13 research outputs found

    De/construction sites: Romans and the digital playground

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    The Roman world as attested to archaeologically and as interacted with today has its expression in a great many computational and other media. The place of visualisation within this has been paramount. This paper argues that the process of digitally constructing the Roman world and the exploration of the resultant models are useful methods for interpretation and influential factors in the creation of a popular Roman aesthetic. Furthermore, it suggests ways in which novel computational techniques enable the systematic deconstruction of such models, in turn re-purposing the many extant representations of Roman architecture and material culture

    Interpretation at the controller's edge: designing graphical user interfaces for the digital publication of the excavations at Gabii (Italy)

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    This paper discusses the authors’ approach to designing an interface for the Gabii Project’s digital volumes that attempts to fuse elements of traditional synthetic publications and site reports with rich digital datasets. Archaeology, and classical archaeology in particular, has long engaged with questions of the formation and lived experience of towns and cities. Such studies might draw on evidence of local topography, the arrangement of the built environment, and the placement of architectural details, monuments and inscriptions (e.g. Johnson and Millett 2012). Fundamental to the continued development of these studies is the growing body of evidence emerging from new excavations. Digital techniques for recording evidence “on the ground,” notably SFM (structure from motion aka close range photogrammetry) for the creation of detailed 3D models and for scene-level modeling in 3D have advanced rapidly in recent years. These parallel developments have opened the door for approaches to the study of the creation and experience of urban space driven by a combination of scene-level reconstruction models (van Roode et al. 2012, Paliou et al. 2011, Paliou 2013) explicitly combined with detailed SFM or scanning based 3D models representing stratigraphic evidence. It is essential to understand the subtle but crucial impact of the design of the user interface on the interpretation of these models. In this paper we focus on the impact of design choices for the user interface, and make connections between design choices and the broader discourse in archaeological theory surrounding the practice of the creation and consumption of archaeological knowledge. As a case in point we take the prototype interface being developed within the Gabii Project for the publication of the Tincu House. In discussing our own evolving practices in engagement with the archaeological record created at Gabii, we highlight some of the challenges of undertaking theoretically-situated user interface design, and their implications for the publication and study of archaeological materials

    Information Visualization (iV): Notes about the 9th IV ’05 International Conference, London, England

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    This review tells about the International Conference on Information Visualization that is held annually in London, England. Themes selected from the Conference Proceedings are focused on theoretical concepts, semantic approach to visualization, digital art, and involve 2D, 3D, interactive and virtual reality tools and applications. The focal point of the iV 05 Conference was the progress in information and knowledge visualization, visual data mining, multimodal interfaces, multimedia, web graphics, graph theory application, augmented and virtual reality, semantic web visualization, HCI, digital art, among many other areas such as information visualization in geology, medicine, industry and education

    Técnicas de Realidad Virtual aplicadas a la Representación Arquitectónica. El Almudín de Valencia

