5 research outputs found

    A Relaxation result for energies defined on pairs set-function and applications

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    We consider, in an open subset Ω of RN, energies depending on the perimeter of a subset E С Ω (or some equivalent surface integral) and on a function u which is defined only on E. We compute the lower semicontinuous envelope of such energies. This relaxation has to take into account the fact that in the limit, the “holes” Ω \ E may collapse into a discontinuity of u, whose surface will be counted twice in the relaxed energy. We discuss some situations where such energies appear, and give, as an application, a new proof of convergence for an extension of Ambrosio-Tortorelli’s approximation to the Mumford-Shah functional

    Shapes of Epitaxially Grown Quantum Dots

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    A variational model introduced by Spencer and Tersoff (Appl. Phys. Lett. 96:073114, 2010) to describe optimal faceted shapes of epitaxially deposited films is studied analytically in the case in which there are a non-vanishing crystallographic miscut and a lattice incompatibility between the film and the substrate. The existence of faceted minimizers for every volume of the deposited film is established. In particular, it is shown that there is no wetting effect for small volumes. Geometric properties including a faceted version of the zero contact angle are derived, and the explicit shapes of minimizers for small volumes are identified