169 research outputs found

    Collision detection: review of methods and recent advances in crowd simulation

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    Crowd simulation is a large complex system that visualizes the behavior of crowd entities' movement and their interactions with the virtual environment. Crowd model is usually integrated into a virtual environment to make the environment alive. In the context of agent-based simulation (as in crowd simulation), it encompasses collision checking between moving agents that are present in the same environment. Hence, it is important to design an efficient and yet effective collision detection in crowd simulation. This is to ensure that it is cost effective toward computational processing usage and still produce a believable behavior. This paper presents a study of collision detection techniques in crowd models, and recent advancement to accelerate the process so that in turn, these efforts could also improve the performance and outcome of crowd model in virtual environment applications

    Continuous collision detection for ellipsoids

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    We present an accurate and efficient algorithm for continuous collision detection between two moving ellipsoids. We start with a highly optimized implementation of interference testing between two stationary ellipsoids based on an algebraic condition described in terms of the signs of roots of the characteristic equation of two ellipsoids. Then we derive a time-dependent characteristic equation for two moving ellipsoids, which enables us to develop a real-time algorithm for computing the time intervals in which two moving ellipsoids collide. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated with several practical examples. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Time Distance: A Novel Collision Prediction and Path Planning Method

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    Motion planning is an active field of research in robot navigation and autonomous driving. There are plenty of classical and heuristic motion planning methods applicable to mobile robots and ground vehicles. This paper is dedicated to introducing a novel method for collision prediction and path planning. The method is called Time Distance (TD), and its basis returns to the swept volume idea. However, there are considerable differences between the TD method and existing methods associated with the swept volume concept. In this method, time is obtained as a dependent variable in TD functions. TD functions are functions of location, velocity, and geometry of objects, determining the TD of objects with respect to any location. Known as a relative concept, TD is defined as the time interval that must be spent in order for an object to reach a certain location. It is firstly defined for the one-dimensional case and then generalized to 2D space. The collision prediction algorithm consists of obtaining the TD of different points of an object (the vehicle) with respect to all objects of the environment using an explicit function which is a function of TD functions. The path planning algorithm uses TD functions and two other functions called Z-Infinity and Route Function to create the collision-free path in a dynamic environment. Both the collision prediction and the path planning algorithms are evaluated in simulations. Comparisons indicate the capability of the method to generate length optimal paths as the most effective methods do

    Interactive Motion Planning for Multi-agent Systems with Physics-based and Behavior Constraints

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    Man-made entities and humans rely on movement as an essential form of interaction with the world. Whether it is an autonomous vehicle navigating crowded roadways or a simulated pedestrian traversing a virtual world, each entity must compute safe, effective paths to achieve their goals. In addition, these entities, termed agents, are subject to unique physical and behavioral limitations within their environment. For example, vehicles have a finite physical turning radius and must obey behavioral constraints such as traffic signals and rules of the road. Effective motion planning algorithms for diverse agents must account for these physics-based and behavior constraints. In this dissertation, we present novel motion planning algorithms that account for constraints which physically limit the agent and impose behavioral limitations on the virtual agents. We describe representational approaches to capture specific physical constraints on the various agents and propose abstractions to model behavior constraints affecting them. We then describe algorithms to plan motions for agents who are subject to the modeled constraints. First, we describe a biomechanically accurate elliptical representation for virtual pedestrians; we also describe human-like movement constraints corresponding to shoulder-turning and side-stepping in dense environments. We detail a novel motion planning algorithm extending velocity obstacles to generate collisionfree paths for hundreds of elliptical agents at interactive rates. Next, we describe an algorithm to encode dynamics and traffic-like behavior constraints for autonomous vehicles in urban and highway environments. We describe a motion planning algorithm to generate safe, high-speed avoidance maneuvers using a novel optimization function and modified control obstacle formulation, and we also present a simulation framework to evaluate driving strategies. Next, we present an approach to incorporate high-level reasoning to model the motions and behaviors of virtual agents in terms of verbal interactions with other agents or avatars. Our approach leverages natural-language interaction to reduce uncertainty and generate effective plans. Finally, we describe an application of our techniques to simulate pedestrian behaviors for gathering simulated data about loading, unloading, and evacuating an aircraft.Doctor of Philosoph

    Navigating virtual agents in online virtual worlds

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    Real-Time Collision Detection for Deformable Characters with Radial Fields

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    Many techniques facilitate real-time collision detection against complex models. These typically work by pre-computing information about the spatial distribution of geometry into a form that can be quickly queried. When models deform though, expensive pre-computations are impractical. We present radial fields: a variant of distance fields parameterised in cylindrical space, rather than Cartesian space. This 2D parameterisation significantly reduces the memory and computation requirements of the field, while introducing minimal overhead in collision detection tests. The interior of the mesh is defined implicitly for the entire domain. Importantly, it maps well to the hardware rasteriser of the GPU. Radial fields are much more application-specific than traditional distance fields. For these applications - such as collision detection with articulated characters - however, the benefits are substantial

    Scalable collision detection for distributed virtual environments

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    PhD ThesisDistributed Virtual Environments (DVEs) provide a mechanism whereby dispersed users can interact with one-another within a shared \'irtual world. DVEs commonly allow users to interact with one-another in ways analogous to the real-world, e.g. mimicking Newtonian physics. A scalable DVE should enable large numbers of users to participate simultaneously, regardless of the In geographical location and hardware configurations of individual users. addition, these users should perceive a mutually-consistent virtual world in which each user perceives a consistent series of events in real-time. Collision detection and response is a fundamental requirement of most virtual environments and simulations. It is a computationally-expensive operation which must be perfonned at frequent intervals in all virtual environments which simulate the motion of solid objects. Collision detection has received large amounts of research interest and as a result a number of efficient collision detection algorithms have been proposed. However, these collision detection approaches are designed to detect collisions efficiently in simulations run on a single machine and are not capable of overcoming problems associated with scalability and consistency, which are of paramount importance in DVEs. This thesis presents a new collision detection approach, tenned distributed collision detection, which provides high-levels of scalability, consistency and responsiveness. This thesis presents the algorithms and theory which underpin the distributed collision detection approach and provides experimental results demonstrating its scalability and responsiveness

    Continuous collision detection for articulated models using Taylor models and temporal culling

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    Efficient collision detection for spherical blend skinning

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