8,732 research outputs found

    BETA - An Overview of Instructional Technology

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    In today’s K-12 education, technology is integrated into the classroom. Pre-service teachers need to have a good foundational knowledge of technology for instruction. An Overview of Instructional Technology is designed to teach a vast array of digital tools available to make the classroom and life more interactive, efficient, and connected. Fifteen-chapters cover everything from a brief overview of computer basics to popular productivity systems, learning management systems, and web-based tools and applications for a variety of content areas. The top resources for educational technology are highlighted and a section on OER is included. An entire chapter is dedicated to Google. Online learning and mobile learning devices are explored as well as internet safety and social networking. Copyright and fair use is explained with resources on how to search for images that are acceptable to use. Pre-service teachers will learn and be more confident not only integrating technology, but entering the classroom as well.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/all_oer/1003/thumbnail.jp

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Proceedings

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    ICTs and PBLL in the EFL classroom involving gifted students: Creating a Travel Guide

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    This paper’s purpose is to critically analyze the proposed unit “Travel with us.” This proposal is composed of six sessions by means of which students will be encouraged to acquire vocabulary, grammar and practical resources for their learning. Aiming to promote both autonomous and cooperative learning in class, this unit offers a variety of activities and materials that will allow students to develop different skills and competences, as well as improve their proficiency in their second language. In this line, students are required to create a project —a travel city guide— whereby they are expected to reach their own decisions, do research and get involved in the creation process. A highlight feature of this unit is the inclusion of ICT resources in the classroom which could help to better engage students, creating dynamics that foster interaction and the development of ICT skills. Additionally, this unit has been designed taking into account the presence of two high capacity students. For this reason, it has sought to promote inclusion, non-differential teaching and equity between them. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar de forma critica la unidad propuesta “Travel with us”. Esta unidad está compuesta de seis sesiones a través de las cuales los alumnos podrán adquirir vocabulario, gramática y recursos para su aprendizaje. Con el objetivo de fomentar el aprendizaje en el aula de forma autónoma pero a la vez cooperativa, presenta variedad de actividades y recursos que permiten que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar distintas destrezas y competencias, además de mejorar su nivel en su segunda lengua. En esta línea, el alumnado deberá crear un proyecto, una guía de viajes de distintas ciudades, mediante el cual deberán tomar sus propias decisiones, realizar una investigación y ser creativos en el proceso de creación. Una innovación es la inclusión de recursos TIC en el aula que permiten que el profesor llegue de forma más directa a los estudiantes, creando dinámicas que permiten la interacción y el fomento de las habilidades informáticas. Además, esta unidad ha sido diseñada teniendo en cuenta la presencia de dos alumnos con altas capacidades. Por este motivo, se ha tratado de fomentar la inclusión, la enseñanza no diferencial e igualdad entre ellos.<br /

    D-Lexis: Alphabet Mobile Learning Application for dyslexia for dyslexia Based on Slingerland Methods of Learning

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    This dessertation reports on the development of D-Lexis, a mobile application with android platform to help dyslexic students in alphabetical learning based on Slingerland methods of learning. Dyslexia is a medical condition that hinders reading, language and spelling skills of a student which affects their learning performance and makes dyslexic students hate conventional classroom methods. Therefore, learning modules for dyslexia learning must be in sequence, structured and applies multisensory approach with focus in alphabet learning as fundamental of literacy to overcome problems of phonological processing that leads to offences in reading, writing, memory retention and spelling. This project focus at overcoming 3 offenses such as reversal and inversion of letters while writing, short memory retention and 'dancing letters' conditions as well as confusion of letters while reading through 5 modules-recognizing capital and lowercase letters, tracing capital and lowercase letters and exercise. The development of the system is based on rapid prototype methodology which is flexible for author to ensure the application meeting user's requirements. An interview with the dyslexia practitioners, 3 observations through videos, 5 qualitative surveys and 3 revisions on design of the systems are conducted to ensure the application is meeting requirements and needs of a dyslexic. The application is developed in 2 phase with 3 amendments on designs and 2 amendments on the development process which results in 5 interactive modules aims on enhancing writing and recognition of letters according to dyslexic needs and requirements. The proposed system is not only suitable for dyslexic but also can be used as a pre-literacy learning application for pre-schools students or primary students

    Sparking Innovation in STEM Education with Technology and Collaboration

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    This report highlights innovative technology-supported pedagogic models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, explores what to expect from collaboration in a designed network, and, thereafter, sketches lessons for promoting educational innovation through collaboration. How can technology-supported learning help to move beyond content delivery and truly enhance STEM education so that students develop a broad mix of skills? How can collaboration be encouraged and used to help develop, spread, accelerate and sustain innovation in education? The HP Catalyst Initiative –an education grant programme by the Hewlett Packard (HP) Sustainability and Social Innovation team – is used as a case study to answer these questions

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Introduction and Abstracts

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    World Literature II (UNG)

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    This Grants Collection for World Literature II was created under a Round Nine ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process. Documents are in .pdf format, with a separate .docx (Word) version available for download. Each collection contains the following materials: Linked Syllabus Initial Proposal Final Reporthttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/english-collections/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Learning Chinese Writing: An App Design Concept for Multi-touch Devices

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    An app design concept to learn Chinese writing for multi-touch mobile & tablet devices Mandarin can be divided into spoken Chinese and written Chinese. Many people who are taking Mandarin courses were first attracted to the Chinese language because of the writing system, which is considered one of the most complex in the world. Chinese writing is considered difficult because of the enormous number of characters one has to learn. Mandarin is difficult in comparison to Spanish, Greek, Russian, Hindi, or any other language that requires at most a few dozen symbols to write in the language. This Chinese writing learning application concept introduces a new way of learning traditional Chinese by visualizing the structure and the meaning of each character and using an associative mnemonic approach to help people learn Chinese characters. Overall, the Chinese learning application is a professional and easy-to-use application for non-Chinese readers to obtain a deeper understanding of Mandarin