32 research outputs found

    Investigating the Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of transformational leadership dimensions on organizational effectiveness with respect to the mediating role of organizational culture. Methodology: The statistical population of this research is Iranian knowledge-based companies, which at the time of collecting research data, their number is 4551 companies. Data collection method was based on three questionnaires: MLQ leadership styles, Hofstede organizational culture and Parsons organizational effectiveness. The analysis of research data was done through structural equation modeling and using Smart PLS software in two parts: measurement model and structural model. The sampling method used in this study is stratified random sampling method and the sample studied in this study using Cochran's formula, 354 companies were obtained, of which 354 questionnaires were distributed online among these companies and 175 The completed questionnaire was collected for analysis. Findings: The findings of the present study show that the effect of ideal influence and motivational motivation variables on organizational culture and also the effect of organizational culture on organizational effectiveness is positive and significant and also organizational culture mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational effectiveness. Originality/Value: Given that traditional methods of management and leadership, in today's changing and dynamic conditions, lack the necessary effectiveness, so a change in the leadership style of managers and the use of transformational leadership is necessary to achieve organizational effectiveness

    Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Sekolah Menengah Atas Menggunakan Ward Peppard

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    The implementation of the information system requires strategic planning in an organization so that the benefits of implementing an information system can be felt more optimally, this will be applied to high school schools in Jakarta. The problems faced by schools are quite diverse, starting with the management of school data to performance evaluations and the need for an integrated system for each division to support the organization's business processes. Strategic planning is made with targeted targets such as alignment of information systems in academic non-academic processes and school data management, improving performance in infrastructure management, and increasing competitiveness by creating a website-based system for school promotion. Goals can be achieved by aligning the information system strategy with the organization's business strategy. To determine the information system strategy, the organization's current business strategy is needed. This information system strategic planning research was conducted using the Ward Peppard method. This method helps to be able to understand the organization more deeply before strategic planning is made. It includes SWOT  analysis, Value Chain, PEST, Critical Success Factor, and Mcfarlan's Strategic Grid analysis  in the form of strategy recommendations from the results of internal and external environmental analysis of school information systems, and application portfolios will be mapped to be applied to school organizations to achieve expected business goal

    The mediation role of innovation on the relationship between strategic leadership styles and organizational performance; a conceptual framework

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    Although the determinants of organizational performance have received much attention, which is due to the essential role of performance maximization to the organization, there are still undiscovered determinants that predict organizational performance improvement. This paper proposes a conceptual framework that nominates the strategic leadership style dimensions as making strategic decisions, engaging with external stakeholders, performing human resource management activities, motivating and influencing, managing information, overseeing operation and administration, managing social and ethical issues, managing conflicting demands, which affect the organizational performance through the innovation mediation

    Managing workforce agility through bureaucratic leadership and organizational culture in public service mediated by psychological empowerment

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of bureaucratic leadership and organizational culture in public service on workforce agility mediated by psychological empowerment in East Kalimantan.  This is an explanatory survey of local government organizations/LGOs in East Kalimantan with an observation unit, consisting of 238 employees who were selected randomly. Data analysis was then carried out using the covariant SEM procedure. The results showed that workforce agility was influenced by leadership and organizational culture. Therefore, leaders who are able to maintain balance in local political dynamics, administrative demands, and running strategy execution are needed. This is because they can ensure the readiness of subordinates to participate in acceleration. Additionally, the organizational culture ensures the orientation of employees to workforce agility through an effective empowerment process. Psychological empowerment mediates the influence of bureaucratic leadership and organizational culture on workforce agility.  Agility concept in the organization is one of the major focuses, and itsimplementation is a strategic and operational framework for public institutions. Integrating the idea of ​​agility, leadership, and workforce is a framework to design methods and taxonomies to set priorities for workforce agility in public institutions from a new public service perspective