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    [ES] El trabajo final de grado versará sobre las últimas técnicas de realidad virtual aplicadas a la representación y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico. El objetivo del trabajo es la aplicación de las técnicas estudiadas al desarrollo de un modelo informático del Almudín de Valencia, que podrá ser consultado de forma interactiva e inmersiva desde Internet a través de diversas plataformas. Este modelo proporcionará además información ampliada acerca de la historia y características del monumento, así como de su evolución constructiva a lo largo de la historia. Para la elaboración del modelo se realizará un levantamiento fotogramétrico mediante fotogrametría automatizada SfM (Structure From Motion). El modelo generado será exportado al motor de videojuegos de Unreal para su visualización en tiempo real a través de diversas plataformas como ordenadores o dispositivos móviles. Además de ello se realizarán fotografías panorámicas esféricas de 360º para comparar diversos modelos de visualización - escenario real frente a virtual - configurando así una plataforma de visualización divulgativa de este preciado bien arquitectónico de la ciudad.[EN] This Bachelor¿s dissertation delves into the latest techniques on virtual reality applied to the representation and valuing of architectural heritage. This study aims at applying studied techniques upon the development of a computation model of the Almudín of Valencia which could be consulted immersive and interactively through different online platforms. This model will also provide extended information with regards the monument¿s history, properties and building development throughout history. In order to elaborate such model, a photogrammetric survey will be carried out using automated photogrammetry SfM (Structure From Motion). The resulting model will be exported to the Unreal game engine for tis visualisation in real time through different platforms such as computers or mobile devices. In addition to this, spherical 360º panoramic photography will be taken in order to compare different visualisation models ¿ real versus virtual scenario - configuring this way an informational visual platform of this valuable architectonic good of the city.[CA] El treball final de grau versarà sobre les últimes tècniques de realitat virtual aplicades a la representació i posada en valor del patrimoni arquitectònic. L’objectiu del treball és l’aplicació de les tècniques estudiades al desenrotllament d’un model informàtic de l’Almodí de València, que podrà ser consultat de forma interactiva i inmersiva des d’Internet a través de diverses plataformes. Aquest model proporcionarà a més informació ampliada sobre la història i característiques del monument, així com de la seua evolució constructiva al llarg de la història. Per a l’elaboració del model es realitzarà un alçament fotogramétric per mitjà de fotogrametria automatitzada SfM (Structure From Motion) . El model generat serà exportat al motor de videojocs d’Unreal per a la seua visualització en temps real a través de diverses plataformes com a ordinadors o dispositius mòbils. A més d’això es realitzaran fotografies panoràmiques esfèriques de 360º per a comparar diversos models de visualització escenari real enfront de virtual - configurant així una plataforma de visualització divulgativa d’este preat ben arquitectònic de la ciutat.Cipoletta, M. (2017). Técnicas de Realidad Virtual aplicadas a la Representación Arquitectónica. El Almudín de Valencia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/116523TFG

    Motor de eventos

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Computação Gráfica e Ambientes Virtuais (área de especialização em Informática)“A Universidade do Minho, em particular o grupo de Gráficos, Interacção e Visão (GIV), em parceria com o Município de Ponte de Lima, desenvolveu um trabalho no âmbito do projecto ‘Ponte de Lima, Terra Rica da Humanidade’, que consistiu na modelação 3D, e apresentação sobre diversos formatos, da vila de Ponte de Lima na sua versão actual no início do século XXI, e numa possível reconstrução virtual da muralha construída no século XIV. De um ponto de vista académico e no âmbito da computação gráfica, este projecto permitiu ao grupo GIV atingir dois objectivos: a construção de um cenário virtual de grandes dimensões e um motor de renderização 3D completo e extremamente versátil.” [pl3D] A transcrição anterior refere-se ao motor gráfico de renderização 3D denominado Curitiba. Este permite visualizar modelos 3D, com capacidade para realizar múltiplos passos, possibilitando a geração de efeitos visuais complexos. Embora a demonstração do motor, no âmbito do projecto Ponte de Lima 3D, permitisse algumas animações e interactividade, estas foram de facto criadas através da alteração do próprio código, sem que houvesse na altura muito cuidado na elaboração de uma arquitectura para criar cenas dinâmicas. A interacção com alguns elementos no modelo, como por exemplo, clicando na marca que indica a subida do rio numa das grandes cheias ocorridas, provoca uma animação. Essa animação foi realizada de forma muito direccionada para o efeito desejado nesse momento, não permitindo generalizar de forma sistemática a criação de outras situações com animações diferentes, ou, mantendo animação, aplicá-la a outros modelos. Apesar de ter acoplado um motor de física e estar dotado de capacidades para facilmente ser expansível, o Curitiba permitia apenas criar um ambiente 3D estático sem interacção, a menos da movimentação da câmara no modo de primeira pessoa. Neste contexto pretende-se dotar o Curitiba da capacidade para definir e visualizar cenas dinâmicas, e com interacção, quer com o utilizador quer entre elementos da cena. É nesta perspectiva, a de acrescentar funcionalidade e interacção ao ambiente, que é proposto realizar nesta dissertação de mestrado, um estudo e implementação de uma arquitectura de software para um motor de eventos. Um motor de eventos que permita acrescentar diferentes tipos de interacção num ambiente 3D, que seja fácil de usar, genérico, e expansível, seguindo a própria filosofia do Curitiba.“Minho University, in particular the Graphics, Interaction and Vision team (GIV), in association with the council of Ponte de Lima has developed a project called ‘Ponte de Lima, a Land Rich in Humanity’, that consisted of the 3D modeling and presentation, in various formats, of the town of Ponte de Lima in its present version of the beginning of the XXIst century and in a virtual prospective reconstruction with the wall built in the XIVth century. From an academic point of view, and in the graphic computation field, this project allowed the GIV team to achieve two purposes: the construction of a large virtual scenario and a complete 3D rendering engine that is extremely versatile.” [pl3D] The previous quotation refers to a 3D rendering graphic engine called Curitiba. This allows 3D model visualization with multiple steps which make complex visual effects possible. Although the engine demonstration in the “Ponte de Lima 3D” project allowed some animation and interactivity, in fact they were achieved with the change of the engine’s own code, without taking into consideration at the time, the building of a dynamic architecture to create dynamic scenes. The interaction of some elements in the model, for instance, by clicking on a mark which represents the flooding of the river, causes an animation. That animation was achieved based on the wanted effect at the time, but it can’t be applied systematically when creating other situations with different animations or, when using that very animation on other models. Despite having engaged a physics engine and being able to be easily expandable, Curitiba, at the present moment, creates a static 3D ambience without interaction, besides the movement of the camera in first person mode. The aim of this work is to provide Curitiba with the ability to define and visualize dynamic scenes and with interaction among both the user and elements of the scene. To accomplish this goal, to add functionality and interaction to 3D environment, we propose to accomplish in this master work a software architecture study and implementation for an event engine. An event engine that permits expansion of different interaction types in 3D environment that is easy to use, generic and expandable, following the very philosophy of Curitiba

