4 research outputs found

    Using evolutionary design to interactively sketch car silhouettes and stimulate designer's creativity

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    An Interactive Genetic Algorithm is proposed to progressively sketch the desired side-view of a car profile. It adopts a Fourier decomposition of a 2D profile as the genotype, and proposes a cross-over mechanism. In addition, a formula function of two genes' discrepancies is fitted to the perceived dissimilarity between two car profiles. This similarity index is intensively used, throughout a series of user tests, to highlight the added value of the IGA compared to a systematic car shape exploration, to prove its ability to create superior satisfactory designs and to stimulate designer's creativity. These tests have involved six designers with a design goal defined by a semantic attribute. The results reveal that if "friendly" is diversely interpreted in terms of car shapes, "sportive" denotes a very conventional representation which may be a limitation for shape renewal

    Desarrollo de un sistema generador de conceptos de automóvil deportivo mediante diseño generativo

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    .This thesis is focused on the dovelopment of an alternatives design generation system for sportive cars joining old styles, from the 50¿s aproximately, and modern by the use of Grassoper above Rhinoceros 5. Design is analized under the point of view of ¿Shape Grammars¿ and a system that combines formal features of both styles into consistent proposals is proposed.El actual TFM se centra en desarrollar un sistema de generación de alternativas de diseño para automóviles deportivos fusionando estilos antiguos, de la década de los 50 aproximadamente, y modernos mediante el empleo de Grasshopper sobre Rhinoceros 5. Se analiza el diseño desde el enfoque de ¿Shape Grammars¿ y se plantea un sistema que combina características formales de ambos estilos en propuestas consistentes.El actual TFM es centra en desenvolupar un sistema de generació de alternatives de diseny per a automóvils esportius fusionant estils antics, dels 50 aproximadament, y moderns mitjançant el ús de Grasshopper en Rhinoceros 5. S’analitza el diseny des del punt de vista dels “Shape Grammars” y es planteja un sistema que convina característiques formals d’ambdos estils en propostes consistents.Pepiol Pablo, Á. (2017). Desarrollo de un sistema generador de conceptos de automóvil deportivo mediante diseño generativo. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88189

    IGATY: an archetype-based interactive generative abstraction system focusing on museum interior archetypes

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    Archetype in Greek means an original model that prevails in all later forms of variations, combinations, and transformations. In the field of design, types and archetypes have been used as an analytical tool; unfortunately, archetypes have not been perceived as promising prospects in the search for creative ideas, and the dynamic transformative quality embedded in archetypes has not been fully utilized among students and designers. Despite its inherent potential as sources of ideas for future invention, a number of scholars have criticized the typological approach to design for its exclusive nature primarily due to a misunderstanding of its fundamental structure. This dissertation aims at clarifying this misconception and explores a method that involves taking advantage of the malleable structure of archetypes. In Part 1 of this dissertation, I redefine the malleable structure of archetypes as a dual structure in which two contrasting yet equally crucial elements coexist: a core signal and a set of peripherals. The study focuses on verification of this dual structure and identification of core signals and peripherals in the six selected museum interior archetypes as a test set. In Part 2 I explore the archetype’s transformative quality using the interactive genetic algorithm (IGA). The dual structure of museum interior archetypes defined in Part 1 was mapped into the genetic algorithms to design an archetype-based generative abstraction system integrated with the Unity game engine, named IGATY-beta. The focus was to develop a system that would serve as an interactive ideation partner, not as a single-solution-oriented optimization tool. In Part 3 a quasi-experiment was conducted to examine the proposed IGATY-beta system’s educational potential in enhancing creativity in the ideation process. Three teaching scenarios based on three instructional materials were compared: (a) manual sketch-based archetypes exercise; (b) archetypes exercise using the IGATY-beta system displayed on a computer screen; and (c) archetypes exercise using the IGATY-beta system with an opportunity of viewing design in a virtual environment via a HMD. The results suggest the proposed archetype-based generative abstraction system’s positive educational potentials in enhancing creativity in the ideation process. Finally, the implications of the proposed generative abstraction system in the field of design are discussed

    Interactive Genetic Algorithms for Use as Creativity Enhancement Tools

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    It is proposed that creativity can be enhanced through the use of interactive genetic algorithms (IGAs). Divergent and convergent thinking are important processes in creativity that we simulate through two separate IGA populations developed by different means. The convergent process hones in on specific designs, while the divergent process explore design possibilities in a fashion beyond pure mutation techniques typically used to introduce population diversity. This study uses Monte Carlo simulation to explore the effect of merging two populations developed by the divergent and convergent methods. The results suggest that population diversity benefits from these population combinations while not adversely affecting the ability of the user to find a goal design. This IGA has also been developed in Adobe Flash so that it can be deployed on the internet to conduct validation and studies of creativity