initial color and alpha values from the texture map. Probability density functions are used to create a density falloff along the edges of the object, and modifications to the RGBA values are made to achieve the desired cloud-like appearance. The data sets are rendered using a C program developed at the Space Telescope Science Institute by Dr. Frank Summers. The methodology is applied to the test cases of a nebula, star-forming region Sharpless 2-106, and a galaxy, Messier 51, or the Whirlpool Galaxy. The results of this thesis demonstrate the visual, scientific, and technical success of this solution. The code developed during this project generates the desired imagery with reasonable efficiency. A short animation moving from outside the galaxy to a close up of the nebula exhibits the flexibility in scale and camera movement. A careful balance between scientific accuracy and visual appeal were maintained through consultation with astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute. The favorable efficient, flexible, visual, and scientific results presented by this work make this process extendable to most other cases of nebula and galaxy visualizations

    Visualizing Astrophysical N-body Systems

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    I begin with a brief history of N-body simulation and visualization and then go on to describe various methods for creating images and animations of modern simulations in cosmology and galactic dynamics. These techniques are incorporated into a specialized particle visualization software library called MYRIAD that is designed to render images within large parallel N-body simulations as they run. I present several case studies that explore the application of these methods to animations of star clusters, interacting galaxies and cosmological structure formation.Comment: 25 pages, accepted in the New Journal of Physics for upcoming Focus issue on Visualization in Physics. Accompanying animations including a free bittorrent download of the DVD GRAVITAS are available at http://www.galaxydynamics.org/gravitas.htm