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    Purpose of the article. The research is aimed at analysing the concept of organisational culture transformation and providing practical recommendations for the development and implementation of an effective model of organisational culture transformation that will encourage team members to perform at their best, ensuring customer satisfaction. Methodology. A system of general and unique methods of scientific knowledge was used in writing the current research. The method of content analysis was used in the literature review and its analytical research. The methods of scientific knowledge – induction, grouping and comparison for the formation of methodological connections were used to justify the choice of the research topic and to formulate its purpose. The method of generalisation was used to establish that in modern conditions the approaches to the organisational culture of business enterprises require immediate transformation, taking into account the conditions of digitalisation. The method of system analysis is used to determine strategic priorities for the transformation of organizational culture in the conditions of digitalization. The application of the method of modelling allowed to develop a model of transformation of the organizational culture in conditions of digitalization to promote the development of business enterprises and to influence the beginning of conditions of digitalization. The comparative legal method was used to identify the challenges to be considered when implementing the model of organisational culture transformation in business enterprises. Research conclusion. Strategic priorities for the transformation of organisational culture in the conditions of digitalisation are proposed. The reasons for transforming organisational culture in the context of digitalisation are highlighted. Challenges that can be considered when implementing the transformation model are predicted. The system of organisational culture transformation in the conditions of business digitalisation is developed. The model of transformation of organizational culture in conditions of digitalization is developed in order to promote the development of business strategies aimed at sustainable development of entrepreneurship and to influence the onset of conditions of digitisation in business

    Providing the Strategic Behavior Model of Sports Managers

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    Given the critical role of sport managers’ behaviors in developing efficient processes in sport settings, the aim of the current study was to provide a model of sports managers’ strategic behavior. The research participants were selected theoretically through a snowball sampling approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professional sport managers to collect the research data. Grounded Theory (GT) with a Systematic Approach was applied for data analysis. The results of qualitative data analysis from the interview were presented as a paradigm model of strategic behavior of sports managers in the form of six dimensions of the paradigm model, including causal condition, the main phenomenon (strategic behavior of managers), contextual condition, intervening condition, action /interaction strategy, consequences. The categorization based on the relationships between the concepts around the behavior of managers presents the paradigm model of the strategic behavior of sports managers. According to the findings, managers can eliminate many of the strategic barriers in sports organizations by institutionalizing strategic thinking and making decisions based on strategic behavior

    Mediating Effect of External Factors to the Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Organizational Performance

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    Inappropriate leadership style harms employees and the organization's overall performance. Lack of leadership likely causes unethical practises, high turnover, and employee disengagement. Many of the organization's problems are attributed to incompetent or mismatched administrators. They may use an inappropriate leadership style with project subordinates. There is lack of studies on leadership styles and organisational performance, especially in oil and gas organisations. Hence, this research examines the relationship leadership styles and organisational performance of ADNOC company. This study involved questionnaire survey for data collection and analysis of 398 questionnaire forms was carried out through structural equation modelling. The study established a mediation model where the external factors act as mediator to the relationship. Based on the assessment on the model, it was found that Charismatic and Democratic leadership styles have a significant impact on organisational performance while Transformational and Transactional do not have significant effect on the organization performance. Also, external environment is proven as mediator of Charismatic and Democratic leadership styles. Overall, the developed model can assist for adopting the leadership style in achieving the successful organizational performance of ADNOC Company

    The Impact of Talent Management Practices on Employee Performance: Leadership Competencies as a Mediator

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    ABSTRACT Purpose:  This research aims to fill some of the knowledge gaps in employee performance in the UAE through the direct impact of realistic job previews, performance-based compensation, perceived organizational support, mentoring, training and development on employee performance, and an indirect impact through the mediating effect of leadership competencies. By providing resource-based view (RBV) theory, this research aims to add to the body of knowledge and empirical data by explaining how employee performance in government organizations in the UAE may evolve.   Theoretical framework: Talent management practices are applied by leadership competencies if each employee inevitably plays his or her overall function in the performance of the organization (Wassem et al., 2019). It is important to look at how much talent management practises have enhanced employee performance since leadership competence has an effect on them.   Design/Methodology/Approach:  In this study, a cross-sectional design was appropriate. Moreover, 280 employees from Government Housing Programs Departments in United Arab Emirates were given questionnaires. The research found a significant impact of talent management practices on employee performance.   Findings:  the results demonstrated the function of leadership competencies as a mediator between talent management practices and employee performance. The current research also highlighted the research's implications, recommendations for future research, and limitations.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  One of the study's limitations is that it relies on a cross-sectional design; leadership competencies and employee performance are often time-consuming processes that may benefit from a longitudinal study. In addition, adopting quota sampling impacts the usable conclusion; the subsequent research may enhance the sample technique and be based on the effect of the described further circumstances.   Originality/Value: in its specific focus on the impact of talent management practices on employee performance, its exploration of an emerging field within HR management, its holistic examination of the talent management process, its potential to establish causal relationships, its practical implications for organizations, its guidance for HR strategies, its value for HR practitioners, and its contribution to the academic literature. These elements collectively emphasize the significance of the study in advancing understanding and practices in talent management and organizational performance