    Machinima And Video-based Soft Skills Training

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    Multimedia training methods have traditionally relied heavily on video based technologies and significant research has shown these to be very effective training tools. However production of video is time and resource intensive. Machinima (pronounced \u27muh-sheen-eh-mah\u27) technologies are based on video gaming technology. Machinima technology allows video game technology to be manipulated into unique scenarios based on entertainment or training and practice applications. Machinima is the converting of these unique scenarios into video vignettes that tell a story. These vignettes can be interconnected with branching points in much the same way that education videos are interconnected as vignettes between decision points. This study addressed the effectiveness of machinima based soft-skills education using avatar actors versus the traditional video teaching application using human actors. This research also investigated the difference between presence reactions when using avatar actor produced video vignettes as compared to human actor produced video vignettes. Results indicated that the difference in training and/or practice effectiveness is statistically insignificant for presence, interactivity, quality and the skill of assertiveness. The skill of active listening presented a mixed result indicating the need for careful attention to detail in situations where body language and facial expressions are critical to communication. This study demonstrates that a significant opportunity exists for the exploitation of avatar actors in video based instruction

    Open Communitition

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    The recent enthusiasm in popular culture for massively multiplayer online environments has proven that eclectic online communities have the potential to develop powerful problem solving capacities through the enactment of a collective intelligence. In collaborative design, this calls for the implementation of a shared environment leveraging the collective intelligence of online communities through open competition. The goal is to spur innovation through a public process where the emerging design ideas are available to all competitors. Foreseeing a radical change in the identity of the architect, becoming but the designer of these emergent communal design environments, this paper aims at making the case for this alternate CAAD model through the execution of a pilot study. This study, based on the Serpentine Pavilion procedural framework, sends a sample group of designers to a shared videogame environment, where they are asked to create their own pavilion using a kit of parts drawn from the reverse engineering of Frank Gehry’s 2008 pavilion. These iterations are scored in real time against a set of quantitative programmatic requirements, but they are also assessed qualitatively through more subjective criteria by the community of competitors, enriched by the immersive virtual experience of each other’s designs. Observation and analysis of participants has been undertaken through the recording of design sessions and online survey. This pilot study is currently being undertaken, yet the initial results hint at displaying much potential for a participative, intuitive and instantaneous form of collaborative CAAD based on communal competition

    Investigating and understanding the theoretical constructs and technical impactors on immersive dome user experience

