6 research outputs found

    The Mirror DBMS at TREC-8

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    The database group at University of Twente participates in TREC8 using the Mirror DBMS, a prototype database system especially designed for multimedia and web retrieval. From a database perspective, the purpose has been to check whether we can get sufficient performance, and to prepare for the very large corpus track in which we plan to participate next year. From an IR perspective, the experiments have been designed to learn more about the effect of the global statistics on the ranking

    Cooperative scans

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    Data mining, information retrieval and other application areas exhibit a query load with multiple concurrent queries touching a large fraction of a relation. This leads to individual query plans based on a table scan or large index scan. The implementation of this access path in most database systems is straightforward. The Scan operator issues next page requests to the buffer manager without concern for the system state. Conversely, the buffer manager is not aware of the work ahead and it focuses on keeping the most-recently-used pages in the buffer pool. This paper introduces cooperative scans -- a new algorithm, based on a better sharing of knowledge and responsibility between the Scan operator and the buffer manager, which significantly improves performance of concurrent scan queries. In this approach, queries share the buffer content, and progress of the scans is optimized by the buffer manager by minimizing the number of disk transfers in light of the total workload ahead. The experimental results are based on a simulation of the various disk-access scheduling policies, and implementation of the cooperative scans within PostgreSQL and MonetDB/X100. These real-life experiments show that with a little effort the performance of existing database systems on concurrent scan queries can be strongly improve

    A five-level static cache architecture for web search engines

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    Caching is a crucial performance component of large-scale web search engines, as it greatly helps reducing average query response times and query processing workloads on backend search clusters. In this paper, we describe a multi-level static cache architecture that stores five different item types: query results, precomputed scores, posting lists, precomputed intersections of posting lists, and documents. Moreover, we propose a greedy heuristic to prioritize items for caching, based on gains computed by using items' past access frequencies, estimated computational costs, and storage overheads. This heuristic takes into account the inter-dependency between individual items when making its caching decisions, i.e.; after a particular item is cached, gains of all items that are affected by this decision are updated. Our simulations under realistic assumptions reveal that the proposed heuristic performs better than dividing the entire cache space among particular item types at fixed proportions. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Search engine optimisation using past queries

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    World Wide Web search engines process millions of queries per day from users all over the world. Efficient query evaluation is achieved through the use of an inverted index, where, for each word in the collection the index maintains a list of the documents in which the word occurs. Query processing may also require access to document specific statistics, such as document length; access to word statistics, such as the number of unique documents in which a word occurs; and collection specific statistics, such as the number of documents in the collection. The index maintains individual data structures for each these sources of information, and repeatedly accesses each to process a query. A by-product of a web search engine is a list of all queries entered into the engine: a query log. Analyses of query logs have shown repetition of query terms in the requests made to the search system. In this work we explore techniques that take advantage of the repetition of user queries to improve the accuracy or efficiency of text search. We introduce an index organisation scheme that favours those documents that are most frequently requested by users and show that, in combination with early termination heuristics, query processing time can be dramatically reduced without reducing the accuracy of the search results. We examine the stability of such an ordering and show that an index based on as little as 100,000 training queries can support at least 20 million requests. We show the correlation between frequently accessed documents and relevance, and attempt to exploit the demonstrated relationship to improve search effectiveness. Finally, we deconstruct the search process to show that query time redundancy can be exploited at various levels of the search process. We develop a model that illustrates the improvements that can be achieved in query processing time by caching different components of a search system. This model is then validated by simulation using a document collection and query log. Results on our test data show that a well-designed cache can reduce disk activity by more than 30%, with a cache that is one tenth the size of the collection

    Interaction of query evaluation and buffer management for information retrieval

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    The proliferation of the World Wide Web has brought information retrieval (IR) techniques to the forefront of search technology. To the average computer user, “searching ” now means using IR-based systems for finding information on the WWW or in other document collections. IR query evaluation methods and workloads differ significantly from those found in database systems. In this paper, we focus on three such differences. First, due to the inherent fuzziness of the natural language used in IR queries and documents, an additional degree of flexibility is permitted in evaluating queries. Second, IR query evaluation algorithms tend to have accesspatterns that cause problems for traditional buffer replacement policies. Third, IR search is often an iterative process, in which a query is repeatedly refined and resubmitted by the user. Based on these differences, we develop two complementary techniques to improve the efficiency of IR queries: 1) Buffer-aware query evaluation, which alters the query evaluation process based on the current contents of buffers; and 2) Ranking-aware buffer replacement, which incorporates knowledge of the query processing strategy into replacement decisions. In a detailed performance study we show that using either of these techniques yields significant performance benefits and that in many cases, combining them produces even further improvements.

    Interaction of Query Evaluation and Buffer Management for Information Retrieval

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    The proliferation of the World Wide Web has brought information retrieval (IR) techniques to the forefront of search technology. To the average computer user, "searching" now means using IR-based systems for finding information on the WWW or in other document collections. IR query evaluation methods and workloads differ significantly from those found in database systems. In this paper, we focus on three such differences. First, due to the inherent fuzziness of the natural language used in IR queries and documents, an additional degree of flexibility is permitted in evaluating queries. Second, IR query evaluation algorithms tend to have accesspatterns that cause problems for traditional buffer replacement policies. Third, IR search is often an iterative process, in which a query is repeatedly refined and resubmitted by the user. Based on these differences, we developtwo complementary techniques to improve the efficiency of IR queries: 1) Buffer-aware query evaluation, which alters the q..