62 research outputs found

    QuizMap: Open social student modeling and adaptive navigation support with TreeMaps

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to integrate social adaptive navigation support for self-assessment questions with an open student model using QuizMap, a TreeMap-based interface. By exposing student model in contrast to student peers and the whole class, QuizMap attempts to provide social guidance and increase student performance. The paper explains the nature of the QuizMap approach and its implementation in the context of self-assessment questions for Java programming. It also presents the design of a semester-long classroom study that we ran to evaluate QuizMap and reports the evaluation results. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Interactive Visualisation of Hierarchical Quantitative Data: An Evaluation

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    We have compared three common visualisations for hierarchical quantitative data, treemaps, icicle plots and sunburst charts as well as a semicircular variant of sunburst charts we call the sundown chart. In a pilot study, we found that the sunburst chart was least preferred. In a controlled study with 12 participants, we compared treemaps, icicle plots and sundown charts. Treemap was the least preferred and had a slower performance on a basic navigation task and slower performance and accuracy in hierarchy understanding tasks. The icicle plot and sundown chart had similar performance with slight user preference for the icicle plot.Comment: Presented at IEEE VIS 2019 in Vancouver, Canada and included in the VIS 2019 conference proceedings. Improved the image quality in the pape

    Rule-based search in historical text databases - Visualization techniques

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    Analyzing library collections with starfield visualizations

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    This paper presents a qualitative and formative study of the uses of a starfield-based visualization interface for analysis of library collections. The evaluation process has produced feedback that suggests ways to significantly improve starfield interfaces and the interaction process to improve their learnability and usability. The study also gave us clear indication of additional potential uses of starfield visualizations that can be exploited by further functionality and interface development. We report on resulting implications for the design and use of starfield visualizations that will impact their graphical interface features, their use for managing data quality and their potential for various forms of visual data mining. Although the current implementation and analysis focuses on the collection of a physical library, the most important contributions of our work will be in digital libraries, in which volume, complexity and dynamism of collections are increasing dramatically and tools are needed for visualization and analysis

    Techniques de bundling : un cas d'étude pour l'exploration de grandes quantités d'informations

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    We present a fast and simple method to compute bundled layouts of general graphs, dynamic graphs and temporal paths. For this, we first transform a given graph drawing into a density map using kernel density estimation. Next, we apply an image sharpening technique which progressively merges local height maxima by moving the convolved graph edges into the height gradient flow. We show how these techniques can produce simplified visualizations of static, streaming and sequence graphs. We illustrate our techniques with datasets from aircraft monitoring, software engineering, and eye-tracking of static and dynamic scenes

    Experiences with starfield visualizations for analysis of library collections

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    This paper presents a qualitative and formative study of the uses of a starfield-based visualization interface for analysis of library collections. The evaluation process has produced feedback that suggests ways to significantly improve starfield interfaces and the interaction process to improve their learnability and usability. The study also gave us clear indication of additional potential uses of starfield visualizations that can be exploited by further functionality and interface development. We report on resulting implications for the design and use of starfield visualizations that will impact their graphical interface features, their use for managing data quality and their potential for various forms of visual data mining. Although the current implementation and analysis focuses on the collection of a physical library, the most important contributions of our work will be in digital libraries, in which volume, complexity and dynamism of collections are increasing dramatically and tools are needed for visualization and analysis

    Towards developing an instrument in measuring the need for InfoVis

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    The increasing trend of data volume and its superabundance have been endangering institutional data and specifically, higher education institutions (HEI) students’ data.The most challenging is the need for HEI to make sense from their large datasets, through gaining insights and understanding the pattern and trends of events therein. Deductions from extant literatures strongly indicate the presence of information overload as the factor constraining HEI decision makers from making wealthy use of the institutional datasets.However, no study has empirically investigated the presence of information overload in HEI students’ data management.To attend to this, this study aims at developing an instrument to be used in measuring the presence of information overload, and justifiably, the need for Information Visualization (InfoVis) –being an argued better tool for institutional data management. This study employs quantitative research method withadministration of 9-item survey questionnaire. Thirty-two (32) respondents are purposively drawn among HEI decision makers.Descriptive statistics is used as the statistical technique to find the mean valueof the computed variable based on the normal Likert 5-point scale.The result of the instrument reliability testgives a value of 0.712 as the Cronbach’s Alpha value which suggests that the items designed are internally consistent, and a weighted mean value of 4.03 strongly supportsthe hypothesis that HEI experiences information overload

    A Theoretical Approach Towards Designing InfoVis for Decision Support Effectiveness

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    t—Information Visualization (InfoVis) as information systems used in gaining insights of large and multidimensional dataset has gained interest of human computer interaction researchers.The researchers have also craved for more theorybased design models to support designing InfoVis and to enhance its decision support effectiveness.This is a result of the observed insufficiency in the theoretical explanation and model of InfoVis design generally, and its decision support effectiveness, specifically.Extant literature reviewed showed that there is lack of studies that explicitly state the linkage between InfoVis design techniques and respective supporting theories, and how this translate to decision support design of InfoVis.This study therefore employs an unobtrusive research method that involves thematic analysis of InfoVis design and related theoretical literatures, to characterize, categorize and link the InfoVis theories with their respective design techniques.The result is a proposed theoretical design model.The model is therefore used, as a validation process, in the design of StudentViz – an InfoVis to support the multidimensionality of students’ dataset

    A Theoretical Approach Towards Designing InfoVis for Decision Support Effectiveness

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    Information Visualization (InfoVis) as information systems used in gaining insights of large and multidimensional dataset has gained interest of human computer interaction researchers. The researchers have also craved for more theorybased design models to support designing InfoVis and to enhance its decision support effectiveness. This is a result of the observed insufficiency in the theoretical explanation and model of InfoVis design generally, and its decision support effectiveness, specifically. Extant literature reviewed showed that there is lack of studies that explicitly state the linkage between InfoVis design techniques and respective supporting theories, and how this translate to decision support design of InfoVis. This study therefore employs an unobtrusive research method that involves thematic analysis of InfoVis design and related theoretical literatures, to characterize, categorize and link the InfoVis theories with their respective design techniques. The result is a proposed theoretical design model. The model is therefore used, as a validation process, in the design of StudentViz – an InfoVis to support the multidimensionality of students’ dataset