    The relationship between Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) and facilitators to achieve successful business outcomes in South Korean organizations

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    Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) is an important process in the implementation and use of IT systems in today’s dynamic and increasingly digitalized organizations. However, SISP is not a straightforward task, it is a process that covers simultaneous multiple planning issues often in changing environmental and organizational climates. Although SISP has been widely studied, and evaluating the SISP process has matured, theory on SISP facilitators that enable successful outcomes remain sparse. The main objective of this paper is to explore such facilitators and to investigate their relationshipand contribution in achieving SISP success. By postal surveying a random sample of managers with SISP experience in South Korean organizations, we modeled the relationship between facilitators of SISP and their outcomes. The study used Structural Equation Modelling to analyze and validate its findings. This study suggests that facilitators positively affect successful SISP through business and IT alignment. It also demonstrates that effective SISP has a positive effect on organizational outcomes by ensuring organizational capabilities and IT infrastructure flexibility. The findings of this study expounding the role of facilitators adds to the theory of SISP and provides a guide to planners and managers responsible for information systems

    Analyzing the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province

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    The purpose of the current research is to analyze the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province. According to its purpose, the research method is applicable; and in terms of execution method, it is qualitative, descriptive-exploratory; and in terms of its nature, it is among foundation data research. The statistical population of this research includes 12 experts who are well-informed and proficient in the subject of research in the field of management and have a valid scientific background in this field. Sampling method used in this research was non-random purposeful. The method of data collection is referring to documents, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. For data analysis, Atlas ti software was used to code the interviews. The results showed that in the normative dimension, there are 10 categories: organizational justice, work maturity, ambiguity avoidance, external supervision, decision-making, job promotion, masculinity or feminism, concentration (power distance), customer orientation, productivity with 57 indicators; and in the Individual dimension also has 10 categories: sense of belonging, responsibility, individual creativity, communication, participation (teamwork), identity, self-control, motivation, conflict, interaction in 61 indicators and in 6 categories that include causal conditions, communication conditions, background factors, intervener factors, strategies, consequences were identified.Extended abstractIntroductionJust as people in the society have certain beliefs, values ​​and behaviors that represent their personality; organizations also have common assumptions and basic beliefs that shape their culture. Culture has been defined as the set of spiritual achievements of a nation. Culture is a human invention and made by human hands. This finding reflects the existence and identity of a society (Mirza Mohammadi, 2021). Organizational culture is the personality of the organization and it is considered as the basic infrastructure for transformation and change, and managers should understand its relationship with national culture and strive for organizational cohesion by taking advantage of its strategic role. Organizational culture is an interwoven set of basic assumptions, common inferences and collective wisdom that is formed in the context of previous experiences and findings in facing internal or external issues and serves as a guiding light and an invigorating source plays a role in shaping the behavior of employees and architecture of the present and future of the organization (Mohammadiyan & Shahsavari, 2019).Education is a continuous activity, comprehensive and for everyone, which leads to human growth and development, cultural enrichment and the excellence of society, and therefore, innovation should always be created in it. In other words, education is not specific to an exclusive period and time of life and has no time limit, so it must always be renewed and updated (Safaei et al, 2020). For organizational innovation, development and transformation, one of the important organizational conditions that must be considered in policies and implementation of programs is related organizational culture. The author's many years of experience in executive affairs shows that lack of paying attention to organizational culture has not always led to the desired results of innovation, development, organizational transformation and change in organizations (Hamzeh & Hamzeh, 2016). An organizational culture able to respond to environmental changes can lead to optimal organizational performance.According to the above materials, the researcher asked the main question: what are the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province? Theoretical FrameworkOrganizational CultureCulture is a set of customs, standards and individual and social behaviors; therefore, while culture is the effect of many parts of religious views, it is also considered the cause of many conditions and situations. Due to the progress of communication tools and the ever-increasing expansion of their use in many social phenomena and developments, the role of culture has become far greater than in the past; in