233,015 research outputs found

    Modelling source- and target-language syntactic Information as conditional context in interactive neural machine translation

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    In interactive machine translation (MT), human translators correct errors in auto- matic translations in collaboration with the MT systems, which is seen as an effective way to improve the productivity gain in translation. In this study, we model source- language syntactic constituency parse and target-language syntactic descriptions in the form of supertags as conditional con- text for interactive prediction in neural MT (NMT). We found that the supertags significantly improve productivity gain in translation in interactive-predictive NMT (INMT), while syntactic parsing somewhat found to be effective in reducing human efforts in translation. Furthermore, when we model this source- and target-language syntactic information together as the con- ditional context, both types complement each other and our fully syntax-informed INMT model shows statistically significant reduction in human efforts for a French– to–English translation task in a reference- simulated setting, achieving 4.30 points absolute (corresponding to 9.18% relative) improvement in terms of word prediction accuracy (WPA) and 4.84 points absolute (corresponding to 9.01% relative) reduc- tion in terms of word stroke ratio (WSR) over the baseline

    Public Health Investment, Human Capital Accumulation, and Labour Productivity: Evidence from West Africa

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    The study of public health investment, human capital accumulation, and labour productivity are essential in formulating policies that drive economic development. This study examines the individual and interactive effects of public health investment and human capital accumulation and the interactive effect of human capital accumulation and financial opportunity on labour productivity in West Africa from 1992 to 2020, respectively. The interactive effect of human capital accumulation and financial opportunity has not been given any attention in the literature. The following findings are apparent in the study: One, public health Investment and human capital accumulation positively affect labour productivity in the short and long run. Two, the interactive effect of human capital accumulation and public Health Investment positively and significantly affect labour productivity in the short and long run. Lastly, the interactive effect of human capital accumulation and financial opportunity positively and significantly affects labour productivity in the short and long run. Hence, we suggest that economic policy be formulated to ensure that affordable healthcare and financial opportunity are available, together with human capital accumulation, to fast-track the normalization of the economy

    Computing With Voice

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      Recent and continuing improvements in voice recognition and voice response technology have provided tremendous customer service benefits for users and implementers alike. Advantages for business organizations such as improved quality and productivity, reduced costs, increased return on investment, use in many industries, and increased standardization show promise for this technology now and in the future.  In this case study, we will discuss the procedure for choosing and implementing a successful interactive voice response (IVR) system. Included in this study is a discussion of the benefits of an interactive voice response system. These benefits included improved customer service and increased productivity without increased staffing.   

    Perbaikan Produktivitas Picking Order dengan Metode Routing Heuristic di Gudang Pusat Suku Cadang Otomotif

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    Order picking is a process to fulfill customer order, with fast timing and provide high customer satisfaction. The order picking process is the highest cost in both manual and automatic systems, so it is necessary to improve efficiency and productivity. This study is aims to improve the productivity of order picking by shortening the distance. By choosing heuristic method using the application of interactive warehouse program, it is found that heuristic routing method can shorten picking distance. So, the routing heuristic method can increase the productivity of picking orders

    Latitudinal differences in the amplitude of the OAE-2 carbon isotopic excursion: pCO2 and paleoproductivity [Discussion paper]

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    A complete, well-preserved record of the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE-2) was recovered from Demerara Rise in the southern North Atlantic Ocean (ODP site 1260). Across this interval, we determined changes in the stable carbon isotopic composition of sulfur-bound phytane (δ13Cphytane, a biomarker for photosynthetic algae. The δ13Cphytane record shows a positive excursion at the onset of the OAE-2 interval, with an unusually large amplitude (~7 ‰) compared to existing C/T proto-North Atlantic δ13Cphytane records (3–6 ‰). Overall, the amplitude of the excursion of δ13Cphytane decreases with latitude. Using reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) gradients for the proto-North Atlantic, we investigated environmental factors influencing the latitudinal δ13Cphytane gradient. The observed gradient is best explained by high productivity at DSDP Site 367 and Tarfaya basin before OAE-2, which changed in overall high productivity throughout the proto-North Atlantic during OAE-2. During OAE-2, productivity at site 1260 and 603B was thus more comparable to the mid-latitude sites. Using these constraints as well as the SST and δ13Cphytane-records from Site 1260, we subsequently reconstructed pCO2 levels across the OAE-2 interval. Accordingly, pCO2 decreased from ca. 1750 to 900 ppm during OAE-2, consistent with enhanced organic matter burial resulting in lowering pCO2. Whereas the onset of OAE-2 coincided with increased pCO2, in line with a volcanic trigger for this event, the observed cooling within OAE-2 probably resulted from CO2 sequestration in black shales outcompeting CO2 input into the atmosphere. Together these results show that the ice-free Cretaceous world was sensitive to changes in pCO2 related to perturbations of the global carbon cycle

    Calculating the global contribution of coralline algae to carbon burial

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    The ongoing increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is changing the global marine environment and is causing warming and acidification of the oceans. Reduction of CO2 to a sustainable level is required to avoid further marine change. Many studies investigate the potential of marine carbon sinks (e.g. seagrass) to mitigate anthropogenic emissions, however, information on storage by coralline algae and the beds they create is scant. Calcifying photosynthetic organisms, including coralline algae, can act as a CO2 sink via photosynthesis and CaCO3 dissolution and act as a CO2 source during respiration and CaCO3 production on short-term time scales. Long-term carbon storage potential might come from the accumulation of coralline algae deposits over geological time scales. Here, the carbon storage potential of coralline algae is assessed using meta-analysis of their global organic and inorganic carbon production and the processes involved in this metabolism. Organic and inorganic production were estimated at 330 g C m−2 yr−1 and 880 g CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 respectively giving global organic/inorganic C production of 0.7/1.8 × 109 t C yr−1. Calcium carbonate production by free-living/crustose coralline algae (CCA) corresponded to a sediment accretion of 70/450 mm kyr−1. Using this potential carbon storage by coralline algae, the global production of free-living algae/CCA was 0.4/1.2 × 109 t C yr−1 suggesting a total potential carbon sink of 1.6 × 109 t C yr−1. Coralline algae therefore have production rates similar to mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrasses representing an as yet unquantified but significant carbon store, however, further empirical investigations are needed to determine the dynamics and stability of that store

    Pengaruh Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Dengan Four Lever’s Of Control Model Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Perusahaan Manufaktur Kota Semarang Dengan Tingkat Kreativitas Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    This study attempts to ascertain the impact of the management control system with the levers of control model, which comprises belief systems, boundary systems, diagnostic systems, and interactive systems on employee performance with a mediating variable, namely the degree of employee creativity. This form of research, which is quantitative, makes use of primary data collected by sending questionnaires to industrial businesses in Semarang, Central Java, through Google Form. 84 firm managers, including top and intermediate managers, participated in the survey as respondents. Based on the probability sampling approach, sampling was computed. Three different multiple linear regression techniques were used in this study to test three different hypotheses: (1) the effects of management control systems on worker productivity; (2) the effects of management control systems on worker creativity; and (3) the effects of management control systems and creativity as mediating factors on worker productivity. The results of this study show that the management control system, which consists of components of the belief system and interaction system, has a substantial impact on improving employee performance and creativity. Employee productivity and creativity are unaffected by this, and neither are the boundary system and diagnostic system characteristics. The creative variable also has the power to limit the management control system's effect on employee performance. Keywords : Belief Systems, Boundary Systems, Interactive Control Systems, Diagnostic Control Systems, and Creativit
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