2,334 research outputs found

    Conceptualizing the Co-Existence of Formal and Informal Institutions Within Planning

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    Conceptualizing the Co-Existence of Formal and Informal Institutions Within Planning Hazem Abu-Orf Faculty of Applied Engineering and Urban Planning, University of Palestine, Gaza, PalestineThe background to this study is addressing how formal and informal institutions might intersect in planning. This article has at its aim addressing not only the effects that formal and/or informal institutions have but also how both shape each other. In fulfilling this aim, analysis in this study adopts qualitative research methods, including qualitative interviewing, direct observation and archival records, which are applied to the Nicosia Master Plan that is considered in this study as a particular case study because it arguably helps this study to fulfill its aims. The perspective of formal/informal ‘dialectics’, marked by a ‘mutual-shaping’ exercise, is applied to this case study. Its application reveals several arguments as follow. First, formal institutions are found in this study to be blocked from mobilizing any development, however, remain the key determinant. The second argument concerns informal institutions that have been found to adopt strategies capable of mobilizing development, nevertheless, these strategies could not obviate the central role of formal institutions. Thirdly, formal institutions formalize informal institutions by ‘absorbing’ the latter into their hierarchy while equally denying any degree of autonomy, nor a role assigned, to informal institutions. Altogether, the findings revealed in this study stress the importance of the political and economic contexts of power that are key to how the formal/informal ‘dialectics’ occur.University of Palestine, www.up.edu.p

    Graphical Instruction For Coloring Mobile-Based Augmented Reality Applications

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    This paper describes an empirical study of effectiveness and satisfaction utility in augmented reality coloring application. Five children aged 6, 7 and 8 from several Primary School participated in usability test. This study involved applications that were used to study and observe the children interaction with augmented reality coloring application. These pre-tests were to measure the effectiveness and satisfaction on wizard Oz by conducting usability test, observation survey methods in order to assess children experience with augmented reality application. By following children computer interaction methodology the usability test appears to be helpful by providing input to design user interface and improve user experience. The result offers graphical instruction on interaction design framework for children augmented reality application. This research employed a qualitative experimental research with purpose to investigate the effects of user interface and user experience. This study had resulted animated graphical instruction in the production of coloring augmented reality application. It is a critical and comprehensive review of a range of recently published literature sources addressing various issues related to children computer interactio

    Difusi Inovasi Aplikasi Quiver 3-D Berbasis Teknologi Augmented Reality Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    This innovation diffusion research aims to disseminate innovative applications containing Augmented Reality (AR) technology in Early Childhood Education institutions through coloring activities in developing children's creativity. Because every child has talent and creativity that must be welcomed through various activities that can help their development. It is important for children in their learning environment to be given the opportunity to explore multi-media in order to realize the fertilization of their creative potential. Children's interest in digital devices can be used as a great opportunity for teachers in utilizing media and learning resources in early childhood education institutions. Augmented Reality (AR) technology content contained in the Q-3D Application in coloring activities provides an interesting offer by presenting virtual world visual images formed in 3-D animation into a real environment with the help of smartphones for images created and colored, so as to develop their creativity. In this innovation diffusion research, the descriptive analysis method is used with two approaches, namely: qualitative and quantitative. The data were obtained through three methods, namely: observation, interview, and documentation. Innovation diffusion research provides important findings that the level of adopter acceptance of the innovation of the Aaugmented Reality-based Quiver 3D app is very high and children's creativity is well developed.Penelitian difusi inovasi ini bertujuan untuk menyebarkan aplikasi inovatif bermuatan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) pada lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini melalui aktivitas mewarnai dalam pengembangan kreativitas anak. Karena setiap anak memiliki bakat dan kreativitas yang harus disambut dengan baik melalui berbagai aktivitas yang dapat membantu perkembangannya. Penting bagi anak dalam lingkungan belajarnya diberikan kesempatan mengeksplorasi multi media demi terwujudnya pembuahan potensi kreativitasnya. Minat anak terhadap perangkat digital dapat dijadikan peluang besar bagi guru dalam pemanfaatan media dan sumber belajar pada lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini. Muatan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) yang terdapat pada Aplikasi Q-3D dalam aktivitas mewarnai memberikan penawaran menarik dengan menghadirkan gambar visual dunia maya yang dibentuk dalam animasi 3-D menjadi lingkungan nyata dengan bantuan  smartphone atas gambar yang dibuat dan diwarnai, sehingga mampu mengembangkan kreativitasnya. Dalam penelitian difusi inovasi ini digunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan dua pendekatan, yakni: kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pemerolehan data penelitian melalui tiga cara, yakni: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian difusi inovasi memberikan hasil temuan penting bahwa tingkat adopter penerimaan terhadap inovasi apilikasi Quiver 3D berbasis Aaugmented Reality sangat tinggi dan kreativitas anak berkembang dengan baik