such a way that culture now plays a decisive role at the domestic, regional and international levels and is one of the tools that governments use to achieve their goals and objectives; in this way, cultural dominance is not a new phenomenon. Cultural policy in the general and customary sense includes a set of goals, principles, priorities and executive policies (Mirza Mohammadi, 2021).Normative and individual variablesIn the conceptual definition of norms, most sociologists are more or less unanimous that norms (forms) are the rules of social behavior that guide a person in social actions. Observing these patterns and rules of behavior expected by the society's culture, and avoiding them is punishable (Khabbaz Yazdiha et al, 2020).Zebardast et al, (2022) investigated the relationship between the transformational leadership factors of educational group managers on the effectiveness of university faculty members through organizational culture. The results showed that the relationship between transformational leadership style of managers and organizational culture was significant and the mediating variable of organizational culture has a significant effect on the relationship between transformational leadership style and the effectiveness of faculty members. It can be said that transformational leadership does not have a direct and significant effect on effectiveness in the final research model. However, transformational leadership affects the effectiveness of faculty members through organizational culture.Yusefi et al, (2022) investigated the impact of individual and normative variables on ethical leadership. The results of the research show that value, job satisfaction, motivation, personality, creativity, components were individual components, and organizational communication, organizational culture, organizational structure, decision-making styles, roles and expectations, goals and strategy were normative components that had a significant impact on ethical leadership.Research methodologyThis research is applicable in terms of purpose, qualitative in terms of execution method: descriptive-exploratory type, and data-based in terms of its nature. The statistical population includes 12 experts and specialists who are well-informed and proficient in the subject of research in the field of management, and have a valid scientific background in this field. Non-random purposeful sampling method is used to determine the samples and determine the experts.Research findingsThree types of coding were used to analyze the data obtained from the interview as well as theoretical foundations, which are: open coding, axial coding and selective coding. For analysis, Atlas ti software was used to code the interviews. The results showed that in the normative dimension, 10 categories were identified: organizational justice, work maturity, ambiguity avoidance, external supervision, decision-making, job promotion, masculinity or feminism, concentration (power distance), customer orientation, productivity with 57 indicators; and in the individual dimension also 10 categories: sense of belonging, responsibility, individual creativity, communication, participation, identity, self-control, motivation, conflict, interaction in 61 indicators, and in 6 categories that include causal conditions, communication conditions, background factors, intervener factors, strategies, consequences.ConclusionThe present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province. The results of this research are correspond with the results of Turki et al, (2021), Eimani et al, (2021), Van Dung HA (2020), Yusefi et al, (2020), Mohebbi et al, (2023), Zebardast et al, (2022). Mohebbi et al, (2023) showed that in educational organizations, organizational culture plays an important role in producing teamwork culture and achieving the benefits of the process of participation and collaboration. Educational systems have a special place according to their goals and mission, the most important of which is the training of efficient human resources for other institutions of society; and universities are the most important and key educational organizations that, in addition to training human resources, respond to the social needs for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge and technology.According to the results obtained in three dimensions, the following suggestions are presented:- The motivation of managers to create team and collaborative activities should be improved. The opportunity to grow, develop and acquire new effective professional skills and knowledge for managers should be provided for the managers. The conditions of sustainable competitive advantage should be designed. The ground for continuous improvement of organizational intelligence in order to realize the learning organization should be prepared. Individual development and strengthening positive behaviors of managers should be considered. By creating a positive organizational atmosphere, the cooperative structure of the organization should be strengthened. Agility of the organization structure according to the suitability of the job and competence of the people and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the rules and regulations by simplifying matters should be considered. By supporting individual values ​​and de-stressing people, internal motivation and sense of belonging to the organization should be improved. Influence in decision-making and implementation by delegating authority should be considered. The position of managers in the organization should be changed to facilitator and leader. Try to create an active, effective and sustainable teaching and learning environment. Macro vision, goal setting, strategic planning and management, foresight, future research and future-recording and problem solving ability should be taken into consideration as important points for choosing staff managers