13,759 research outputs found

    Fast filtering and animation of large dynamic networks

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    Detecting and visualizing what are the most relevant changes in an evolving network is an open challenge in several domains. We present a fast algorithm that filters subsets of the strongest nodes and edges representing an evolving weighted graph and visualize it by either creating a movie, or by streaming it to an interactive network visualization tool. The algorithm is an approximation of exponential sliding time-window that scales linearly with the number of interactions. We compare the algorithm against rectangular and exponential sliding time-window methods. Our network filtering algorithm: i) captures persistent trends in the structure of dynamic weighted networks, ii) smoothens transitions between the snapshots of dynamic network, and iii) uses limited memory and processor time. The algorithm is publicly available as open-source software.Comment: 6 figures, 2 table

    GraphMaps: Browsing Large Graphs as Interactive Maps

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    Algorithms for laying out large graphs have seen significant progress in the past decade. However, browsing large graphs remains a challenge. Rendering thousands of graphical elements at once often results in a cluttered image, and navigating these elements naively can cause disorientation. To address this challenge we propose a method called GraphMaps, mimicking the browsing experience of online geographic maps. GraphMaps creates a sequence of layers, where each layer refines the previous one. During graph browsing, GraphMaps chooses the layer corresponding to the zoom level, and renders only those entities of the layer that intersect the current viewport. The result is that, regardless of the graph size, the number of entities rendered at each view does not exceed a predefined threshold, yet all graph elements can be explored by the standard zoom and pan operations. GraphMaps preprocesses a graph in such a way that during browsing, the geometry of the entities is stable, and the viewer is responsive. Our case studies indicate that GraphMaps is useful in gaining an overview of a large graph, and also in exploring a graph on a finer level of detail.Comment: submitted to GD 201

    FraudDroid: Automated Ad Fraud Detection for Android Apps

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    Although mobile ad frauds have been widespread, state-of-the-art approaches in the literature have mainly focused on detecting the so-called static placement frauds, where only a single UI state is involved and can be identified based on static information such as the size or location of ad views. Other types of fraud exist that involve multiple UI states and are performed dynamically while users interact with the app. Such dynamic interaction frauds, although now widely spread in apps, have not yet been explored nor addressed in the literature. In this work, we investigate a wide range of mobile ad frauds to provide a comprehensive taxonomy to the research community. We then propose, FraudDroid, a novel hybrid approach to detect ad frauds in mobile Android apps. FraudDroid analyses apps dynamically to build UI state transition graphs and collects their associated runtime network traffics, which are then leveraged to check against a set of heuristic-based rules for identifying ad fraudulent behaviours. We show empirically that FraudDroid detects ad frauds with a high precision (93%) and recall (92%). Experimental results further show that FraudDroid is capable of detecting ad frauds across the spectrum of fraud types. By analysing 12,000 ad-supported Android apps, FraudDroid identified 335 cases of fraud associated with 20 ad networks that are further confirmed to be true positive results and are shared with our fellow researchers to promote advanced ad fraud detectionComment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    StructMatrix: large-scale visualization of graphs by means of structure detection and dense matrices

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    Given a large-scale graph with millions of nodes and edges, how to reveal macro patterns of interest, like cliques, bi-partite cores, stars, and chains? Furthermore, how to visualize such patterns altogether getting insights from the graph to support wise decision-making? Although there are many algorithmic and visual techniques to analyze graphs, none of the existing approaches is able to present the structural information of graphs at large-scale. Hence, this paper describes StructMatrix, a methodology aimed at high-scalable visual inspection of graph structures with the goal of revealing macro patterns of interest. StructMatrix combines algorithmic structure detection and adjacency matrix visualization to present cardinality, distribution, and relationship features of the structures found in a given graph. We performed experiments in real, large-scale graphs with up to one million nodes and millions of edges. StructMatrix revealed that graphs of high relevance (e.g., Web, Wikipedia and DBLP) have characterizations that reflect the nature of their corresponding domains; our findings have not been seen in the literature so far. We expect that our technique will bring deeper insights into large graph mining, leveraging their use for decision making.Comment: To appear: 8 pages, paper to be published at the Fifth IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks, 2015 as Hugo Gualdron, Robson Cordeiro, Jose Rodrigues (2015) StructMatrix: Large-scale visualization of graphs by means of structure detection and dense matrices In: The Fifth IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks 1--8, IEE

    Understanding Hidden Memories of Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been successfully applied to various natural language processing (NLP) tasks and achieved better results than conventional methods. However, the lack of understanding of the mechanisms behind their effectiveness limits further improvements on their architectures. In this paper, we present a visual analytics method for understanding and comparing RNN models for NLP tasks. We propose a technique to explain the function of individual hidden state units based on their expected response to input texts. We then co-cluster hidden state units and words based on the expected response and visualize co-clustering results as memory chips and word clouds to provide more structured knowledge on RNNs' hidden states. We also propose a glyph-based sequence visualization based on aggregate information to analyze the behavior of an RNN's hidden state at the sentence-level. The usability and effectiveness of our method are demonstrated through case studies and reviews from domain experts.Comment: Published at IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST 2017
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