    Design and development of multimedia and multi-marker detection techniques in interactive augmented reality colouring book

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    The aim of this paper is to the design and develop multimedia and multi-markers detection techniques in interactive Augmented Reality (AR) colouring book application for aquarium museum. This study is conducted to create entertaining AR colouring mobile application on Android Operating System which allows users to express, create and interact with their creativity through colouring activities. It allows users to engage and relish the stimulating colouring book content by switching between a reality and augmented world. Conversely, users may tend to lose interest in the colouring activities, but with AR technology it keeps colouring relaxing and inspiring. The design and development of this project was carried out using Unity3D integrates with Vuforia Engine. The multimedia and multi-markers scripting was written in C# programming language

    Developing virtual and augmented reality applications for science, technology, engineering and math education

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    The Rhode Island IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Molecular Informatics Core at the University of Rhode Island Information Technology Services Innovative Learning Technologies developed virtual and augmented reality applications to teach concepts in biomedical science, including pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, cell culture and nanotechnology. The apps were developed as full virtual reality/augmented reality and 3D gaming versions, which do not require virtual reality headsets. Development challenges included creating intuitive user interfaces, text-to-voice functionality, visualization of molecules and implementing complex science concepts. In-app quizzes are used to assess the user\u27s understanding of topics, and user feedback was collected for several apps to improve the experience. The apps were positively reviewed by users and are being implemented into the curriculum at the University of Rhode Island

    Using Augmented Reality in early art education: a case study in Hong Kong kindergarten

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    Innovation in pedagogy by technology integration in kindergarten classroom has always been a challenge for most teachers. This design-based research aimed to explore the feasibility of using Augmented Reality (AR) technology in early art education with a focus on the gains and pains of this innovation. A case study was conducted in a typical kindergarten in Hong Kong, with a class of four- to five-year-old children (N=30) and their class teacher, ICT teacher as well as two parent volunteers. A series of art education activities using AR was designed and implemented in the class. Effectiveness of the activities was evaluated through a triangulation of semi-structured interviews with teachers, principal and parents, and surveys administered to children. The results indicated that (1) all the children could design, control and interact with the animated objects generated by the AR application; (2) all the stakeholders interviewed were supportive of this pedagogical innovation and (3) the principal, teachers and parents were concerned about the side effects of using AR in early childhood education. Possible improvements and implications to AR-based art education were also addressed.postprin

    Augmented Reality Trends in Education between 2016 and 2017 Years

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    The aim of this chapter is to review literature regarding using augmented reality (AR) in education articles published in between 2016 and 2017 years. The literature source was Web of Science and SSCI, SCI-EXPANDED, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, and ESCI indexes. Fifty-two articles were reviewed; however, 14 of them were not been included in the study. As a result, 38 articles were examined. Level of education, field of education, and material types of AR used in education and reported educational advantages of AR have been investigated. All articles are categorized according to target groups, which are early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, high school education, graduate education, and others. AR technology has been mostly carried out in primary and graduate education. “Science education” is the most explored field of education. Mobile applications and marker-based materials on paper have been mostly preferred. The major advantages indicated in the articles are “Learning/Academic Achievement,” “Motivation,” and “Attitude”