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    This thesis explores the novel area of immersive digital domes (IDEs), a unique virtual reality tool that allows more than one user, sometimes a lot of users, into a space to share in engaging, interactive or real-time experiences. Using an active commercial development program, in the form of a government backed knowledge transfer program, this thesis develops a theoretical design framework, and evaluates it via iterative technical implementation with the overall goal to advance the collective knowledge of user experience within immersive digital domes. Between September 2015 and September 2017, the project researched and analysed dedicated developments into the design, development and implementation of improvements in the host companies digital dome product. During this time, the project team was able to establish itself as a knowledge leader in both the experiences currently offered within digital domes, as well as the inherent flaws in both their technical creation and internal user experiences. Via detailed analysis of the available research, this thesis explores the relationship between existing interactive space paradigms and those found within immersive domes. With the aim to understand what components contribute to experience within IDEs and how these components act together to influence user perception of the social, interactive and experience. This knowledge is used to drive direct commercial change and impact in the design, development and technical advancement, as well as the inherent impactors on user experience within immersive interactive spaces. This direct connection to instant commercial implementation and iteration allow for a very pragmatic qualitative methodology within the research, which was conducted across two areas, or phases. Phase one focuses on the experiential aspect of IDE for the end user. This involved collection and analysis of data from end users, sampling of existing literature and scrutiny of previous experiences, thus allowing for the beginning of constructs in the evaluation of IDE experiences. Phase two focuses on the refinement of the developer experience. It does so by utilising direct influence from the theoretical learning the first half of the research to implement rapid prototyping, hands on iteration and real-world technical adaptations to further refine the understanding of the user experience within immersive dome environments. Below, chapters two, three and four explore the existing literature, background and give context to the project and novel area of study, proposing the initial research questions this work will answer. Chapter four specifically discusses the unique on-site, active and implemented research methodology employed by this project; including detail about how results and developments will be validated. Chapter five explores phase one – end user experience. It expands on the findings in current literature to outline the understanding and developments in the field of user experience design within immersive domes. Documenting the contributing elements to dome experience as extrapolated from within the existing literature and via detailed analysis with an assembled expert panel. Chapter five also revisits the initial research hypotheses for further refinement. Chapter six is the documentation of phase two. Outlining and analysing a number of technical implementation within the host digital dome, and how the implementations answer the identified areas outlined in the user experience hypotheses. Technical implementations cover both hardware and software refinements that each have a distinct purpose or issue to address. Each of these are mapped to the constructs of immersive dome UX. Finally, chapters seven and eight integrate the findings from each phase and explore the larger research crossover between the technical and end user experience areas. Chapter seven analyses the impact of the changes over the course of the 24-month period and discusses what further improvements are possible within user and technical experience based on the previous work and learnings. Chapter eight looks to future research, discussing the implications for the development of IDEs, future areas of work and the goal of a more measurable framework in the capturing and analysis of UX within immersive digital domes

    Extending MAM5 Meta-Model and JaCalIVE Framework to Integrate Smart Devices from Real Environments

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    [EN] This paper presents the extension of a meta-model (MAM5) and a framework based on the model (JaCalIVE) for developing intelligent virtual environments. The goal of this extension is to develop augmented mirror worlds that represent a real and virtual world coupled, so that the virtual world not only reflects the real one, but also complements it. A new component called a smart resource artifact, that enables modelling and developing devices to access the real physical world, and a human in the loop agent to place a human in the system have been included in the meta-model and framework. The proposed extension of MAM5 has been tested by simulating a light control system where agents can access both virtual and real sensor/actuators through the smart resources developed. The results show that the use of real environment interactive elements (smart resource artifacts) in agent-based simulations allows to minimize the error between simulated and real system.This work is partially supported by the TIN2009-13839-C03-01, TIN2011-27652-C03-01, 547CSD2007-00022, COST Action IC0801, FP7-294931 and the FPI grant AP2013-01276 548 awarded to Jaime-Andres Rincon.Rincón Arango, JA.; Poza Luján, JL.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Posadas Yagüe, JL.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C. (2016). Extending MAM5 Meta-Model and JaCalIVE Framework to Integrate Smart Devices from Real Environments. PLoS ONE. 11(2):1-27. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0149665S127112Luck, M., & Aylett, R. (2000). Applying artificial intelligence to virtual reality: Intelligent virtual environments. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 14(1), 3-32. doi:10.1080/088395100117142Barella A, Ricci A, Boissier O, Carrascosa C. MAM5: Multi-Agent Model For Intelligent Virtual Environments. 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